Django error logging and emailing on a busy website can send a lot of emails, all of them containing large traces. This can quickly become a bottleneck.
However, if there's an actual problem, most of the mails just repeat what's already reported, so there's not much point in sending them all; a "sample" is enough. It's useful to filter out repeating ones. This package does exactly that.
It is possible to use this for something else than error-report-throttling, but since the purpose is to hold back some emails, it may hurt you more than it helps.
The package contains a Django email backend that has a local cache of what emails were sent (based on subjec, not content). If the total amount of mails per time unit goes over an overall threshold, then the excess is just logged, not sent out. Similarly, if the amount of mails with the same subject line is over a threshold, then the excess is just logged, not sent out. Both thresholds are optional and they can be different.
The mails that are not throttled are sent out with the regular Django SMTP backend. They have an additional "X-Mail-Throttler" header which also records bits of statistics about the current values for threshold counters.
The package includes a management command that can be run from cron. If there are any throttled emails, then this will provide a report including statistics about how many mails have been held back.
The cache is mainained in file on the filesystem. The method used is highly efficient for this purpose, and doing something similar in a database could quickly lead to performance issues which will make the overload worse, not better.
Install the package with pip, for example.
Add these to your settings:
# stuff for email throttling and their defaults
EMAILTHROTTLER_PREFIX = 'emailthrottler-'
'version': 1,
'disable_existing_loggers': True,
'handlers': {
'mail_admins': {
'level': 'ERROR',
'class': 'django.utils.log.AdminEmailHandler',
'email_backend': 'django_email_throttler.throttler.ThrottledEmailBackend',
'include_html': True,
'loggers': {
'django.request': {
'handlers': ['mail_admins'],
'level': 'ERROR'
You should add a crontab entry to mail out the statistics and clean the database. Make sure the frequency you're using to run this with is aligned to the intervals you set. Something like this would work, assuming you have your virtualenv kick in automagically:
*/10 * * * * $WHATEVER_PATH/ throttle_report