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The GML-Toolbox is a tool for handling spatially related data in the standardized formats XPlanGML (all versions), CityGML (all versions and Application Domain Extensions(ADEs)), BoreholeML (version 3.0), ALKIS/NAS (version 5.1 and 6.0), or an INSPIRE format. For all formats, reading and writing of file-based data, geometrical and syntactical checking (schema validation), evaluation and change of attribute values, reference system transformations, as well as visualization with external viewers are supported. For this, two-dimensional geodata are transformed into the Structured Vector Graphics (SVG) format and displayed with a suited HTML browser. For three-dimensional geodata, the Keyhole Markup Language (KML) format is used as visualization format, and GoogleEarth as external viewer. The software can only be used under MS-Windows.

The German national standard XPlanGML for urban and landscape planning information is supported by a number of specialized features: Transformation of Shapefile-based plans into the XPlanGML format, checking of he XPlanGML conformity rules, and migration of older standard-versions into newer ones.


GML-Toolbox release version

GML-Toolbox user manual


The software is released under Apache 2.0 license

Author: Dr. Joachim Benner

Building the Application

Source Code Repositories

Due to historical reasons(TM) the software is splitted into three submodule repositories and a wrapping superprojekt repository.

  --+ GML-ToolboxApp
    |-- GML-Toolbox     (URL ../GMLToolbox-src.git)
    |-- gps             (URL ../GMLToolbox-gps.git)
    |-- Diagramm        (URL ../GMLToolbox-tsdiagram.git)

Also due to historical reasons(TM) the names of the repositories do not match the names of the submodules, and thus the submodule paths and the submodule URLs are different from the submodule names.

When you are cloning the superproject repository (this repo), the submodules are not cloned immediatly. You have do a git submodule init and git submodule update to have a complete clone of the project.


Currently the toolbox is build using the ''Visual Studio 2022 (v143)'' platform toolset. The application is targeted to the ''Windows SDK 10'' and the ''.NET Framework v4.7.2''

The main entry point for loading the project into Visual Studio is the solution file GML-ToolboxApp.sln located in the superproject folder. In the solution there are different configurations. Please start with either Debug x64 or Release x64. These are the configurations that should be prefered. Other configurations might not represent the latest development state and are subject to be removed in the future.

Select the project GML-Toolbox as the start project for the solution.

When the build is completed, the executable should be located somewhere in x64\Debug\GML-Toolbox.exe resp. x64\Release\GML-Toolbox.exe.

Release Assets

The asset for release is build from the content of the Resources folder and the binary files GML-Toolbox.exe and Diagramm.dll. (Currently the content of the folders batik-1.7, GMLSchemata and XSD are not contained in the repository, since the content of these folders are constructed from public sources. However, those public resources are not yet linked correctly.)