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Merge pull request #1 from JoonhoLee-Group/heom
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Added FP-HEOM code to the repository
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felixivander authored Aug 16, 2024
2 parents 87aefd9 + 99786be commit 9ac4d21
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Showing 16 changed files with 1,701 additions and 0 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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Binary file modified engine/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions engine/heom/
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from .aaa import *
from .heomif import *
from .bath_data import *
Binary file added engine/heom/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added engine/heom/__pycache__/aaa.cpython-310.pyc
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Binary file added engine/heom/__pycache__/bath_data.cpython-310.pyc
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added engine/heom/__pycache__/heomif.cpython-310.pyc
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added engine/heom/__pycache__/mps.cpython-310.pyc
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added engine/heom/__pycache__/mps_utils.cpython-310.pyc
Binary file not shown.
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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import sparse
from scipy import linalg as splinalg
from scipy.integrate import quad, quad_vec

def residue_integrand(theta, r, rs, poles):
zvs = rs*np.exp(1.0j*theta)
vals = r(poles+zvs)*zvs
return vals

def compute_residues_integ(r, poles, tol):
#find the distance between pole i and the nearest pole to it - this ensures that we can evaluate the pole using
vals = np.abs([xs - poles[np.argpartition(np.abs(poles - xs), 1)[1]] for xs in poles])/10.0
rs = vals

res = quad_vec(lambda x : residue_integrand(x, r, rs, poles), 0, 2.0*np.pi, epsrel = tol)[0]
return res

#def compute_residues_rational(zeros, poles):

def prz(r, z, f, w, tol):

m = w.shape[0]

#setup the generalised eigenproblem suitable for obtaining the poles of this function
B = np.identity(m+1, dtype = np.complex128)
B[0, 0] = 0
M = np.zeros((m+1, m+1), dtype = np.complex128)
M[1:, 1:] = np.diag(z)
M[0, 1:] = w
M[1:, 0] = np.ones(m, dtype=np.complex128)

poles = splinalg.eigvals(M, B)
poles = poles[~np.isinf(poles)]

#setup the generalised eigenproblem suitable for obtaining the zeros of this function
M[0, 1:] = w*f

zeros = splinalg.eigvals(M, B)
zeros = zeros[~np.isinf(zeros)]

res = compute_residues_integ(r, poles, tol)

return poles, res, zeros

#function for evaluating the baryocentric form of the rational function approximation of another function
def evaluate_function(z, Z, f, w):
ZZ, zz = np.meshgrid(Z, z)
CC = 1.0/(zz-ZZ)
r = (CC@(w*f))/(CC@w)
return r

def AAA_algorithm(F, Z, tol=1e-13, nmax = 100, *args):
M = Z.shape[0]

#evaluate the function at the sample points
Fz = np.array(F(Z, *args), dtype=np.complex128)
Z = np.array(Z, dtype=np.complex128)
Z0 = Z
F0 = Fz

R = np.mean(Fz)
SF = sparse.diags(Fz)
z = []
f = []
C = np.zeros( (M, nmax), dtype=np.complex128)
#plt.plot(Z, Fz, 'k', linewidth=5)
w = None
for i in range(nmax):
ind = np.argmax(np.abs(Fz-R))

#delete the elements that we don't need any more
Z = np.delete(Z, ind, 0)
Fz = np.delete(Fz, ind, 0)
C = np.delete(C, ind, 0)

SF = sparse.diags(Fz)

C[:, i] = (1.0/(Z-z[i]))
Sf = np.diag(f)
A = SF @ C[:, :i+1] - C[:, :i+1] @ Sf

U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(A, full_matrices=False)
V = np.conjugate(np.transpose(V))
w = V[:, i]
N = C[:, :i+1] @ (w*f)
D = C[:, :i+1] @ w
R = N/D
err = np.linalg.norm(Fz-R, np.inf)
#if(err < 1e-2):
# plt.plot(Z, R)
if( err <= tol*np.linalg.norm(Fz, np.inf)):

z1 = np.array(z, dtype = np.complex128)
f1 = np.array(f, dtype = np.complex128)
w1 = np.array(w, dtype = np.complex128)

func = lambda x : evaluate_function(x, z1, f1, w1)
poles,residues, zeros = prz(func, z, f, w, tol)

return func, poles, residues, zeros

def C(dk, zk, t):
Z, T = np.meshgrid(zk, t)
return np.exp(-Z*T)@dk

def test():
def Jw(w, rs, eps):#, wc, s):
J = 0*w
for i in range (rs.shape[0]):
J = J + 1/( (w-i*0.1)*(w-i*0.1) + rs[i]*rs[i])#*np.where(w < eps, 1.0, 0.0)
return J
#return 1/(w*w+r*r) #np.where(np.abs(w) < np.abs(r), np.sqrt(r*r-w*w), 0.0)#np.pi/2.0*alpha*np.power(w, s)*np.power(wc, 1-s)*np.exp(-np.abs(w)/wc)

def JwBO(w, O, g):
return 15*2*w*g*O*O/((w*w-O*O)*(w*w-O*O) + g*g*O*O)

def JwDebye(w, wc):
return 2*w*wc/(w*w+wc*wc)

def Jexp(w, alpha, wc):
return np.where(w > 0.0, alpha*w*np.exp(-w/wc), 0.0)

def Jw2(w, wc, tau, D):
s = 0.5
fw = None
if(D == 1):
fw = np.cos(w*tau)
if(D == 3):
fw = np.sin(w*tau)/(w*tau)
return np.power(w, D)/np.power(wc, D-1)*np.exp(-np.abs(w/wc))*(1-fw)/2.0#+np.cos(w*2*tau))/4.0
#return w*np.exp(-np.abs(w/wc))*(1+np.cos(w*tau))/2.0#+np.cos(w*2*tau))/4.0
#return np.pi/2.0*tau*np.power(wc, 1-s)*np.power(np.abs(w), s)*np.exp(-np.abs(w)/wc)#*(1+np.cos(w*tau))/2.0

def Sw(w, beta, J, *args):
return J(w, *args)*0.5*(1+1.0/np.tanh(beta*w/2.0))

def Sw0(w, J, *args):
return np.where(w > 0, J(w, *args), 0)
wc = 1
g = wc*2

#Z1 = 1-np.logspace(-8, -2, 100)
#Z1 = np.concatenate((Z1, 1+np.logspace(-8, -2, 100)))
Z1 = np.linspace(1e-8, 20, 2000)#np.concatenate((Z1, np.linspace(1e-8, 5, 2000)))
#Z1 =
#Z1 = np.logspace(-2, np.log(1000)/np.log(10), 2000)#, np.linspace(1.01e-1, 20*wc, 1800)))
#Z1 = np.concatenate((np.logspace(-8, -1, 200), np.linspace(1.01e-1, 20*wc, 1800)))
#nZ1 = -np.concatenate((np.logspace(-8, -1, 200), np.linspace(1.01e-1, 20*wc, 100)))
nZ1 = -np.flip(Z1)
Z = np.concatenate((nZ1, Z1))

alpha = 1.0
wc = 1

Zv = np.linspace(-20*wc, 20*wc, 100000)
func1, p, r, z = AAA_algorithm(lambda x : Jexp(x, alpha, wc), Z, nmax = 500, tol=1e-4)
print(p, r/(2.0*np.pi), z)
Zv = np.linspace(-20*wc, 20*wc, 100000)
plt.plot(Zv, func1(Zv)-Jexp(Zv, alpha, wc))
plt.plot(Z, func1(Z)-Jexp(Z, alpha, wc))
#plt.plot(Zv, )

fv = func1(Zv)
f2v = Jexp(Zv, alpha, wc)
plt.plot(Zv, np.real(f2v), 'k-')
#plt.plot(Zv, np.imag(f2v), 'k--')
plt.plot(Zv, np.real(fv), 'r--')
#plt.plot(Zv, np.imag(fv), 'r--')
#func2 = AAA_algorithm(lambda x : Sw0(x,Jw2, 1, 10), Z, tol=1e-8,nmax=1000)
#func3 = AAA_algorithm(lambda x : Sw0(x,Jw2, 1, 10), Z, tol=1e-12,nmax=1000)

#Z = np.exp(np.linspace(-0.5,0.5+15.0j*np.pi,1000))
#func = lambda x : np.tan(np.pi*x/2.0)
#func1, p, r, z = AAA_algorithm(func, Z, tol=1e-13,nmax=100)

#fig = plt.figure()
#ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d')
#ax.scatter(Z.real, Z.imag, np.abs(func(Z)))
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d')
colors = np.where(r<0, 'r', 'b')
#ax.scatter(p.real, p.imag)#, np.log(np.abs(r)/(2.0*np.pi))/np.log(10), c=colors.ravel())
ax.scatter(p.real, p.imag, np.log(np.abs(r))/np.log(10))

#pd = np.genfromtxt("poles.csv")
#poles2 = pd[:, 0] + pd[:, 1]*1.0j
#res2 = pd[:, 2] + pd[:, 3]*1.0j
#colors = np.where(res2<0, 'orange', 'cyan')
#ax.scatter(poles2.real, poles2.imag)#, np.log(np.abs(res2))/np.log(10), c=colors.ravel())

#inds = p.imag >= 0
#p = p[inds]
#r = r[inds]

for i in range(p.shape[0]):
print(p[i], r[i]/(2.0*np.pi))

t = np.linspace(0, 100, 10000)
def Ct(p, r, t):
inds = p.real <= 0
p = p[inds]
r = r[inds]
P, T = np.meshgrid(p, t)
return 1.0j*np.exp(P*T)@r
#plt.plot(t, np.real(1.0/(t+1.0j)/(2*np.pi)))
plt.plot(t, np.real(Ct(p, r, t)))
plt.plot(t, np.imag(Ct(p, r, t)))
plt.plot(t, np.real(alpha*wc*wc/(1-1.0j*wc*t)**2))

#plt.plot(t, np.real(np.pi*alpha/2.0 * 200 *np.sqrt(np.pi)/np.power(1-20j*t, 1.5)), '--')
#plt.plot(t, np.imag(np.pi*alpha/2.0 * 200 *np.sqrt(np.pi)/np.power(1-20j*t, 1.5)), '--')

#plt.plot(t, np.real(Ct(poles2, res2, t))*2.0*np.pi)
#plt.plot(t, np.imag(Ct(poles2, res2, t))*2.0*np.pi)
#plt.plot(t, np.real(1.0/(8*np.pi)*wc*((-1.0+1.0j*t*wc)/(-wc*wc*tau*tau+(wc*t+1.0j)*(wc*t+1.0j) ) + 2.0j/(wc*t+1.0j))))

#plt.plot(t, np.real(1.0/(8*np.pi)*wc*( (-1.0+1.0j*t*wc)/(-wc*wc*tau*tau*4+(wc*t+1.0j)*(wc*t+1.0j) ) + (-1.0+1.0j*t*wc)/(-wc*wc*tau*tau+(wc*t+1.0j)*(wc*t+1.0j) ) + 2.0j/(wc*t+1.0j))))
#plt.plot(t, np.imag(1.0/(t+1.0j)/(2*np.pi)))
#plt.plot(t, np.imag(Ct(p, r, t)))

#plt.scatter(z.real, z.imag)# np.abs(func(Z)))
#plt.plot(Zv, func1(Zv))
#plt.plot(Zv, func3(Zv))

if __name__ == "__main__":
102 changes: 102 additions & 0 deletions engine/heom/
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@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
import numpy as np
from .aaa import AAA_algorithm

def softmspace(start, stop, N, beta = 1, endpoint = True):
start = np.log(np.exp(beta*start)-1)/beta
stop = np.log(np.exp(beta*stop)-1)/beta

dx = (stop-start)/N
dx = (stop-start)/(N-1)

return np.log(np.exp(beta*(np.arange(N)*dx + start))+1)/beta

def generate_grid_points(N, wc, wmin=1e-9):
Z1 = softmspace(wmin, 20*wc, N)
nZ1 = -np.flip(Z1)
Z = np.concatenate((nZ1, Z1))
return Z

def AAA_to_HEOM(p, r):
pp = p*1.0j
rr = -1.0j*r/(np.pi)
inds = pp.real > 0
pp = pp[inds]
rr = rr[inds]
return rr, pp

def setup_heom_correlation_functions(Sw, Z1, nmax = 500, aaa_tol = 1e-4):
#first compute the aaa decomposition of the spectral function
func1, p, r, z = AAA_algorithm(Sw, Z1, nmax=nmax, tol=aaa_tol)

#and convert that to the heom correlation function coefficients
dk, zk = AAA_to_HEOM(p, r)

#return the function for optional plotting as well as the coefficients
return func1, dk, zk

class heom_bath:
def __init__(self, Scoup, Sw, L, Lmin = None, aaa_support_points = None, wmax = None, wmin = None, aaa_tol = 1e-3, Naaa=1000, aaa_nmax=500, scale_factor=None):
self.Scoup = Scoup
self.Sw = Sw
self.L = L
self.Lmin = None
self._aaa_support_points = aaa_support_points
self.wmax = wmax
self.wmin = wmin
self.aaa_tol = aaa_tol
self.Naaa = Naaa
self.scale_factor = scale_factor

def aaa_support_points(self):
if(self._aaa_support_points == None):
wmax = self.wmax
if(self.wmax == None):
wmax = 1

wmin = self.wmin
if(self.wmin == None):
wmin = 1e-8

return generate_grid_points(self.Naaa, wmax, wmin=wmin)

elif isinstance(self._aaa_support_points, (list, np.ndarray)):
if isinstance(self._aaa_support_points, list):
return np.array(self._aaa_support_points)
return self._aaa_support_points

def discretise(self, output_fitting=False):
Z1 = self.aaa_support_points()
Sw_aaa, dk, zk = setup_heom_correlation_functions(self.Sw, Z1, nmax=self.aaa_nmax, aaa_tol=self.aaa_tol)

bath_dict = {
"S" : self.Scoup,
"d" : dk,
"z" : zk,
"L" : self.L

if self.Lmin is not None:

if self.scale_factor is not None:

if output_fitting:
wmax = self.wmax
if(self.wmax == None):
wmax = 1
Zv = np.linspace(-20*wmax, 20*wmax, 100000)
Swa = Sw_aaa(Zv)
Swb = self.Sw(Zv)

bath_dict["wf"] = Zv
bath_dict["Sw"] = Swb
bath_dict["Sw_fit"] = Swa

return bath_dict


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