Hello! Welcome to my repository where I tackle a new CodeWars challenge every single day. As a passionate coder, I believe in continuous learning and challenging myself daily. This repository serves as a journal of my coding journey.
CodeWars is a platform that offers coding challenges known as kata. These kata are ranked from 8kyu (beginner) to 1kyu (proficient), based on their difficulty. I attempt a new kata every day, of varying difficulties, to sharpen my coding skills.
- Daily Challenges: Inside the challenges directory, you'll find sub-directories named by date. Each directory contains the challenge for that day, along with my solution.
- Comments: Within each solution file, I have included comments discussing my thought process and any hurdles I faced.
- Tests: For some challenges, you may find additional test cases that I've added beyond the ones provided by CodeWars. Technologies Used
Languages: Primarily JavaScript
How Can You Contribute? If you see a better or more efficient way to solve a problem, feel free to create a pull request. If you find any bugs, please raise an issue. For those who want to join in on the fun, you're welcome to add your own solutions or discuss alternative approaches in the issues section.
My current streak for daily challenges is: 62 days. Help me stay motivated by starring this repository!
Let's Connect If you'd like to connect or just chat about coding, find me on: