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Manual Installation and Builds

Jürgen Fleiß edited this page Aug 27, 2024 · 1 revision

Installation for developers ⚙️

You need to have python >=3.10
If you need help with installing that, look at these resources:

Setup a virtual environment

python -m venv venv

Activate the virtual environment


Install aTrain

pip install aTrain@git+ --extra-index-url

Download ffmpeg and all required models from Whisper and with a console script Note: The user version in the Microsoft store has those assets already included.

aTrain init

Run the app with the console script

aTrain start

How to build a standalone executable 📦

We use pyinstaller to freeze the code of aTrain and create a standalone executable.
If you want to create your own code package follow these steps:

Clone and install aTrain in editable mode

git clone
cd aTrain
pip install -e . --extra-index-url

Download ffmpeg and all required models from Whisper and with a console script

aTrain init

Install pyinstaller

pip install pyinstaller

Build the executable using the provided instruction in the file "build.spec"

pyinstaller build.spec

Congratulations! You just built a standalone executable for aTrain.

To open this version of aTrain just go to the output folder (./dist/aTrain) and open the executable (e.g. aTrain.exe for Windows).

If you want to go a step further and create an MSIX-installer for aTrain you can use Advanced Installer Express.
For information on how to use Advanced Installer Express refer to their documentation.

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