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JesseWx2011 authored Oct 30, 2023
1 parent d5a1b70 commit c4759bf
Showing 1 changed file with 324 additions and 0 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
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<title>Halethorpe Weather-Watch </title>
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var ajaxIDs=[];
ajaxIDs[0] = "temp";
ajaxIDs[1] = "temp_low";
ajaxIDs[2] = "temp_high";
ajaxIDs[3] = "barometer";
ajaxIDs[4] = "barometer_min";
ajaxIDs[5] = "barometer_max";
ajaxIDs[6] = "humidity";
ajaxIDs[7] = "humidity_low";
ajaxIDs[8] = "humidity_high";
ajaxIDs[9] = "wind_speed";
ajaxIDs[10] = "wind_speed_max";
ajaxIDs[11] = "wind_gust_speed";
ajaxIDs[12] = "wind_gust_speed_max";
ajaxIDs[13] = "wind_compass";
ajaxIDs[14] = "wind_direction";
ajaxIDs[15] = "rain_today";
ajaxIDs[16] = "rain_month";
ajaxIDs[17] = "rain_year";
ajaxIDs[18] = "temp_indoor";
ajaxIDs[19] = "humidity_indoor";
ajaxIDs[20] = "uv";
ajaxIDs[21] = "solar";
ajaxIDs[22] = "lux";
ajaxIDs[23] = "extra_tmp3";
ajaxIDs[24] = "extra_tmp2";
ajaxIDs[25] = "extra_tmp1";
var wsUrl = "_data.php?ajax&nosky";
var reloadTime = 30;
<body class="dark" style="background-color: transparent; height: 100%; width: 100%;">
<div class="SMPL_weather_container" style="margin: 0 auto;"><!-- header container -->
<div class="SMPL_weather_item my_color large" style="width: 100%; margin: 2px 6px; padding: 0px; float: none; height: 40px; text-align: center;">
<span style="font-size: 32px; position: relative; top: 2px;">A Simple Title by Yoshi</span>
<form method="get" name="lang_select" action="#" style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px; color: white; background: transparent; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 10px;">
<select id="lang" name="lang" style="color: white; font-weight: 400; background: transparent; border: none; position: relative; top: 0px; " onchange="this.form.submit();">
<option value="en-uk" selected="selected">English (United Kingdom)</option>
<option value="ct-ct">Catalan (Catalonia)</option>
<option value="da-dk">Danish (Denmark)</option>
<option value="de-dl">German (Germany)</option>
<option value="es-es">Spanish (Spain)</option>
<option value="fr-fr">French (France)</option>
<option value="el-gr">Greece</option>
<option value="it-it">Italian (Italy)</option>
<option value="nl-nl">Dutch (Netherlands)</option>
<option value="nn-no">Norwegian (Norway)</option>
<option value="sr-rs">Serbian (Serbia)</option>
<option value="pt">Portugese(Portugal)</option>
<option value="pt-br">Portuguese (Brazil)</option>
<option value="pl">Polish (Poland)</option>
<option value="hr">Croatian (Croatia)</option>
<option value="se">Swedish (Sweden)</option>
<option value="fi">Finnish (Finland)</option>
<option value="en-us">English</option>
<span id="ajaxcounter" style="font-size: 12px; position: absolute; top: 12px; right: 10px;">-289</span>
<span style="font-size: 12px; position: absolute; top: 12px; right: 30px">Refresh: </span>
</div><!-- eo header container -->
<div class="SMPL_weather_container" style="margin: 0 auto;"><!-- enclosing blocks container -->
<div class="SMPL_weather_item my_color">
<div class="SMPL_module_title my_color">Temperature ° F</div>
<div class="SMPL_module_content"><span class="ajax" id="temp">%temp%</span></div>
<div class="SMPL_module_low"><span class="ajax" id="temp_low">%mintemp%</span></div>
<div class="SMPL_module_high"><span class="ajax" id="temp_high">%maxtemp%</span></div>
<div class="SMPL_weather_item my_color">
<div class="SMPL_module_title my_color">Pressure inHg</div>
<div class="SMPL_module_content"><span class="ajax" id="barometer">%baro%</span></div>
<div class="SMPL_module_low"><span class="ajax" id="barometer_min">%lowbaro%</span></div>
<div class="SMPL_module_high"><span class="ajax" id="barometer_max">%highbaro%</span></div>
<div class="SMPL_weather_item my_color">
<div class="SMPL_module_title my_color">Humidity % </div>
<div class="SMPL_module_content"><span class="ajax" id="humidity">%hum%</span></div>
<div class="SMPL_module_low"><span class="ajax" id="humidity_low">%highhum%</span></div>
<div class="SMPL_module_high"><span class="ajax" id="humidity_high">%highhum%</span></div>
<div class="SMPL_weather_item my_color">
<div class="SMPL_module_title my_color">Wind mph</div>
<div class="SMPL_module_content"><span class="ajax" id="wind_speed">%avgspd%</span></div>
<div class="SMPL_module_low"></div>

<div class="SMPL_weather_item my_color">
<div class="SMPL_module_title my_color">Gust mph</div>
<div class="SMPL_module_content"><span class="ajax" id="wind_gust_speed">%gstspd%</span></div>
<div class="SMPL_module_low"></div>
<div class="SMPL_module_high"><span class="ajax" id="wind_gust_speed_max">11.5</span></div>
<div class="SMPL_weather_item my_color">
<div class="SMPL_module_title my_color">Compass </div>
<div class="SMPL_module_content"><span class="ajax" id="wind_compass">%dirlabel%</span></div>
<div class="SMPL_module_low"><span class="ajax" id="wind_direction">287</span>°</div>
<div class="SMPL_module_high"></div>
<div class="SMPL_weather_item my_color">
<div class="SMPL_module_title my_color">Rain in</div>
<div class="SMPL_module_content"><span class="ajax" id="rain_today">%dayrn%</span></div>
<div class="SMPL_module_low"><span class="ajax" id="rain_month">%monthrn%</span> <span style="font-size: 12px;">Month</span></div>
<div class="SMPL_module_high"><span style="font-size: 12px;">Year</span> <span class="ajax" id="rain_year">%yearrn%</span></div>
<div class="SMPL_weather_item my_color">
<div class="SMPL_module_title my_color">Indoor ° F</div>
<div class="SMPL_module_content"><span class="ajax" id="temp_indoor">%indoortemp%</span></div>
<div class="SMPL_module_low"></div>
<div class="SMPL_module_high"><span style="font-size: 12px;">Humidity</span> <span class="ajax" id="humidity_indoor">55</span></div>
<div class="SMPL_weather_item my_color">
<div class="SMPL_module_title my_color">UV-Index </div>
<div class="SMPL_module_content"><span class="ajax" id="uv">%VPuv%</span></div>
<div class="SMPL_module_low"><span class="ajax" id="solar">%VPsolar%</span> <span style="font-size: 12px;">Solar</span></div>


<br><br><br><span class="ajax" id="ajaxindicator"></span>
</div><!-- enclosing blocks container -->
// Load changing weathervalues into fields on screen, colorize changed values for some seconds
// Total rewrite from WD-tags as used in Saratoga / Leuven templates
// Version 2021-08-24
// -- begin settings --------------------------------------------------------------------------
var flashcolor = "#00CC00"; // color to flash for changed observations
var flashtime = 3000; // miliseconds to keep flash color on (5000 = 5 seconds);
var wsRequest = false; // to communicate with server to get the field-data
var errorEval;
var counterSecs = reloadTime;
var ajaxVars = new Array();
// find the handler for AJAX based on availability of the wsRequest object
function ws_ajax_request () {
wsRequest = false;
try { wsRequest = new XMLHttpRequest()} // non IE browser (or IE8 native)
{ wsRequest = false;
alert("Sorry.. AJAX updates are not available for your browser.") ;} // eo catxh e1
return wsRequest;
} // eof ws_ajax_request
// wsRequest the data form the server
function load_data(wsUrl) {
if (wsRequest) // is there a usable object
{"get", wsUrl );
wsRequest.onreadystatechange = process_data; // which function handles the returned data:
wsRequest.send(null);} // send the wsRequest to the server:
else { alert("Sorry.. AJAX updates are not available for your browser.");}
} // eof load_data: wsRequest the data form the server
// when data is received
function process_data() { // wait antoher second before starting to use the data
if ( (wsRequest.readyState == 4) && (wsRequest.status == 200) ) {
setTimeout("execute_data()", 1000); }
// now we can use the latest data
function execute_data() { // Everything ok
eval (wsRequest.responseText); // alert ("252"+wsRequest.responseText); // alert ("242 " + ajaxVars["ajaxdate"]); // eval the string
if (undefined == ajaxVars["ajaxdate"]) {
var indicator = "Error in data received, reload page to start";
errorEval = true; }
// use loop to process all ajax fields 2021-08-2
else { var indicator = "";
var numelements = ajaxIDs.length; // alert ("number of objects ="+numelements);
for (var index=0; index!=numelements; index++) {
var name = ajaxIDs[index]; //alert ("name ="+name+" value="+ajaxVars[name]);
var element = document.getElementById(name);
if (! element ) { continue; }
var oldValue = element.innerHTML;
var lastobs = element.getAttribute("lastobs");
var newValue = ajaxVars[name];
if (!newValue) {continue;}
element.innerHTML= newValue;
newValue = element.innerHTML;
if (oldValue != newValue)
// store away the new current value in both the doc and the span as lastobs="value"
{ element.setAttribute("lastobs",oldValue); = flashcolor;}
} //EO use loop to process all ajax fields 2021-08-2
var element = document.getElementById("ajaxindicator");
element.innerHTML = indicator;
setTimeout("reset_ajax_color('')",flashtime); // change text back to default color
ws_ajax_request (); // load again after wait of so many milliseconds
setTimeout("load_data(wsUrl)", reloadTime*1000);
counterSecs = reloadTime;
} // eof execute_data: put every piece of data in the right place
// reset all the <span class="ajax"...> styles to have no color override
function reset_ajax_color( usecolor ) {
var numelements = ajaxIDs.length; // alert ("number of objects ="+numelements);
for (var index=0;index!=numelements;index++) {
var name = ajaxIDs[index]; // alert ("element ="+element+" value="+ajaxVars[element]);
var element = document.getElementById(name);
if (! element ) { continue; };}
} // eof reset_ajax_color: reset all the <span class="ajax"...> styles to have no color override
// Mike Challis counter function (adapted by Ken True)
function ajax_countup() {
var element = document.getElementById("ajaxcounter");
if (element) {
element.innerHTML = counterSecs;
} // count time to new update
// code below will be excuted when html is already loaded
window.setInterval("ajax_countup()", 1000); // run the counter for seconds since update
wsRequest = ws_ajax_request (); // load for the first time after wait of so many milliseconds
setTimeout("load_data(wsUrl)", counterSecs*1000); //
<!-- simple.php (97) version =>simple.php|09|2023-02-15|
simple.php (102) include_once =>_data.php
_data.php (24) version =>_data.php|01|2023-02-15|
_data.php (42) include_once =>PWS_livedata.php
PWS_livedata.php (22) version =>PWS_livedata.php|09|2023-09-09|
PWS_livedata.php (25) include_once =>PWS_settings.php
PWS_settings.php (28) version =>PWS_settings.php|01|2022-12-23|
PWS_settings.php (32) include =>/home/halethor/public_html/pwsWD/_my_settings/settings.php
PWS_settings.php (176) $defaultlanguage=en-uk $used_lang =en-uk $locale_wu=en-GB $lang_locale=en-gb $lang_file=languages/lang_en.txt
PWS_settings.php (284) $units_used =us $windunit=mph $tempunit=F $rainunit=in $pressureunit=inHg $distanceunit=mi $wu_unit=e
PWS_livedata.php (29) include_once =>PWS_shared.php
PWS_shared.php (21) version =>PWS_shared.php|01|2022-11-22|
PWS_livedata.php (39) $itsday =1
PWS_livedata.php (2070) include_once =>PWS_extra_data.php
PWS_extra_data.php (27) version =>PWS_extra_data.php|01|2023-07-14|
PWS_extra_data.php (30) include_once =>PWS_settings.php
PWS_extra_data.php (34) include_once =>PWS_shared.php
PWS_extra_data.php (59) processing: |snow_today|snow|0.00|! # in
PWS_extra_data.php (59) processing: |snow_yday|snow|0|! # Yesterdays' snow
PWS_extra_data.php (59) processing: |snow_season|snow|0.000|! # in
PWS_extra_data.php (59) processing: |snow_depth|snow|0.0|! # in.
PWS_extra_data.php (59) processing: |tub_current|temp|81.7|! #
PWS_extra_data.php (59) processing: |tub_high|temp|82.1|! #
PWS_extra_data.php (59) processing: |tub_low|temp|77.6|! #
PWS_extra_data.php (59) processing: |fromrain|uom|in|!
PWS_extra_data.php (59) processing: |fromtemp|uom|F|!
PWS_extra_data.php (59) processing: |extra_tmp1|temp|81.7|! #hot tub
PWS_extra_data.php (59) processing: |extra_tmp2|temp|64.1|! #soil
PWS_extra_data.php (59) processing: |extra_tmp3|temp|77.8|! #grass
PWS_extra_data.php (59) processing: |extra_tmp4|temp|96.1|! #cloud
PWS_extra_data.php (59) processing: |extra_tmp5|temp|120.3|! #AC power
PWS_extra_data.php (59) processing: |lightning|light|9|!
PWS_extra_data.php (59) processing: |lightningtime|light|--|!
PWS_extra_data.php (59) processing: |lightningenergy|light|--|!
PWS_extra_data.php (59) processing: |lightningkm|light|--|! // leave as last of the lightning values


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