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MICRO-453 Robotics practicals, 2021 Spring
Students: Chuanfang Ning, Jianhao Zheng, Yujie He
Example page: https://go.epfl.ch/ros_basics_final_2021
Report here !
Thymio, PID, Way following, Obstacle avoidance, Pledge algorithm, Aruco marker, Sim2Real, Gazebo
visualize Thymio in RViz
roslaunch ros_basics_exercise thymio_simple_rviz.launch
simulate Thymio robot in Gazebo with an interactive window
roslaunch ros_basics_control simu_thymio.launch
adding waypoints and obstacle for the robot
roslaunch ros_basics_control simu_thymio.launch roslaunch ros_basics_exercise set_simu_waypoints_obstacle.launch
tune with rqt tools (rqt_plot, rqt_reconfigrure, rqt_image_show)
roslaunch ros_basics_control simu_thymio.launch roslaunch ros_basics_exercise tune_with_rqt.launch
visualize the rosbag files
roslaunch ros_basics_exercise view_with_rosbag.launch
extract pose and sensor information from rosbag files
roslaunch ros_basics_exercise view_with_rosbag.launch # open a new terminal rosrun ros_basics_exercise topic_reader.py
plot trajectory comparison between real and simulation (using matlab)
cd results_from_bag/ # run `plot_traj_comp.m` in MATLAB
connect to the real Thymio
pip install thymiodirect roslaunch ros_basics_control real_thymio.launch
rosbags can be downloaded from Google Drive
For more info, you can refer to readme.md in ./src/ros_basics_exercise/rosbags/ folder.
Thanks to Vaios Papaspyros and Rafael Barmak from MOBOTS at EPFL for the amazing course tutorials !