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Several improvements
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
-Improved User interface by logical ordering of inputs
-Added option to show data without offset/jitter
-Added option for paired measurements (only allows non-jittered display of data)
-Added several linetypes for pairing of data
-Lines for paired data have the color of the replicate
-If the control has n<3, show a warning (no comparison possible)
-Improved explanation of stats tables
  • Loading branch information
JoachimGoedhart committed Nov 16, 2020
1 parent a02f734 commit d71d738
Showing 1 changed file with 85 additions and 42 deletions.
127 changes: 85 additions & 42 deletions app.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -100,9 +100,8 @@ ui <- fluidPage(

condition = "input.tabs=='Data upload'",
h4("Data upload"),
"data_input", "",
"data_input", h4("Data upload"),
choices =
# "Example data (tidy format)" = 1,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -180,6 +179,7 @@ ui <- fluidPage(

h4('Data conversion'),
checkboxInput(inputId = "toggle_tidy", label = "Convert to tidy", value = FALSE),
condition = "input.toggle_tidy==true",
Expand All @@ -191,15 +191,23 @@ ui <- fluidPage(

selectInput("x_var", "Conditions to compare:", choices = "Treatment", selected="Treatment"),
checkboxInput(inputId = "x_cont",
label = "Continuous data",
value = FALSE),
selectInput("y_var", "Variables:", choices = "Speed", selected="Speed"),
h4('Data selection for plotting'),
selectInput("x_var", "Data for the x-axis:", choices = "Treatment", selected="Treatment"),

selectInput("y_var", "Data for the y-axis:", choices = "Speed", selected="Speed"),

selectInput("g_var", "Groups/Replicates:", choices = list("Replicate", "-"), selected="Replicate"),


h4('Data properties'),
checkboxInput(inputId = "x_cont",
label = "Continuous x-axis data",
value = FALSE),
checkboxInput(inputId = "paired",
label = "All data are paired/connected",
value = FALSE),
checkboxInput(inputId = "info_data",
label = "Show information on data formats",
value = FALSE),
Expand All @@ -218,26 +226,23 @@ ui <- fluidPage(
condition = "input.tabs=='Plot'",

radioButtons(inputId = "jitter_type", label = "Data display", choices = list("Data & distribution" = "quasirandom", "Jittered data" = "random", "Distribution only"="violin"), selected = "quasirandom"),
radioButtons(inputId = "jitter_type", label = h4("Data display"), choices = list("Data & distribution" = "quasirandom", "Jittered data" = "random","No offset"="no_jitter", "Distribution only"="violin"), selected = "quasirandom"),

sliderInput(inputId = "alphaInput", label = "Visibility of the data", 0, 1, 0.7),

radioButtons(inputId = "summary_replicate", label = "Statistics per replicate:", choices = list("Mean" = "mean", "Median" = "median"), selected = "mean"),
radioButtons(inputId = "summary_condition", label = "Statistics per condtion:", choices = list("Mean & S.D." = "mean_SD", "Mean & 95%CI" = "mean_CI", "none"="none"), selected = "none"),

conditionalPanel(condition = "input.summary_condition != 'none'",
sliderInput("alphaInput_summ", "Visibility of the statistics", 0, 1, 1)

checkboxInput(inputId = "show_table", label = "Display table with effect size", value = FALSE),
radioButtons(inputId = "summary_replicate", label = "Statistics per replicate:", choices = list("Mean" = "mean", "Median" = "median"), selected = "mean"),

conditionalPanel(condition = "input.show_table == true", selectInput("zero", "Select reference condition:", choices = "")),

radioButtons(inputId = "connect", label = "Connect the dots (treat as paired data):", choices = list("No" = "blank", "Dotted line" = "dotted", "Dashed line"= "dashed", "Solid line" ="solid"), selected = "blank"),

h4("Formatting of Replicates"),
checkboxInput(inputId = "connect", label = "Connect the dots (paired data)", FALSE),

# checkboxInput(inputId = "connect", label = "Connect the dots (paired data)", FALSE),
# conditionalPanel(condition = "input.connect == true",
# checkboxInput(inputId = "solid", label = "Solid line", FALSE)
# ),
checkboxInput(inputId = "add_shape", label = "Identify by shape", value = FALSE),

checkboxInput(inputId = "show_distribution", label = "Distribution per replicate", value = FALSE),
Expand All @@ -260,6 +265,23 @@ ui <- fluidPage(
selectInput("split_direction", label = "Split replicates:", choices = list("No", "Horizontal", "Vertical"), selected = "No"),

h4("Comparing conditions"),
radioButtons(inputId = "summary_condition", label = "Statistics per condtion:", choices = list("Mean & S.D." = "mean_SD", "Mean & 95%CI" = "mean_CI", "none"="none"), selected = "none"),

conditionalPanel(condition = "input.summary_condition != 'none'",
sliderInput("alphaInput_summ", "Visibility of the statistics", 0, 1, 1)

checkboxInput(inputId = "show_table", label = "Table with quantitative comparison", value = FALSE),

# conditionalPanel(condition = "input.show_table == true",
selectInput("zero", "Select reference condition:", choices = ""
# )

h4("Plot Layout"),

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -567,13 +589,17 @@ observe({

###### When a bar is added, make sure that the data is still visible
observeEvent(input$add_bar, {
if (input$add_bar==TRUE) {
updateSliderInput(session, "alphaInput", min=0.2, max=1)

} else if (input$add_bar==FALSE) {
updateSliderInput(session, "alphaInput", min=0, max=1)

observeEvent(input$paired, {
if (input$paired==TRUE) {
# update jitter options
updateRadioButtons(session, "jitter_type", choices = list("No offset"="no_jitter", "Distribution only"="violin"))
# update pairing options
updateRadioButtons(session, "connect", choices = list("Dotted line" = "dotted", "Dashed line"= "dashed", "Solid line" ="solid"))

} else if (input$paired==FALSE) {
updateRadioButtons(session, "jitter_type", choices = list("Data & distribution" = "quasirandom", "Jittered data" = "random","No offset"="no_jitter", "Distribution only"="violin"))
# update pairing options
updateRadioButtons(session, "connect", choices = list("No" = "blank", "Dotted line" = "dotted", "Dashed line"= "dashed", "Solid line" ="solid"))

Expand All @@ -593,7 +619,7 @@ observeEvent(input$tabs, {

observeEvent(input$connect, {
if (input$connect==TRUE) {
if (input$connect!='blank') {
showNotification("Connecting or 'pairing' the data changes the p-value and the 95% confidence interval for the difference", duration = 10, type = "message")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1057,10 +1083,19 @@ plotdata <- reactive({
p <- p + geom_quasirandom(data=klaas, aes_string(x='Condition', y='Value', color = kleur, shape = vorm, fill = kleur), width=data_width, cex=3.5, alpha=input$alphaInput, groupOnX=TRUE)
} else if (input$jitter_type == "random") {
p <- p + geom_jitter(data=klaas, aes_string(x='Condition', y='Value', color = kleur, shape = vorm, fill = kleur), width=data_width*0.8, height=0.0, cex=3.5, alpha=input$alphaInput)
} else if (input$jitter_type == "no_jitter") {
p <- p + geom_jitter(data=klaas, aes_string(x='Condition', y='Value', color = kleur, shape = vorm, fill = kleur), width=0, height=0.0, cex=3.5, alpha=input$alphaInput)
} else if (input$jitter_type == "violin") {
p <- p + geom_violin(data=klaas, aes_string(x='Condition', y='Value', group='Condition'),width=data_width*2, fill='grey50', color=NA, alpha=input$alphaInput)

#Add lines when all data is paired
if (input$paired == TRUE && input$jitter_type != "violin") {
#Need to add another column that defines pairing
klaas <- klaas %>% group_by(Condition) %>% mutate (id=row_number()) %>% ungroup()
p <- p + geom_line(data=klaas, aes_string(x='Condition', y='Value', color=kleur, group = 'id'), size = .2, linetype=input$connect, alpha=input$alphaInput)

if (input$summary_condition=="mean_SD") {
p <- p + geom_errorbar(data = df_summary_condition(), aes_string(x='Condition', ymin="mean", ymax="mean"), width=data_width*1.2, color=line_color, size=2, alpha=input$alphaInput_summ)
p <- p + geom_errorbar(data = df_summary_condition(), aes(x=Condition, ymin=mean-sd, ymax=mean+sd), width=data_width*0.8, color=line_color, size=2, alpha=input$alphaInput_summ)
Expand All @@ -1072,10 +1107,10 @@ plotdata <- reactive({


#Add dotted line to depict paired replicates
if (input$connect) {
p <- p + stat_summary(data=klaas, aes_string(x='Condition', y='Value', group = 'Replica'), color=line_color, fun.y = stats, geom = "line", size = 1, linetype='dotted')
p <- p + stat_summary(data=klaas, aes_string(x='Condition', y='Value', group = 'Replica', color=kleur), fun.y = stats, geom = "line", size = 1, linetype=input$connect)

#Distinguish replicates by symbol
if (input$add_shape)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1256,15 +1291,20 @@ df_difference <- reactive({
#Get the reference values
df_controls <- df %>% filter(Condition==!!control_condition)
df_controls <- df_controls %>% select(Replica, control_value = Value, cond = Condition)

if(nrow(df_controls)<3) {
return(df_difference <- data.frame('Error'='n<3 for the control condition'))

#Remove the Reference from the dataframe and add the reference values to a new column
df_diff <- df %>%
filter (Condition != !!control_condition) %>%
select(Condition,Replica,Value) %>% full_join(df_controls, by='Replica') %>% unite('Condition' ,c("cond","Condition"), sep = " vs ")

if (input$connect !='blank') {connect = TRUE} else {connect=FALSE}
# Generate a dataframe that summarizes the differences between the control condition and others.
df_difference <- df_diff %>%
group_by(Condition) %>% do(tidy(t.test(.$Value, .$control_value, paired = input$connect)))
group_by(Condition) %>% do(tidy(t.test(.$Value, .$control_value, paired = connect)))

# observe({print(df_difference)})

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1324,8 +1364,6 @@ observeEvent(input$summary_replicate, {
else if (input$summary_replicate=="median") {
updateSelectInput(session, "stats_select", selected = list("median", "MAD"))


observeEvent(input$select_all1, {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1396,28 +1434,33 @@ output$toptable <- renderTable({

output$legend <- renderText({

df <- df_difference()

HTML_Legend <- c('<h4>Explanation of the statistics</h4>')
HTML_Legend <- append(HTML_Legend, paste('<p>Table 1: Summary of the statistics for each of the replicates. A high p-value for the Shapiro-Wilk test for normality suggests that the data distribution is normal.</p>', sep=""))
HTML_Legend <- append(HTML_Legend, paste('<p><u>Table 1</u>: Summary of the statistics for each of the replicates. A high p-value for the Shapiro-Wilk test for normality suggests that the data distribution is normal.</p>', sep=""))

if (fraction_significant>0.5 && input$summary_replicate == 'mean') {
HTML_Legend <- append(HTML_Legend, paste('<p>Since the majority of the replicates shows a low p-value, consider using the <b>median</b> instead of the mean as a summary of the replicates.</p>', sep=""))
HTML_Legend <- append(HTML_Legend, paste('<p>Table 2: Summary of the statistics for each condition which is calculated from the <b>',input$summary_replicate,'</b> of the replicates.</p>', sep=""))
HTML_Legend <- append(HTML_Legend, paste('<p><u>Table 2</u>: Summary of the statistics for each condition which is calculated from the <b>',input$summary_replicate,'</b> of the replicates.</p>', sep=""))

HTML_Legend <- append(HTML_Legend, paste('<p>Table 3: Statistics for the comparison of the conditions to "',input$zero,'".</br>', sep=""))
HTML_Legend <- append(HTML_Legend, paste('<p><u>Table 3</u>: Statistics for the comparison of the conditions to "',input$zero,'".</br>', sep=""))

HTML_Legend <- append(HTML_Legend, paste('The difference and 95% confidence interval provide an estimate of the size of the effect. ', sep=""))
HTML_Legend <- append(HTML_Legend, paste('The difference is a point estimate of the size of the effect and the and 95% confidence interval is an interval estimate. ', sep=""))

if (input$connect==T) {
if (input$connect!='blank') {
HTML_Legend <- append(HTML_Legend, paste('The replicates are paired between conditions and a paired t-test is used to calculate the p-value. ', sep=""))
} else if (input$connect==F) {
} else if (input$connect=='blank') {
HTML_Legend <- append(HTML_Legend, paste("The replicates are <b>not</b> paired and Welch's t-test is performed to calculate the p-value. ", sep=""))

if (length(df$Condition)>1) {
HTML_Legend <- append(HTML_Legend, paste("</br>The p-values are <b>not corrected</b> for multiple comparisons. Consider alternative statistical analyses.", sep=""))


Expand Down

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