This repository includes a seismic migration routine for Common Offset Gathers using a Kirchhoff depth migration. It is written in MatLab code. This routine was an assignment for a university class and of course is highly specific. However, it may (of course) be adapted to other uses, within the limits of the license.
This is the main routine that will load the data do some data conditioning and then call the migration routine.
Our data set is a CO slice so it is quite small. We will iterate through different migration velocities and hence, scan for the final migration velocity.
Function for time migration and then interpolation to depth. This was our first try. It is however non-functional as of now. Fixes may be implemented later.
Proper depth migration with interpolation to a discretized depth grid.
Several imaging functions for seismic images. The output of a migrated and stacked image may look like this: