I have been using fuzzy find plugins, such as fzf-lua.nvim and telescope.nvim, to switch my buffers. They are very powerful, but in most cases, I only have 5-10 files open. For this, I have to go through the steps of "open" -> "filter" -> "select". I feel that when there are fewer buffers, it should only take "open" -> "select". Having fewer buffers is a common situation, and switching buffers is a frequent operation. Therefore, I found it necessary to write a plugin to support this situation. I then searched for some quick selection plugins, such as harpoon, but they did not meet my needs. So, I wrote this plugin based on my needs.
- Use only
keys for selection. - List buffers in the order of the jumplist.
display mode.- Different categories (listed, in jumplist, etc.) of buffers are displayed in different colors, along with relevant buffer information (currently only displaying the current line number).
- Highlight the project root especially.
config = function()
config = function()
require('wsnavigator').setup {
ui = {
float = {
border = 'single', -- see ':h nvim_open_win'
float_hl = 'Normal', -- see ':h winhl'
border_hl = 'Normal',
blend = 0, -- see ':h winblend'
height = 0.9, -- Num from 0 - 1 for measurements
width = 0.9,
x = 0.5, -- X and Y Axis of Window
y = 0.4
max_len_of_entries = 20, -- max length of entries.
display_mode = 'filetree', -- filetree | list
jumplist = {
buf_only = false -- show buf_only
filetree = {
--theme = { -- user your theme
-- indent = ' ',
-- branch = '│ ',
-- last_child = '└─',
-- mid_child = '├─',
theme_name = 'classic', -- 'classic' | 'fine' | 'bold' | 'dotted'
-- | 'minimal' | 'double' | 'arrows' | 'simple' | 'tree' | 'compact_tree'
--keymaps = { -- keymaps for wsnavigator buffer. `:h :map`
-- quit = { 'q', '<Esc>' },
-- switch_display_mode = { 'ts' }
theme = {
--entry_hls = { -- Ref `default_entry_hls`
-- WsnKey = { fg = '#ff0000' },
-- use buf_only
vim.keymap.set('n', 'tt', function()
local wsn = require('wsnavigator')
wsn.set_opts({ jumplist = { buf_only = true } })
end, { noremap = true })
-- use jumplist
vim.keymap.set('n', 'tj', function()
local wsn = require('wsnavigator')
wsn.set_opts({ jumplist = { buf_only = false } })
end, { noremap = true })
Combine with other plugins using callback
keymaps. e.g. fzf-lua
-- keymaps config
keymaps = {
callbacks = {
key = 'tf',
cb = function(opts)
if opts.buf_only then
- Display buffers according to the file tree. See ref. If it's not too complex, I will try to implement it.
- Combine with fuzzy find plugin.
- In the filetree display mode, if a directory is a project directory, use a distinctive color to distinguish it as a project directory.
- Display the current line's function in the buffer, format
filename key function:offset:lnum
: Recordproject_name:path
: Recordfilename key function:offset:lnum
for each project.