This app integrate google calendar with rails, users can create events in the app and send them to their google calendar.
You will find following items in this app
- Tailwindcss for design
- Devise implemented where user can signin in using their gmail accounts
- Google Calendar API
- PostgreSQL
- Bundler
- Ruby(3.2.2)
- Rails 7
bundle install
And to setup the database you can run these commands
rails db:create
rails data:migrate
Now you are all set. Run following command on your terminal:
rails server
open browser at: http://localhost:3000.
For managing google client id and secret keys I have used the dot-env gem and if you use the same, then create a .env file in your progect and add it to .gitignore file.
And create these variables in it:
👤 Jospin Ndaano
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
- Inspiration
This project is MIT licensed