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Tools for capturing EF Core logging

Jon P Smith edited this page Jan 20, 2021 · 6 revisions

Tools for capturing EF Core logging

EF Core 5 introduced the LogTo method that makes logging in unit tests and demos really easy. I have therefore converted my database option builders (SQLite in-memory, SQL Server and Cosmos DB) to use the LogTo approach.

Example of writing the logs to the xUnit window

Here is a simple example taken from the TestOptionsWithLogTo unit test class in the EfCore.TestSupport library.

public class TestOptionsWithLogTo
    private readonly ITestOutputHelper _output;

    public TestOptionsWithLogTo(ITestOutputHelper output) 
        _output = output;

    public void TestEfCoreLoggingExampleOfOutputToConsole()
        var options = SqliteInMemory.CreateOptionsWithLogTo<BookContext>
        using var context = new BookContext(options);
        //... rest of the unit test left out           

The LogToOptions features

The LogTo method has LOTS of options, allowing to to filter by

  • The LogLevel: for instance, LogLevel.Information
  • A series of EF Core's log message names: for instance, new[] { DbLoggerCategory.Database.Command.Name }.
  • A series of EF Core's event names: for instance, new[] { CoreEventId.ContextInitialized }.
  • Adding your own filter func: The signature is Func<EventId, LogLevel, bool>.
  • Change the format of log output: for instance the DefaultWithUtcTime option will add a header containing various information and the time in UTC that the log was created.

NOTE: Read the EF Core docs on filtering which gives you a more detailed information on the filter types.

To handle all of these I created a LogToOptions class where you could set the logTo options. At the same time I changed some of the default settings and added a feature I use a lot. The changes are:

  • I changed ehe default LogLevel to Information (I only really find debug logs useful if I am trying to find a bug).
  • I turned of the default header because I don’t want a DataTime in a log because that makes comparing logs more difficult. No you only get the log, with no headers.
  • Most times I don’t want to see logs of the //SETUP part of the unit test, so I added a bool ShowLog property (defaults to true) to allow you to control when the Action<string> parameter is called.

The following unit test shows how you might use the LogToOptions to control what logs you get. It:

  • Controls when logs will be returned via the ShowLog boolean
  • Filters the log to only return DbLoggerCategory.Database.Command, that is the command that captures sending commands to the database.
public void TestEfCoreLoggingCheckSqlOutputShowLog()
    var logs = new List<string>();
    var logToOptions = new LogToOptions
        ShowLog = false,
        OnlyShowTheseCategories = new[] 
    var options = SqliteInMemory.CreateOptionsWithLogTo<BookContext>
        (log => logs.Add(log), logToOptions);

    using var context = new BookContext(options);
    context.Database.EnsureCreated(); //no logs from these
    context.SeedDatabaseFourBooks();  //no logs from these

    logToOptions.ShowLog = true; //Turn on log output
    var book = context.Books
        .Single(x => x.Reviews.Count() > 1); //Get log from this


The LogToOptions class has class has good comments, so suggest you look at that, and the TestOptionsWithLogTo unit test class in the EfCore.TestSupport library.

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