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Customize the Cayman theme to our liking
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orzechow committed Oct 7, 2024
1 parent 7e0ec68 commit 63a95d2
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Showing 6 changed files with 178 additions and 1 deletion.
52 changes: 51 additions & 1 deletion _config.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,53 @@
# This is a config file for Jekyll, the static site generator used by GitHub Pages.
# In our setup, the top-level is the landing page,
# while the rest of the pages and all assets are in the docs folder.
# This way, we can use the main branchs' as main website,
# add subpages for the tutorial and deep dive docs,
# while avoiding Jekyll clutter in the repo root.

remote_theme: pages-themes/[email protected]
- jekyll-remote-theme
- jekyll-remote-theme

includes_dir: docs/_includes
sass_dir: docs/assets/_sass

# Tell Jekyll to use and docs/ only.
# For some reason exluding root and then including only these does not work,
# see
# So, we have to take the explicit detour…

# Jekyll default excludes
- .sass-cache/
- .jekyll-cache/
- gemfiles/
- Gemfile
- Gemfile.lock
- node_modules/
- vendor/bundle/
- vendor/cache/
- vendor/gems/
- vendor/ruby/

# Custom C++ excludes
- build
- cmake
- CMakeLists.txt
- demo
- include
- src
- test

# Docker files
- /**/*ocker*
- /*ocker*

# Others
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/_includes/head-custom.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ '/docs/assets/css/style.css?v=' | append: site.github.build_revision | relative_url }}">
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions docs/assets/_sass/fonts.scss
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
@import url(',wght@0,300..900;1,300..900&family=Source+Code+Pro:ital,wght@0,200..900;1,200..900&family=Source+Sans+3:ital,wght@0,200..900;1,200..900&display=swap');

body {
font-family: "Source Sans 3", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;

.main-content {
h6 {
font-weight: 600;
font-family: 'Rubik';

code {
font-family: "Source Code Pro", Consolas, "Liberation Mono", Menlo, Courier, monospace;

pre {
font-family: "Source Code Pro", Consolas, "Liberation Mono", Menlo, Courier, monospace;
65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions docs/assets/_sass/rouge-monokai.scss
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
.highlight pre { background-color: #272822; }
.highlight .hll { background-color: #272822; }
.highlight .c { color: #75715e } /* Comment */
.highlight .err { color: #960050; background-color: #1e0010 } /* Error */
.highlight .k { color: #66d9ef } /* Keyword */
.highlight .l { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal */
.highlight .n { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name */
.highlight .o { color: #f92672 } /* Operator */
.highlight .p { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Punctuation */
.highlight .cm { color: #75715e } /* Comment.Multiline */
.highlight .cp { color: #75715e } /* Comment.Preproc */
.highlight .c1 { color: #75715e } /* Comment.Single */
.highlight .cs { color: #75715e } /* Comment.Special */
.highlight .ge { font-style: italic } /* Generic.Emph */
.highlight .gs { font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Strong */
.highlight .kc { color: #66d9ef } /* Keyword.Constant */
.highlight .kd { color: #66d9ef } /* Keyword.Declaration */
.highlight .kn { color: #f92672 } /* Keyword.Namespace */
.highlight .kp { color: #66d9ef } /* Keyword.Pseudo */
.highlight .kr { color: #66d9ef } /* Keyword.Reserved */
.highlight .kt { color: #66d9ef } /* Keyword.Type */
.highlight .ld { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.Date */
.highlight .m { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.Number */
.highlight .s { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String */
.highlight .na { color: #a6e22e } /* Name.Attribute */
.highlight .nb { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Builtin */
.highlight .nc { color: #a6e22e } /* Name.Class */
.highlight .no { color: #66d9ef } /* Name.Constant */
.highlight .nd { color: #a6e22e } /* Name.Decorator */
.highlight .ni { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Entity */
.highlight .ne { color: #a6e22e } /* Name.Exception */
.highlight .nf { color: #a6e22e } /* Name.Function */
.highlight .nl { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Label */
.highlight .nn { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Namespace */
.highlight .nx { color: #a6e22e } /* Name.Other */
.highlight .py { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Property */
.highlight .nt { color: #f92672 } /* Name.Tag */
.highlight .nv { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Variable */
.highlight .ow { color: #f92672 } /* Operator.Word */
.highlight .w { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Text.Whitespace */
.highlight .mf { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.Number.Float */
.highlight .mh { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.Number.Hex */
.highlight .mi { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.Number.Integer */
.highlight .mo { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.Number.Oct */
.highlight .sb { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */
.highlight .sc { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Char */
.highlight .sd { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Doc */
.highlight .s2 { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Double */
.highlight .se { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.String.Escape */
.highlight .sh { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */
.highlight .si { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Interpol */
.highlight .sx { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Other */
.highlight .sr { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Regex */
.highlight .s1 { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Single */
.highlight .ss { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Symbol */
.highlight .bp { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */
.highlight .vc { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Variable.Class */
.highlight .vg { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Variable.Global */
.highlight .vi { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Variable.Instance */
.highlight .il { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */

.highlight .gh { } /* Generic Heading & Diff Header */
.highlight .gu { color: #75715e; } /* Generic.Subheading & Diff Unified/Comment? */
.highlight .gd { color: #f92672; } /* Generic.Deleted & Diff Deleted */
.highlight .gi { color: #a6e22e; } /* Generic.Inserted & Diff Inserted */
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions docs/assets/_sass/variables.scss
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
// Breakpoints
$large-breakpoint: 64em !default;
$medium-breakpoint: 42em !default;

// Headers
$header-heading-color: #fff !default;
$header-bg-color: #008383 !default;
$header-bg-color-secondary: #00001D !default;

// Text
$section-headings-color: #257180 !default;
$body-text-color: #606c71 !default;
$body-link-color: #008383 !default;
$blockquote-text-color: #819198 !default;

// Code
$code-bg-color: #272822 !default;
$code-text-color: #f8f8f2 !default;

// Borders
$border-color: #dce6f0 !default;
$table-border-color: #e9ebec !default;
$hr-border-color: #eff0f1 !default;
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions docs/assets/css/style.scss
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@

// Set custom colors
@import 'variables';

// Use the Cayman theme
@import 'jekyll-theme-cayman';

// Change fonts and syntax highlighting
@import 'fonts';
@import 'rouge-monokai';

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