A simple lib reference Microsoft.Sqlserver.Dacpac and Microsoft.Sqlserver.SMO to handle Dacpac deploy and clean up to sql server instance or LocalDB, especially useful for unit testing
- Search for SSDTDeployer in nuget package manager.
- Create an instance of SSDTDeployer.SsdtServerDeployer to handle sql server instance
- Or create an instance of SSDTDeployer.SsdtLocalDbDeployer to handle LocalDB
- Call methods "DeployDacPac", "DetachDb", "DeleteDb", "CreateDb"
- All good!
- Code from test: LocalDbTest
var deployer = new SsdtLocalDbDeployer(dbName + ".mdf", true); //true: create if not exists
- Using sql instance: SqlInstanceTest
var dbName = "TestDeployerLocalSqlInstance";
var connectString = String.Format(Utils.LocalInstanceConnectionString, dbName);
var deployer = new SsdtServerDeployer(connectString, dbName, true);
- When doing unit testing with it, we'd better put the creation of databases in the initialization method and put the removing/clean up in the clean-up method,
- keep in mind that not to force the testing to stop but let it go through even if it's broken by an exception, which allows the clean-up method to get the db server instance cleared
- "Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String'." exception when trying to create instance of SsdtLocalDbDeployer
- Cause: the deployer failed to create FileGroup "Primary" for the db, maybe due to previous uncleared enviroment
- Workaround. use management studio to connect to (localdb)\V11.0 to manually remove the db (identified by file path), it will probably give another error while doing the removal, but it will do the job.
- Solution: working on it...