A telegram bot for accessing the menus of the canteens in Karlsruhe.
- Access menus of all canteens in Karlsruhe.
- Select a centeen and get daily automatic menu updates.
- Get random content from r/KaIT
A running demo of the telegram bot can be found here.
Start Command | Menu Command | Memes Command |
To run this app, add a data
folder inside the projects root directory, containing the config file (config.json
"telegram_token": "<YOUR_TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN>",
"api_user_name": "<API_USER_NAME>",
"api_password": "<API_PASSWORD>",
"data_refresh_time": "00:00",
"push_notification_time": "09:30"
The docker container can be started by using the following command, where ~/Documents/telegram/mensa_bot/data
is the
local path to your data folder.
docker run -v ~/Documents/telegram/mensa_bot/data:/usr/src/app/data therealjohannes/kit-mensabot