Project 3
- You will know how to install Matomo and a MariaDB database using Docker Compose;
- You will know how to install Nginx to act as a reverse proxy for the Matomo app;
- And, you will be able to enable secure HTTPS connections by using Certbot to download and configure SSL certificates from the Let’s Encrypt Certificate Authority.
Before we get started, let’s get a quick understanding of what Matomo is, as well as other tools that were not discussed in the earlier projects.
Matomo is an open-source, privacy respecting, self-hosted alternative to Google Analytics, written in PHP.
Maria DB is a drop-in replacement for the MySQL databases. It is one of the most popular open source relational databases. It’s made by the original developers of MySQL and guaranteed to stay open source. It is part of most cloud offerings and the default in most Linux distributions. It is built upon the values of performance, stability, and openness, and MariaDB Foundation ensures contributions will be accepted on technical merit.
Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications; It, also, uses YAML file to configure application services, using a single command to build, start, and stop containers.
Since we have previously discussed how to log into your AWS account from the ROOT user in projects 1 and 2, and how to launch an EC2 instance with Ubuntu 20.04 server, I will provide you with a link to a Youtube video that will quickly walk you through the steps."
This video will also explain how to link your public IP to an Elastic IP. If you plan on stopping and restarting your instance, at is important to link it to an Elastic IP.
Also, don't forget to change your edit your security settings,once your instance is created. Please view the image for 2 edits that you will be adding:
If you are not already connected to your server, log in now as the root user using the following command (substitute the highlighted portion of the command with your server’s public IP address):
$ sudo su
Accept the warning about host authenticity if it appears. If you are using password authentication, provide your root password to log in. If you are using an SSH key that is passphrase protected, you may be prompted to enter the passphrase the first time you use the key each session. If this is your first time logging into the server with a password, you may also be prompted to change the root password.
The root user is the administrative user in a Linux environment that has very broad privileges. Because of the heightened privileges of the root account, you are discouraged from using it on a regular basis. This is because the root account is able to make very destructive changes, even by accident.
The next step is setting up a new user account with reduced privileges for day-to-day use. Later, we’ll show you how to temporarily gain increased privileges for the times when you need them.
I have attached a visual aid that illustrates how to connect to the root user, using the sudo su
Now that you have logged in as the root user, you will need to add a user.
You can choose which ever name suites you. I used my first name to keep it simple. We will use this new user to log-in/ssh into this account instead of using the root user.
This example creates a new user called jonelle, but you should replace that with a username of your choice:
# adduser jonelle
You will be asked a few questions, starting with the account password.
Enter a strong password and, optionally, fill in any of the additional information if you would like. This is not required and you can just hit ENTER
in any field you wish to skip.
Now we have a new user account with regular account privileges. However, we may sometimes need to do administrative tasks.
To avoid having to log out of our normal user and log back in as the root account, we can set up what is known as superuser or root privileges for our normal account. This will allow our normal user to run commands with administrative privileges by putting the word sudo
before the command.
To add these privileges to our new user, we need to add the user to the sudo group. By default, on Ubuntu 20.04, users who are members of the sudo group are allowed to use the sudo
As root, run this command to add your new user to the sudo group (substitute the highlighted username with your new user):
usermod -aG sudo jonelle
Now, when logged in as your regular user, you can type sudo
before commands to run them with superuser privileges.
Ubuntu 20.04 servers can use the UFW firewall to make sure only connections to certain services are allowed. We can set up a basic firewall using this application.
Applications can register their profiles with UFW upon installation. These profiles allow UFW to manage these applications by name. OpenSSH, the service allowing us to connect to our server now, has a profile registered with UFW.
You can see this by typing:
# ufw app list
Available applications:
We need to make sure that the firewall allows SSH connections so that we can log back in next time. We can allow these connections by typing:
# ufw allow OpenSSH
Afterwards, we can enable the firewall by typing:
# ufw enable
Type y
and press ENTER
to proceed. You can see that SSH connections are still allowed by typing:
# ufw status
As the firewall is currently blocking all connections except for SSH, if you install and configure additional services, you will need to adjust the firewall settings to allow traffic in.
SSH, or secure shell, is an encrypted protocol used to administer and communicate with servers. When working with an Ubuntu server, chances are you will spend most of your time in a terminal session connected to your server through SSH.
we’ll focus on setting up SSH keys for an Ubuntu 20.04 installation. SSH keys provide a secure way of logging into your server and are recommended for all users.
The quickest way to copy your public key to the Ubuntu host is to use a utility called ssh-copy-id
. Due to its simplicity, this method is highly recommended if available. If you do not have ssh-copy-id
available to you on your client machine, you may use one of the two alternate methods provided in this section (copying via password-based SSH, or manually copying the key).
Copying the Public Key Using ssh-copy-id
The ssh-copy-id
tool is included by default in many operating systems, so you may have it available on your local system. For this method to work, you must already have password-based SSH access to your server.
To use the utility, you specify the remote host that you would like to connect to, and the user account that you have password-based SSH access to. This is the account to which your public SSH key will be copied.
The syntax is:
$ ssh-copy-id username@remote_host
You may see the following message:
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is fd:fd:d4:f9:77:fe:73:84:e1:55:00:ad:d6:6d:22:fe.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
This means that your local computer does not recognize the remote host. This will happen the first time you connect to a new host. Type “yes” and press ENTER
to continue.
Next, the utility will scan your local account for the
key that we created earlier. When it finds the key, it will prompt you for the password of the remote user’s account:
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: 1 key(s) remain to be installed -- if you are prompted now it is to install the new keys
[email protected]'s password:
Type in the password (your typing will not be displayed, for security purposes) and press ENTER
. The utility will connect to the account on the remote host using the password you provided. It will then copy the contents of your ~/.ssh/
key into a file in the remote account’s home ~/.ssh
directory called authorized_keys
You should see the following output:
Number of key(s) added: 1
Now try logging into the machine, with: "ssh '[email protected]'"
and check to make sure that only the key(s) you wanted were added.
At this point, your
key has been uploaded to the remote account. Y
If you were able to log into your account using SSH without a password, you have successfully configured SSH-key-based authentication to your account. However, your password-based authentication mechanism is still active, meaning that your server is still exposed to brute-force attacks.
Before completing the steps in this section, make sure that you either have SSH-key-based authentication configured for the root account on this server, or preferably, that you have SSH-key-based authentication configured for a non-root account on this server with sudo
privileges. This step will lock down password-based logins, so ensuring that you will still be able to get administrative access is crucial.
Once you’ve confirmed that your remote account has administrative privileges, log into your remote server with SSH keys, either as root or with an account with sudo
privileges. Then, open up the SSH daemon’s configuration file:
$ sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Inside the file, search for a directive called PasswordAuthentication
. This line may be commented out with a #
at the beginning of the line. Uncomment the line by removing the #
, and set the value to no
. This will disable your ability to log in via SSH using account passwords:
. . .
PasswordAuthentication no
. . .
Save and close the file when you are finished by pressing CTRL+X
, then Y
to confirm saving the file, and finally ENTER
to exit nano. To actually activate these changes, we need to restart the sshd
$ sudo systemctl restart ssh
As a precaution, open up a new terminal window and test that the SSH service is functioning correctly before closing your current session:
$ sshusername@remote_host
Once you have verified your SSH service is functioning properly, you can safely close all current server sessions.
The SSH daemon on your Ubuntu server now only responds to SSH-key-based authentication. Password-based logins have been disabled.
You should now have SSH-key-based authentication configured on your server, allowing you to sign in without providing an account password.
Docker is an application that simplifies the process of managing application processes in containers. Containers let you run your applications in resource-isolated processes. They’re similar to virtual machines, but containers are more portable, more resource-friendly, and more dependent on the host operating system.
In this section, you’ll install and use Docker Community Edition (CE) on your PC. You’ll install Docker itself, work with containers and images, and push an image to a Docker Repository.
To follow this tutorial, you will need the following:
- One Ubuntu 20.04 server set up including a sudo non-root user and a firewall.
- An account on Docker Hub if you wish to create your own images and push them to Docker Hub
Step 1 — Installing Docker
The Docker installation package available in the official Ubuntu repository may not be the latest version. To ensure we get the latest version, we’ll install Docker from the official Docker repository. To do that, we’ll add a new package source, add the GPG key from Docker to ensure the downloads are valid, and then install the package.
First, update your existing list of packages:
$ sudo apt update
Next, install a few prerequisite packages which let apt
use packages over HTTPS:
$ sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
Then add the GPG key for the official Docker repository to your system:
$ curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
Add the Docker repository to APT sources:
$ sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] stable"
This will also update our package database with the Docker packages from the newly added repo.
Make sure you are about to install from the Docker repo instead of the default Ubuntu repo:
$ apt-cache policy docker-ce
You’ll see output like this, although the version number for Docker may be different:
Output of apt-cache policy docker-ce:
Notice that docker-ce
is not installed, but the candidate for installation is from the Docker repository for Ubuntu 20.04 (focal
Finally, install Docker:
$ sudo apt install docker-ce
Docker should now be installed, the daemon started, and the process enabled to start on boot. Check that it’s running:
$ sudo systemctl status docker
The output should be similar to the following, showing that the service is active and running:
Installing Docker now gives you not just the Docker service (daemon) but also the docker
command line utility, or the Docker client. We’ll explore how to use the docker
command later in this tutorial.
By default, the docker
command can only be run the root user or by a user in the docker group, which is automatically created during Docker’s installation process. If you attempt to run the docker
command without prefixing it with sudo
or without being in the docker group, you’ll get an output like this:
docker: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?.
See 'docker run --help'.
If you want to avoid typing sudo
whenever you run the docker
command, add your username to the docker
$ sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}
To apply the new group membership, log out of the server and back in, or type the following:
$ su - ${USER}
You will be prompted to enter your user’s password to continue.
Confirm that your user is now added to the docker group by typing:
$ groups
name sudodocker
If you need to add a user to the docker
group that you’re not logged in as, declare that username explicitly using:
$ sudo usermod -aG dockerusername
The rest of this article assumes you are running the docker
command as a user in the docker group. If you choose not to, please prepend the commands with sudo
Let’s explore the docker
command next.
Docker was initially unable to find the hello-world
image locally, so it downloaded the image from Docker Hub, which is the default repository. Once the image downloaded, Docker created a container from the image and the application within the container executed, displaying the message.
You can search for images available on Docker Hub by using the docker
command with the search
subcommand. For example, to search for the Ubuntu image, type:
$ docker search ubuntu
The script will crawl Docker Hub and return a listing of all images whose name match the search string. In this case, the output will be similar to this:
In the OFFICIAL column, OK indicates an image built and supported by the company behind the project. Once you’ve identified the image that you would like to use, you can download it to your computer using the pull
Execute the following command to download the official ubuntu
image to your computer:
$ docker pull ubuntu
You’ll see the following output:
After an image has been downloaded, you can then run a container using the downloaded image with the run
subcommand. As you saw with the hello-world
example, if an image has not been downloaded when docker
is executed with the run
subcommand, the Docker client will first download the image, then run a container using it.
To see the images that have been downloaded to your computer, type:
$ docker images
The output will look similar to the following:
As you’ll see later in this tutorial, images that you use to run containers can be modified and used to generate new images, which may then be uploaded (pushed is the technical term) to Docker Hub or other Docker registries.
Let’s look at how to run containers in more detail.
The hello-world
container you ran in the previous step is an example of a container that runs and exits after emitting a test message. Containers can be much more useful than that, and they can be interactive. After all, they are similar to virtual machines, only more resource-friendly.
As an example, let’s run a container using the latest image of Ubuntu. The combination of the -i and -t switches gives you interactive shell access into the container:
$ docker run -it ubuntu
Your command prompt should change to reflect the fact that you’re now working inside the container and should take this form:
Note the container id in the command prompt. In this example, it is d9b100f2f636
. You’ll need that container ID later to identify the container when you want to remove it.
Now you can run any command inside the container. For example, let’s update the package database inside the container. You don’t need to prefix any command with sudo
, because you’re operating inside the container as the root user:
$ sudo apt update
Then install any application in it. Let’s install Node.js:
$ sudo apt install nodejs
This installs Node.js in the container from the official Ubuntu repository. When the installation finishes, verify that Node.js is installed:
$ node -v
You’ll see the version number displayed in your terminal:
Any changes you make inside the container only apply to that container.
To exit the container, type exit
at the prompt.
Let’s look at managing the containers on our system next.
After using Docker for a while, you’ll have many active (running) and inactive containers on your computer. To view the active ones, use:
$ docker ps
You will see output similar to the following:
In this tutorial, you started two containers; one from the hello-world
image and another from the ubuntu
image. Both containers are no longer running, but they still exist on your system.
To view all containers — active and inactive, run docker ps
with the -a
$ docker ps -a
You’ll see output similar to this:
To view the latest container you created, pass it the -l
$ docker ps -l
To start a stopped container, use docker start
, followed by the container ID or the container’s name. Let’s start the Ubuntu-based container with the ID of e5ed28057bea
$ docker starte5ed28057bea
The container will start, and you can use docker ps
to see its status.
To stop a running container, use docker stop
, followed by the container ID or name. This time, we’ll use the name that Docker assigned the container, which is tender_archimedis
$ docker stop tender_archimedis
Once you’ve decided you no longer need a container anymore, remove it with the docker rm
command, again using either the container ID or the name. Use the docker ps -a
command to find the container ID or name for the container associated with the hello-world
image and remove it.
$ docker rm romantic_wing
You can start a new container and give it a name using the --name
switch. You can also use the --rm
switch to create a container that removes itself when it’s stopped. See the docker run help
command for more information on these options and others.
Containers can be turned into images which you can use to build new containers. Let’s look at how that works.
When you start up a Docker image, you can create, modify, and delete files just like you can with a virtual machine. The changes that you make will only apply to that container. You can start and stop it, but once you destroy it with the docker rm
command, the changes will be lost for good.
This section shows you how to save the state of a container as a new Docker image.
After installing Node.js inside the Ubuntu container, you now have a container running off an image, but the container is different from the image you used to create it. But you might want to reuse this Node.js container as the basis for new images later.
Then commit the changes to a new Docker image instance using the following command.
$ docker commit -m "What you did to the image" -a "Author Name"container_idrepository/new_image_name
The -m switch is for the commit message that helps you and others know what changes you made, while -a is used to specify the author. The container_id
is the one you noted earlier in the tutorial when you started the interactive Docker session. Unless you created additional repositories on Docker Hub, the repository
is usually your Docker Hub username.
For example, for the user jonelle, with the container ID of e5ed28057
, the command would be:
$ docker commit -m "added Node.js" -a "jonelle"e5ed28057 jonelle/ubuntu-nodejs
When you commit an image, the new image is saved locally on your computer. Later in this tutorial, you’ll learn how to push an image to a Docker registry like Docker Hub so others can access it.
Listing the Docker images again will show the new image, as well as the old one that it was derived from:
$ docker images
You’ll see output like this:
In this example, ubuntu-nodejs
is the new image, which was derived from the existing ubuntu
image from Docker Hub. The size difference reflects the changes that were made. And in this example, the change was that NodeJS was installed. So next time you need to run a container using Ubuntu with NodeJS pre-installed, you can just use the new image.
You can also build Images from a Dockerfile
, which lets you automate the installation of software in a new image. However, that’s outside the scope of this tutorial.
Now let’s share the new image with others so they can create containers from it.
The next logical step after creating a new image from an existing image is to share it with a select few of your friends, the whole world on Docker Hub, or other Docker registry that you have access to. To push an image to Docker Hub or any other Docker registry, you must have an account there.
This section shows you how to push a Docker image to Docker Hub. To learn how to create your own private Docker registry, GOOGLE!
To push your image, first log into Docker Hub.
docker login -udocker-registry-username
You’ll be prompted to authenticate using your Docker Hub password. If you specified the correct password, authentication should succeed.
Note: If your Docker registry username is different from the local username you used to create the image, you will have to tag your image with your registry username. For the example given in the last step, you would type:
$ docker tag jonelle/ubuntu-nodejsdocker-registry-jowhiz/ubuntu-nodejs
Then you may push your own image using:
$ docker pushdocker-registry-username/docker-image-name
To push the ubuntu-nodejs
image to the jowhiz repository, the command would be:
docker push jowhiz/ubuntu-nodejs
The process may take some time to complete as it uploads the images.
After pushing an image to a registry, it should be listed on your account’s dashboard, like that show in the image below.
Docker simplifies the process of managing application processes in containers. While containers are similar to virtual machines in certain ways, they are more lightweight and resource-friendly. This allows developers to break down an application environment into multiple isolated services.
For applications depending on several services, orchestrating all the containers to start up, communicate, and shut down together can quickly become unwieldy. Docker Compose is a tool that allows you to run multi-container application environments based on definitions set in a YAML file. It uses service definitions to build fully customizable environments with multiple containers that can share networks and data volumes.
In this guide, we’ll demonstrate how to install Docker Compose on an Ubuntu 20.04 server and how to get started using this tool.
You will need:
- Access to an Ubuntu 20.04 local machine or development server as a non-root user with sudo privileges. If you’re using a remote server, it’s advisable to have an active firewall installed.
- Docker installed on your server or local machine
To make sure we obtain the most updated stable version of Docker Compose, we’ll download this software from its official Github repository.
First, confirm the latest version available in their releases page. At the time of this writing, the most current stable version is 1.27.4
The following command will download the 1.27.4
release and save the executable file at /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
, which will make this software globally accessible as docker-compose
$ sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
Next, set the correct permissions so that the docker-compose
command is executable:
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
To verify that the installation was successful, you can run:
$ docker-compose -v
You’ll see output similar to this:
docker-compose version1.27.4, build 40524192
Docker Compose is now successfully installed on your system. In the next section, we’ll see how to set up a docker-compose.yml
file and get a containerized environment up and running with this tool.
To demonstrate how to set up a docker-compose.yml
file and work with Docker Compose, we’ll create a web server environment using the official Nginx image from Docker Hub, the public Docker registry. This containerized environment will serve a single static HTML file.
Start off by creating a new directory in your home folder, and then moving into it:
$ mkdir ~/compose-demo
cd ~/compose-demo
In this directory, set up an application folder to serve as the document root for your Nginx environment:
$ mkdir app
Using your preferred text editor, create a new index.html
file within the app
$ nano app/index.html
Place the following content into this file:
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Docker Compose Demo</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<h1>This is a Docker Compose Demo Page.</h1>
<p>This content is being served by an Nginx container.</p>
Save and close the file when you’re done. If you are using nano
, you can do that by typing CTRL+X
, then Y
to confirm.
Next, create the docker-compose.yml
$ nano docker-compose.yml
Insert the following content on your docker-compose.yml
The docker-compose.yml
file typically starts off with the version
definition. This will tell Docker Compose which configuration version we’re using.
We then have the services
block, where we set up the services that are part of this environment. In our case, we have a single service called web
. This service uses the nginx:alpine
image and sets up a port redirection with the ports
directive. All requests on port 8000
of the host machine (the system from where you’re running Docker Compose) will be redirected to the web
container on port 80
, where Nginx will be running.
The volumes
directive will create a shared volume between the host machine and the container. This will share the local app
folder with the container, and the volume will be located at /usr/share/nginx/html
inside the container, which will then overwrite the default document root for Nginx.
Save and close the file.
We have set up a demo page and a docker-compose.yml
file to create a containerized web server environment that will serve it. In the next step, we’ll bring this environment up with Docker Compose.
With the docker-compose.yml
file in place, we can now execute Docker Compose to bring our environment up. The following command will download the necessary Docker images, create a container for the web
service, and run the containerized environment in background mode:
$ docker-compose up -d
Docker Compose will first look for the defined image on your local system, and if it can’t locate the image it will download the image from Docker Hub. You’ll see output like this:
Your environment is now up and running in the background. To verify that the container is active, you can run:
$ docker-compose ps
This command will show you information about the running containers and their state, as well as any port redirections currently in place:
You can now access the demo application by pointing your browser to either localhost:8000
if you are running this demo on your local machine, or your_server_domain_or_IP:8000
if you are running this demo on a remote server.
You’ll see a page like this:
Because the shared volume you’ve set up within the docker-compose.yml
file keeps your app
folder files in sync with the container’s document root. If you make any changes to the index.html
file, they will be automatically picked up by the container and thus reflected on your browser when you reload the page.
In the next step, you’ll see how to manage your containerized environment with Docker Compose commands.
You’ve seen how to set up a docker-compose.yml
file and bring your environment up with docker-compose up
. You’ll now see how to use Docker Compose commands to manage and interact with your containerized environment.
To check the logs produced by your Nginx container, you can use the logs
$ docker-compose logs
You’ll see output similar to this:
If you want to pause the environment execution without changing the current state of your containers, you can use:
$ docker-compose pause
Pausingcompose-demo_web_1 ... done
To resume execution after issuing a pause:
$ docker-compose unpause
Unpausing compose-demo_web_1 ... done
The stop
command will terminate the container execution, but it won’t destroy any data associated with your containers:
$ docker-compose stop
Stopping compose-demo_web_1 ... done
If you want to remove the containers, networks, and volumes associated with this containerized environment, use the down
$ docker-compose down
Removingcompose-demo_web_1 ... done
Removing networkcompose-demo_default
Notice that this won’t remove the base image used by Docker Compose to spin up your environment (in our case, nginx:alpine
). This way, whenever you bring your environment up again with a docker-compose up
, the process will be much faster since the image is already on your system.
In case you want to also remove the base image from your system, you can use:
we’ve seen how to install Docker Compose and set up a containerized environment based on an Nginx web server image. We’ve also seen how to manage this environment using Compose commands.
Finally, to enable SSL you’ll need a domain name pointed at your server’s public IP address. This should be something like
I purchased a domain from However, feel free to use a host website of your choice.
After purchasing your domain, you will need to add a DNS record as shown in the picture.
Your first step will be to create the Docker Compose configuration that will launch containers for both the Matomo app and a MariaDB database.
This section will put your configuration inside a matomo
directory in your home directory. You could also choose to work in an /opt/matomo
directory or some other directory of your choosing.
First ensure you’re in your home directory:
cd ~
Then create the matomo
directory and cd
into it:
mkdir matomo
cd matomo
Now open a new blank YAML file called docker-compose.yml
nano docker-compose.yml
This is the configuration file that the docker-compose
software will read when bringing up your containers. Paste the following into the file:
The file defines two services
, one db
service which is the MariaDB container, and an app
service which runs the Matomo software. Both services also reference a named volume where they store some data, and the app
service also opens up port 8080
on the loopback (
) interface, which we’ll connect to via localhost
Save the file and exit your text editor to continue. In nano
, press CTRL+O
then ENTER
to save, then CTRL+X
to exit.
The MariaDB container needs some configuration to be passed to it through environment variables in order to function. The docker-compose.yml
file lists these environment variables, but not all of them have associated values. That’s because it’s good practice to keep passwords out of your docker-compose.yml
file, especially if you’ll be committing it to a Git repository or other source control system.
Instead, we’ll put the necessary information in a .env
file in the same directory, which the docker-compose
command will automatically load when we start our containers.
Open a new .env
file with nano
nano .env
You’ll need to fill in a user name and password, as well as a strong password for the MariaDB root superuser account:
One way of generating a strong password is to use the openssl
command, which should be available on most any operating system. The following command will print out a random 30 character hash that you can use as a password:
openssl rand 30 | base64 -w 0 ; echo
When you’re done filling out the information in your .env
file, save it and exit your text editor.
You’re now ready to bring up the two containers with docker-compose
sudo docker-compose up -d
The up
subcommand tells docker-compose
to start the containers (and volumes and networks) defined in the docker-compose.yml
file, and the -d
flag tells it to do so in the background (“daemonize”) so the command doesn’t take over your terminal. docker-compose
will print some brief output as it starts the containers:
Creating matomo_db_1 ... done
Creating matomo_app_1 ... done
When that’s done, Matomo should be running. You can test that a webserver is running at localhost:8080
by fetching the homepage using the curl
curl --head http://localhost:8080
This will print out only the HTTP headers from the response:
The 200 OK
response means the Matomo server is up and running, but it’s only available on localhost
. The highlighted X-Matomo-Request-Id
header indicates that the server is Matomo and not something else that might be configured to listen on port 8080. Next we’ll set up Nginx to proxy public traffic to the Matomo container.
Putting a web server such as Nginx in front of your Matomo server can improve performance by offloading caching, compression, and static file serving to a more efficient process. We’re going to install Nginx and configure it to reverse proxy requests to Matomo, meaning it will take care of handing requests from your users to Matomo and back again. Using a non-containerized Nginx will also make it easier to add Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates in the next step.
First, refresh your package list, then install Nginx using apt
sudo apt update
sudo apt install nginx
Allow public traffic to ports 80
and 443
(HTTP and HTTPS) using the “Nginx Full” UFW application profile:
sudo ufw allow "Nginx Full"
Rule added
Rule added (v6)
Next, open up a new Nginx configuration file in the /etc/nginx/sites-available
directory. We’ll call ours matomo.conf
but you could use a different name:
sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/matomo.conf
Paste the following into the new configuration file, being sure to replace your_domain_here
with the domain that you’ve configured to point to your Matomo server. This should be something like
, for instance:
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
access_log /var/log/nginx/matomo.access.log;
error_log /var/log/nginx/matomo.error.log;
location / {
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https;
proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;
This configuration is HTTP-only for now, as we’ll let Certbot take care of configuring SSL in the next step. The rest of the config sets up logging locations and then passes all traffic, as well as some important proxy headers, along to http://localhost:8080
, the Matomo container we started up in the previous step.
Save and close the file, then enable the configuration by linking it into /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/matomo.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
Use nginx -t
to verify that the configuration file syntax is correct:
sudo nginx -t
nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful
And finally, reload the nginx
service to pick up the new configuration:
sudo systemctl reload nginx
Your Matomo site should now be available on plain HTTP. Load http://your_domain_here
(you may have to click through a security warning) and it will look like this:
Now that you have your site up and running over HTTP, it’s time to secure the connection with Certbot and Let’s Encrypt certificates. You should do this before going through Matomo’s web-based setup procedure.
Thanks to Certbot and the Let’s Encrypt free certificate authority, adding SSL encryption to our Matomo app will take only two commands.
First, install Certbot and its Nginx plugin:
sudo apt install certbot python3-certbot-nginx
Next, run certbot
in --nginx
mode, and specify the same domain you used in the Nginx server_name
sudo certbot --nginx -dyour_domain_here
You’ll be prompted to agree to the Let’s Encrypt terms of service, and to enter an email address.
Afterwards, you’ll be asked if you want to redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS. It’s up to you, but this is generally recommended and safe to do.
After that, Let’s Encrypt will confirm your request and Certbot will download your certificate:
Certbot will automatically reload Nginx to pick up the new configuration and certificates. Reload your site and it should switch you over to HTTPS automatically if you chose the redirect option.
Your site is now secure and it’s safe to continue with the web-based setup steps.
Back in your web browser you should now have Matomo’s Welcome! page open via a secure https://
connection. Now you can enter usernames and passwords safely to complete the installation process.
Click the Next button. You’ll be taken to the System Check step.
Now you’ll be on the Database Setup page.
The information you fill in on this page will tell the Matomo application how to connect to the MariaDB database. You’ll need the MARIADB_USER
that you chose in Step 1. You can copy them out of your .env
file if you need to.
Fill out the first four fields:
- Database Server: db
- Login: the username you set in the
environment variable - Password: the password you set in the
environment variable - Database Name: matomo
The defaults are fine for the remaining two fields.
Click Next once more. You’ll get a confirmation that the database was set up correctly. Click Next again. You’ll then need to set up an admin user, and finally you’ll set up information about the first website you want to collect analytics for.
After all that, you should end up on step 8, a Congratulations page. You’re almost all done. Scroll down to the bottom and click the Continue to Matomo button, and you’ll be taken to the homepage:
There will be a large warning at the top of the page. There’s a small update you’ll need to do to Matomo’s configuration file to finish up this process.
Back on the command line, open up the configuration file with a text editor:
sudo nano matomo/config/config.ini.php
Near the top you should have a [General]
section. Add the last three lines, highlighted below, to the end of that section:
These options let Matomo know that it’s safe to use port 8080
, and that it should assume it’s always being accessed over a secure connection.
Save and close the configuration file, then switch back to your browser and reload the page. The error should be gone, and you’ll be presented with a login prompt.
Log in with the admin account you created during setup, and you should be taken to the dashboard:
There is no tracking code set up, which is reflected on your websites'dashboard. Follow the instructions to finish setting up the JavaScript code on your website to start receiving analytics data.
You have successfully launched the Matamo analytics app and a MariaDB database using Docker Compose, as well as setting up an Nginx reverse proxy and secured it using Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates.