Site to help bring the wealth of information on Wikipedia to users by abstracting small snippets, making it easier to identify and share interesting content.
To ensure there is a diverse selection of articles, 10 snippets are presented to the user at anytime, with new ones appearing when old ones are deleted.
The search bar searches through the current selection of snippets and displays only the ones that match.
DiscoverWiki works on both desktop and mobile via media queries.
###Setup notes
Be sure to modify the Google Analytics tracking code with your own.
Fork, pull, and build into angular.js folder: angular.js build instructions
The angular.js files reside under angular.js/build/
or simply copy existing angular files into that folder.
The api
folder currently contains a PHP driver for RethinkDB, with a SlimPHP backend. The integration with the server is currently removed, so deleting the folder is fine. Everything is happening client-side.
HelveticaNeue-Light is not available in the repository as this is a licensed font. Please obtain your own license if you wish to use it.
###Future plans
Display popular (most shared) articles, add about page.
Feel free to extend the project/submit pull requests.
###Copyright and license
Copyright 2013-2014 Jay Huang under the MIT license.