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Make Markdown processing not optimised by default
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The vast majority of Markdown use cases will be displaying static text,
so trying to optimise for an editor-like scenario is counter-productive.
This PR sets the flag to false by default.

This commit also cleans up the MarkdownProcessor code and kdocs.
  • Loading branch information
rock3r committed Jul 19, 2024
1 parent 6ef2344 commit ee52934
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Showing 3 changed files with 94 additions and 79 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,33 +19,45 @@ import org.intellij.lang.annotations.Language
import org.jetbrains.annotations.TestOnly
import org.jetbrains.annotations.VisibleForTesting
import org.jetbrains.jewel.markdown.InlineMarkdown
import org.jetbrains.jewel.markdown.MarkdownBlock
import org.jetbrains.jewel.markdown.MarkdownBlock.CodeBlock
import org.jetbrains.jewel.markdown.MarkdownBlock.ListBlock
import org.jetbrains.jewel.markdown.MimeType
import org.jetbrains.jewel.markdown.extensions.MarkdownProcessorExtension
import org.jetbrains.jewel.markdown.readInlineContent
import org.jetbrains.jewel.markdown.rendering.DefaultInlineMarkdownRenderer
import org.commonmark.node.ListBlock as CMListBlock

* @param optimizeEdits Optional. Indicates whether the processing should
* only update the changed blocks by keeping a previous state in memory.
* Default is `true`, use `false` for immutable data.
* Reads raw Markdown strings and processes them into a list of
* [MarkdownBlock].
* @param extensions Extensions to use when processing the Markdown (e.g.,
* to support parsing custom block-level Markdown).
* @param optimizeEdits Indicates whether the processing should only update
* the changed blocks by keeping a previous state in memory. Default is
* `false`; set this to `true` if this parser will be used in an editor
* scenario, where the raw Markdown is only ever going to change
* slightly but frequently (e.g., as the user types). Setting this to
* `true` has a memory cost, and can be a performance regression if the
* parse input is not always small variations of the same basic text.
* When this is `true`, the instance of [MarkdownProcessor] is **not**
* thread-safe!
* @param commonMarkParser The CommonMark [Parser] used to parse the
* Markdown. By default it's a vanilla instance provided by the
* [MarkdownParserFactory], but you can provide your own if you need to
* customize the parser — e.g., to ignore certain tags. If
* [optimizeEdits] is `true`, make sure you set
* `includeSourceSpans(IncludeSourceSpans.BLOCKS)` on the parser.
public class MarkdownProcessor(
private val extensions: List<MarkdownProcessorExtension> = emptyList(),
private val optimizeEdits: Boolean = true,
private val optimizeEdits: Boolean = false,
private val commonMarkParser: Parser = MarkdownParserFactory.create(optimizeEdits, extensions),
) {
public constructor(
optimizeEdits: Boolean = true,
vararg extensions: MarkdownProcessorExtension,
) : this(extensions.toList(), optimizeEdits)

private data class State(val lines: List<String>, val blocks: List<Block>, val indexes: List<Pair<Int, Int>>)

private var currentState = State(emptyList(), emptyList(), emptyList())

Expand All @@ -58,47 +70,26 @@ public class MarkdownProcessor(
* to an [androidx.compose.ui.text.AnnotatedString] by using
* [DefaultInlineMarkdownRenderer.renderAsAnnotatedString].
* The contents of [InlineMarkdown] is equivalent to the original, but
* normalized and simplified, and cleaned up as follows:
* * Replace HTML entities with the corresponding character (escaped, if it
* is necessary)
* * Inline link and image references and omit the reference blocks
* * Use the destination as text for links when no text is set (escaped, if
* it is necessary)
* * Normalize link titles to always use double quotes as enclosing
* character
* * Normalize backticks in inline code runs
* * Convert links in image descriptions to plain text
* * Drop empty nodes with no visual representation (e.g., links with no
* text and destination)
* * Remove unnecessary escapes
* * Escape non-formatting instances of ``*_`~<>[]()!`` for clarity
* The contents of code blocks aren't transformed in any way. HTML blocks
* get their outer whitespace trimmed, and so does inline HTML.
* @param rawMarkdown the raw Markdown string to process.
* @see DefaultInlineMarkdownRenderer
public fun processMarkdownDocument(
@Language("Markdown") rawMarkdown: String,
): List<MarkdownBlock> {
return if (!optimizeEdits) {
} else {
public fun processMarkdownDocument(@Language("Markdown") rawMarkdown: String): List<MarkdownBlock> {
val blocks = if (optimizeEdits) {
}.mapNotNull { child ->
} else {

return blocks.mapNotNull { child -> child.tryProcessMarkdownBlock() }

internal fun processWithQuickEdits(
@Language("Markdown") rawMarkdown: String,
): List<Block> {
internal fun processWithQuickEdits(@Language("Markdown") rawMarkdown: String): List<Block> {
val (previousLines, previousBlocks, previousIndexes) = currentState
val newLines = rawMarkdown.lines()
val nLinesDelta = newLines.size - previousLines.size
// find a block prior to the first one changed in case some elements merge during the update

// Find a block prior to the first one changed in case some elements merge during the update
var firstBlock = 0
var firstLine = 0
var currFirstBlock = 0
Expand All @@ -115,7 +106,8 @@ public class MarkdownProcessor(
currFirstBlock = i + 1
currFirstLine = end + 1
// find a block following the last one changed in case some elements merge during the update

// Find a block following the last one changed in case some elements merge during the update
var lastBlock = previousBlocks.size
var lastLine = previousLines.size
var currLastBlock = lastBlock
Expand All @@ -133,47 +125,52 @@ public class MarkdownProcessor(
currLastBlock = i
currLastLine = begin

if (firstLine > lastLine + nLinesDelta) {
// no change
return previousBlocks

val updatedText = newLines.subList(firstLine, lastLine + nLinesDelta).joinToString("\n", postfix = "\n")
val updatedBlocks: List<Block> = textToBlocks(updatedText)
val updatedBlocks: List<Block> = parseRawMarkdown(updatedText)
val updatedIndexes = { node ->
// special case for a bug where LinkReferenceDefinition is a Node,
// but it takes over sourceSpans from the following Block
if (node.sourceSpans.isEmpty()) {
node.sourceSpans = node.previous.sourceSpans
(node.sourceSpans.first().lineIndex + firstLine) to
(node.sourceSpans.last().lineIndex + firstLine)

val firstLineIndex = node.sourceSpans.first().lineIndex + firstLine
val lastLineIndex = node.sourceSpans.last().lineIndex + firstLine

firstLineIndex to lastLineIndex

val suffixIndexes =
previousIndexes.subList(lastBlock, previousBlocks.size).map {
(it.first + nLinesDelta) to (it.second + nLinesDelta)
val newBlocks = (

val newBlocks =
previousBlocks.subList(0, firstBlock) +
updatedBlocks +
previousBlocks.subList(lastBlock, previousBlocks.size)

val newIndexes = previousIndexes.subList(0, firstBlock) + updatedIndexes + suffixIndexes
currentState = State(newLines, newBlocks, newIndexes)

return newBlocks

private fun textToBlocks(strings: String): List<Block> {
private fun parseRawMarkdown(@Language("Markdown") rawMarkdown: String): List<Block> {
val document =
commonMarkParser.parse(strings) as? Document
commonMarkParser.parse(rawMarkdown) as? Document
?: error("This doesn't look like a Markdown document")
val updatedBlocks: List<Block> =
buildList {
document.forEachChild { child ->
(child as? Block)?.let { add(it) }
return updatedBlocks

return buildList {
document.forEachChild { child -> if (child is Block) add(child) }

private fun Node.tryProcessMarkdownBlock(): MarkdownBlock? =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -205,24 +202,34 @@ public class MarkdownProcessor(

private fun FencedCodeBlock.toMarkdownCodeBlockOrNull(): CodeBlock.FencedCodeBlock =
content = literal.trimEnd('\n'),
mimeType = MimeType.Known.fromMarkdownLanguageName(info),

private fun IndentedCodeBlock.toMarkdownCodeBlockOrNull(): CodeBlock.IndentedCodeBlock = CodeBlock.IndentedCodeBlock(literal.trimEnd('\n'))
private fun IndentedCodeBlock.toMarkdownCodeBlockOrNull(): CodeBlock.IndentedCodeBlock =

private fun BulletList.toMarkdownListOrNull(): ListBlock.UnorderedList? {
val children = processListItems()
if (children.isEmpty()) return null

return ListBlock.UnorderedList(children, isTight, marker)
return ListBlock.UnorderedList(
children = children,
isTight = isTight,
marker = marker

private fun OrderedList.toMarkdownListOrNull(): ListBlock.OrderedList? {
val children = processListItems()
if (children.isEmpty()) return null

return ListBlock.OrderedList(children, isTight, markerStartNumber, markerDelimiter)
return ListBlock.OrderedList(
children = children,
isTight = isTight,
startFrom = markerStartNumber,
delimiter = markerDelimiter

private fun CMListBlock.processListItems() =
Expand All @@ -233,12 +240,18 @@ public class MarkdownProcessor(

* Processes the children of a CommonMark [Node]. This function is public
* so that it can be accessed from [MarkdownProcessorExtension]s, but
* should not be used in other scenarios.
public fun processChildren(node: Node): List<MarkdownBlock> =
buildList {
node.forEachChild { child ->
val parsedBlock = child.tryProcessMarkdownBlock()
if (parsedBlock != null) {
Expand All @@ -254,6 +267,8 @@ public class MarkdownProcessor(

private fun HtmlBlock.toMarkdownHtmlBlockOrNull(): MarkdownBlock.HtmlBlock? {
if (literal.isBlank()) return null
return MarkdownBlock.HtmlBlock(content = literal.trimEnd('\n'))
return MarkdownBlock.HtmlBlock(literal.trimEnd('\n'))

private data class State(val lines: List<String>, val blocks: List<Block>, val indexes: List<Pair<Int, Int>>)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ private val rawMarkdown =
"LargeClass", // Detekt triggers on files > 600 lines
class MarkdownProcessorTest {
class MarkdownProcessorOptimizeEditsTest {
private val htmlRenderer = HtmlRenderer.builder().build()

fun `first blocks stay the same`() {
val processor = MarkdownProcessor()
val processor = MarkdownProcessor(optimizeEdits = true)
val firstRun = processor.processWithQuickEdits(rawMarkdown)
val secondRun =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ class MarkdownProcessorTest {

fun `first block edited`() {
val processor = MarkdownProcessor()
val processor = MarkdownProcessor(optimizeEdits = true)
val firstRun = processor.processWithQuickEdits(rawMarkdown)
val secondRun =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ class MarkdownProcessorTest {

fun `last block edited`() {
val processor = MarkdownProcessor()
val processor = MarkdownProcessor(optimizeEdits = true)
val firstRun = processor.processWithQuickEdits(rawMarkdown)
val secondRun =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ class MarkdownProcessorTest {

fun `middle block edited`() {
val processor = MarkdownProcessor()
val processor = MarkdownProcessor(optimizeEdits = true)
val firstRun = processor.processWithQuickEdits(rawMarkdown)
val secondRun =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ class MarkdownProcessorTest {

fun `blocks merged`() {
val processor = MarkdownProcessor()
val processor = MarkdownProcessor(optimizeEdits = true)
val firstRun = processor.processWithQuickEdits(rawMarkdown)
val secondRun =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ class MarkdownProcessorTest {

fun `blocks split`() {
val processor = MarkdownProcessor()
val processor = MarkdownProcessor(optimizeEdits = true)
val firstRun = processor.processWithQuickEdits(rawMarkdown)
val secondRun =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ class MarkdownProcessorTest {

fun `blocks deleted`() {
val processor = MarkdownProcessor()
val processor = MarkdownProcessor(optimizeEdits = true)
val firstRun = processor.processWithQuickEdits(rawMarkdown)
val secondRun =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ class MarkdownProcessorTest {

fun `blocks added`() {
val processor = MarkdownProcessor()
val processor = MarkdownProcessor(optimizeEdits = true)
val firstRun = processor.processWithQuickEdits(rawMarkdown)
val secondDocument =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ class MarkdownProcessorTest {

fun `no changes`() {
val processor = MarkdownProcessor()
val processor = MarkdownProcessor(optimizeEdits = true)
val firstRun = processor.processWithQuickEdits(rawMarkdown)
val secondRun = processor.processWithQuickEdits(rawMarkdown)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ class MarkdownProcessorTest {

fun `empty line added`() {
val processor = MarkdownProcessor()
val processor = MarkdownProcessor(optimizeEdits = true)
val firstRun = processor.processWithQuickEdits(rawMarkdown)
val secondRun = processor.processWithQuickEdits("\n" + rawMarkdown)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ class MarkdownProcessorTest {
/** Regression */
fun `content if empty`() {
val processor = MarkdownProcessor()
val processor = MarkdownProcessor(optimizeEdits = true)
val secondRun = processor.processWithQuickEdits("")
Expand All @@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ class MarkdownProcessorTest {

fun `chained changes`() {
val processor = MarkdownProcessor()
val processor = MarkdownProcessor(optimizeEdits = true)
# Header 0
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,12 +52,12 @@ internal fun MarkdownPreview(
remember(isDark) { if (isDark) MarkdownStyling.dark() else MarkdownStyling.light() }

var markdownBlocks by remember { mutableStateOf(emptyList<MarkdownBlock>()) }
val extensions = listOf(GitHubAlertProcessorExtension, AutolinkProcessorExtension)
val extensions = remember { listOf(GitHubAlertProcessorExtension, AutolinkProcessorExtension) }

// We are doing this here for the sake of simplicity.
// In a real-world scenario you would be doing this outside your Composables,
// potentially involving ViewModels, dependency injection, etc.
val processor = remember { MarkdownProcessor(extensions) }
val processor = remember { MarkdownProcessor(extensions, optimizeEdits = true) }

LaunchedEffect(rawMarkdown) {
// TODO you may want to debounce or drop on backpressure, in real usages. You should also not do this
Expand Down

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