Copy folder from Dans repository:
cd into src folder and do: sed -i '37s/useLL1=false;/useLL1=true;/' /path/to/folder/calotriggeremulator/src/
which changes: useLL1=true; → line 37
Run: ./
make install -j8
Copy this repositories condor files, and macros folder (replacing with current 'macros')
To run Fun4All_Calo_Emulator.C in macros folder:
Go to ‘triggerCondor.sub’
Change run number in arguments and frome queue filename
Go to ‘’ change MYINSTALL to your install directory
Make a folder called ‘output’ in directory with ‘macros’, ‘src’ and condor files
Go into and change the list of run numbers for what ever dst lists you have in your directory
Output generates to output/runNumber:
CaloOutput_DST_CALO_run2pp_new_2024p001-00044686-*.root, with * = segment number (equal to #dst root files in calo dst list)
Go to macros folder where there is createListFile.cpp: run 'createListFile.cpp' with: root -b -q -l 'createListFile.cpp("list,of,runs") \make sure no space between run numbers
This will create a filelist in your base directory with the CaloOutput information to be run in condor.
Can then run ‘CaloTriggerSegments.cpp’ by going to base directory with ‘’ via: go into and change list of run numbers for Calo Dsts generated in previous jobs
You can change any of the filling functionality in ‘CaloTriggerSegments.cpp’ that is needed