What's Changed
- fixed #416 by @JasonXuDeveloper in #417
- fixed Nino issue #31 by @JasonXuDeveloper in #418
- fix Serialize spell by @tpxxn in #421
- merge dev branch by @JasonXuDeveloper in #422
- fixed #419 #420 #423 #424 by @JasonXuDeveloper in #425
- updated readme + updated npm by @JasonXuDeveloper in #426
- fixed wrong class name on classbind editor inspector by @JasonXuDeveloper in #427
- merge by @JasonXuDeveloper in #430
- fixed ClassBind load Image bug by @JasonXuDeveloper in #433
- fixed #432 by @JasonXuDeveloper in #435
- fixed several of bugs by @JasonXuDeveloper in #440
- fixed #437 + updated nino by @JasonXuDeveloper in #441
- fixed several of bugs + updated nino.shared + optimized performance by @JasonXuDeveloper in #442
- fixed nino.serialization bug + fixed ws bug by @JasonXuDeveloper in #444
- fixed #445 by @JasonXuDeveloper in #447
- optimized JBehaviour loop + fixed nino demo error by @JasonXuDeveloper in #448
- final commit for JEngine v0.7.5 by @JasonXuDeveloper in #452
- merge v0.8.0 update by @JasonXuDeveloper in #461
- Supported WebGL
- Removed JUI (will be redesigned shortly)
- Optimized LifeCycleMgr performance
- Optimized ThreadMgr features
- Optimized JStream performance
- Optimized JBehaviour performance
- Optimized MonoBehaviour performance
- Optimized FpsMonitor performance
- Optimized CryptoMgr interfaces
- Optimized JBehaviour/ClassBind Object/MonoBehaviour GC
- Optimized GetComponent(s)/FindObject(s)OfType performance
- Switched to YooAsset for asset management module (instead of Bundle Master)
- NEW FEATURE UnsafeMgr which provides unsafe (use for optimization) features
- NEW FEATURE UnmanagedMemoryPool which supports allocating unmanaged memory with pooling
- NEW FEATURE CoroutineMgr which supports executing/stopping coroutines from non-MonoBehaviour class
- NEW STRUCTURE Split JEngine source code to multiple packages
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 0.7.5...0.8.0