Time series project MVA. Implementation of the paper Online Dictionary Learning for Sparse Coding ( https://www.di.ens.fr/sierra/pdfs/icml09.pdf)
The paper introduces an online optimization procedure for the problem of dictionary learning designed to dynamically adapt to changing data distributions. Leveraging stochastic gradient descent for incremental updates and incorporating a sparsity-inducing L1 penalty, the proposed algorithm enhances the efficiency and adaptability of sparse coding.
Experiment have been done on both image and audio parts.
The data for images experiments was taken here : https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/puneet6060/intel-image-classification?resource=download&select=seg_test (Also available in the image_dataset folder)
In the experiments Folder you will find the notebook of the image experiment and also signal experiments
In the src folder you will find the source code for the experiment
In the Dataset folder, you will find the data used in signal experiments