Hi, I'm Karol a student of 42 school and the Wrocław University of Science and Technology. A programmer with several years of experience and a beginner in the cybersecurity industry.
Name/Link | Description | Team | Technologies |
Libft | Recreation of few functions from C standard library. `42 Project` | Solo | |
ft_printf | This project is about recoding printf from standard C library. `42 Project` | Solo | |
get_next_line | Reading text from a file or standard input line by line. `42 Project` | Solo | |
Born2beroot | Set up own operating system while implementing strict rules. `42 Project` | Solo | |
Minitalk | The purpose of this project is to code a small data exchange program using UNIX signals. `42 Project` | Solo | |
push_swap | This project involves sorting data on a stack, with a limited set of instructions, and the smallest number of moves. `42 Project` | Solo | |
Philosophers | This project is about learning how threads work by precisely timing a group of philosophers on when to pick up forks and eat spaghetti without dying from hunger. `42 Project` | Solo | |
Minishell | The objective of this project is for you to create a simple shell. Minishell is a project aimed at building a Unix-like shell with a variety of functionalities. `42 Project` | ||
Cub3D | This project is inspired by the world-famous eponymous 90's game, which was the first FPS ever. It explore ray-casting and 3D graphics.`42 Project` | ||
42CPP | This comprehensive C++ learning project is structured around various modules, each designed to delve deep into specific aspects of C++ programming. `42 Project` | Solo | |
Incepction | This project aims to broaden knowledge of system administration by using Docker. `42 Project` | Solo | |
Webserv | This project is about writing own HTTP server. `42 Project` | ||
ft_transcendence | The ft_transcendence project is about creating a website for the mighty Pong contest. The website will allow users to play Pong with others in real-time multiplayer online games. `42 Project` | ||
CodersSchool | This GitHub project contains my solutions to tasks and homework assignments from the CodersSchool course. | Solo | |
Algorithms | This GitHub repository contains my implementations of algorithms that I learnt from my books and courses. | Solo | |
WH - RoarING Success | This repository contains a solution for the anomaly detection task in IT systems.\. |