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Week 5

Welcome to Week 5 of ROS training exercises! We'll be learning about the lidar, mapping, and occupancy grid maps using lidar data.


Lidar, which stands for Light Detection and Ranging, is a method of measuring distances to a target by shooting a laser and measuring the reflected light. The distance can be obtained by measuring the time of flight of the laser beam and using the speed of light.

In the context of robotics, a lidar is most often used to take distance measurements around the robot, so that the robot can "see" around it, whether this is in 2D or 3D. An example lidar measurement from the simulation is below:

Lidar visualization in rviz Lidar visualization in simulation

Notice that we are able to "see" the surrounding obstacles from the "shape" of the lidar scan. We can use this to construct a map of our surroundings.

Playing with lidar in the simualation with rviz and keyboard teleop

Let's get a feel for what lidar data is like. Launch week5.launch:

roslaunch week5.launch

The simulation should pop up with a lidar visualization like the above image. Next, open up rviz:


This time, change the fixed frame in the top left corner of the left menu to oswin instead of odom, and then set the target frame in the right menu to oswin as well.

In addition, add the "PointCloud2" visualization so you can visualize the lidar data by clicking add in the left menu and clicking "PointCloud2", then changing the "Topic" to /oswin/pointcloud.

In a third window, open up teleop_twist_keyboard as you have done many times already:

rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard cmd_vel:=/oswin/velocity

Feel free to mess around a bit, getting a feel for what kind of data the lidar scans give us. While the simulation shows us a "global" view of whats going on, the view in rviz shows us what the lidar is actually seeing.

After moving around a bit, revert the fixed frame and target frame settings to odom instead of oswin as it will be more useful to visualize data this way.

Grid Maps

How do you do mapping? One way is through the use of grid maps. As the name suggests, a grid map uses a grid to represent the world. The locations of any obstacles are then discretized into the grid cells.

For example, if I had a map with a dimension of 5m x 10m, a resolution of 10cm per grid cell, and (0, 0) in the map corresponds to (0m, 0m) in the real world. Then I would have a total of (5m * 10 cells/m) * (10m * 10 cells/m) = 5000 grid cells.

Let's say that there was an obstacle (let's assume it's a single point) located at coordinates (2m, 7m). This would translate to the coordinates (2m * 10 cells/m, 7 * 10 cells/m) = (20, 70) on the grid.

Suppose there's another obstacle (also a single point) located at coordinates (2.01m, 7.01m). What grid coordinates would that translate to? Hint Answer

This is one of the cons of using grid maps. Because real world, continuous coordinates are discretized into grid coordinates, we end up with some discretization error, depending on the resolution of your map.

However, one pro of grid maps is that they are easy to work with in terms of mapping as well as path planning, which we will get into next week.

Coordinate Frames (again) with mapping and lidar

Before we start implementing a grid map, we need to look at coordinate frames again.

Data from the lidar is obtained relative to the sensor position. However, we want this data in the global coordinate frame, one of which is the "odom" frame according to ROS conventions outlined in REP 105. We thus need to transform these coordinates from the sensor's coordinate frame to the "odom" frame. What does this look like?

Assume our robot is at the coordinates (1,2) facing 90 degrees (Remember in ROS for world frames x points East and y points North, with 0 degrees yaw being East and increasing Counterclockwise). A lidar mounted on our robot at the same location sees an object at coordinates (3, -1) in the robot's frame (In ROS for body frames x points forward and y points left). What are the coordinates of (3, -1) in the odom frame?

Looking at the image above, you can see that (3, -1) in the odom frame has the coordinates of (2, 5) (Red is the x-axis, Green is the y-axis).

Once we have transformed this lidar point into the odom frame, we can then insert this point into our map and mark it as occupied. To do mapping, we just need to repeat this procedure for every point in the lidar scan everytime we get a lidar scan.

Obtaining the coordinate transform and transforming pointclouds in C++

Now that we know why we need to transform the lidar scans, let's find out how we can do this.

There are multiple ways of obtaining the transforms. One way we can get the transform is by looking it up using tf, a useful package that makes coordinate transforms easy in ROS.

Coordinate transforms with tf::TransformListener

To obtain a coordinate transform using tf, we need to use something called a tf::TransformListener. As the name suggests, this class "listens" for coordinate transforms between different reference frames. If you remember tf::TransformBroadcaster from last week, all tf::TransformListener does is just listen for the transforms which are broadcasted by the tf::TransformBroadcaster in other nodes. We don't need to worry about the tf::TransformBroadcaster part this week as the simulation already takes care of that for us.

To use a tf::TransformListener, first create one like so:

tf::TransformListener listener;

Then, to use it to lookup transforms, say from the frame "oswin" to the frame "odom", do the following:

tf::StampedTransform transform;
try {
  listener.lookupTransform("odom", "oswin", ros::Time(0), transform);
} catch (tf::TransformException &ex) {

The ros::Time(0) argument specifies the timestamp of the transform which we are trying to lookup. In this instance, ros::Time(0) signifies that we want the latest transform.

Notice that we use a try { ... } catch () { ... } statement here. This is because listener.lookupTransform() might throw an exception if some error occurs, eg. it is unable to find the transform requested. If we don't add a try { ... } catch() { .. } here, then the program will crash when an error occurs. By adding a try catch we can "catch" the exception and perform any error handling without crashing the entire program.

tf::Transform and tf::StampedTransform

Now, what is this tf::StampedTransform that we created? Using clion's autocomplete, you should be able to see that it has a header member of type Header and a transform member of type tf::Transform.

The header part should be familiar to you - you've used it last week when dealing with coordinate transforms.

The transform part is new - it's of type tf::Transform, which is what the tf library uses to represent transformations between coordinate frames. We won't need to know too much about how tf::Transform works right now, but using clion again and looking at autocomplete two methods that will be useful are getOrigin() which returns a tf::Vector3 representing the translation part of transformations, and getRotation() which returns a tf::Quaternion representing the rotation part.

Transforming Pointclouds with tf::Transform

Now it's time to actually transform a Pointcloud with this tf::Transform.

First off though, what type is a Pointcloud?

The details are kind of confusing for ROS as there have been a few versions and things, but we'll use the type pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>. Notice that pcl::PointCloud is a template as we use angle brackets, just as we do with std::vector. Don't worry about the template part of this though, as we'll only ever be using pcl::PointCloud with pcl::PointXYZ.

To transform a pointcloud, we can make use of a function from pcl_ros:

pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> transformed_cloud;
pcl_ros::transformPointCloud(input_cloud, transformed_cloud, transform);

where input_cloud is the pointcloud you want to transform, and transform is the tf::Transform representing the transformation that you want to do.

The actual map data type

And before we forget, we need to store the map information somewhere. One data type that can be easily visualized in rviz (we're all about good visualization) is nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid.

Some important points:

  • The info member contains information about the map: width, height etc. Check here (You can find this by googling nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid) for more information.
  • The data member (of type std::vector<int8_t> needs to be initialized. In main before you call ros::spin() make sure that the data member is initialized to have as many elements as there are grid cells, ie. = std::vector<int8_t>(total_cells, 0);
  • The map is 2D, but the data member is only 1D. This means that you'll need to convert from 2D coordinates to an index.
    • This works by imagining an index that increments left to right, top to bottom. For example, for a 3x3 grid:

0 1 2

3 4 5

6 7 8

Implementing a simple mapping in ROS with C++

Now you know everything you need to implement a simple mapper for lidar points in ROS. Write your node in src/week5/main.cpp.

For this mapper, we'll increment the occupied grid cell by 1 every time, until it reaches 100 (Since thats the maximum value. See here (Again google gets you this link))

  1. Subscribe to /oswin/pointcloud and write a callback function taking in pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>
  2. Create a global tf::TransformListener and call lookupTransform from oswin to odom inside the callback
  3. Transform the pointcloud from the oswin frame to the odom frame using pcl_ros::transformPointCloud
  4. Iterate through the pointcloud. For each point, find which grid cell it is, then increment that cell by 1 if its less than 100
  5. Create a publisher of type nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid and publish the map

If you've implemented it correctly, if you open up rviz and add the nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid visualization, you should see a map that gets populated with obstacles as you drive around in the simulation with teleop_twist_keyboard.


1. Occupancy grid mapping

While we've implemented grid mapping (this was how mapping was done in IGVC during 2017-2018, can you believe that?), incrementing a variable by one every time you see a cell being occupied isn't exactly mathematically rigorous in terms of the information we're getting from the lidar scan.

The mathematically proper way to do grid mapping is something called occupancy grid mapping. This adds to grid mapping the idea that each cell in the grid is a binary bayes filter for the probability that a certain cell is occupied.

What this means is that each grid cell has a probability of being occupied or not, and as we gain more information about the whether the grid cell is occupied or not we used Bayes' Theorem. If you haven't encountered Bayes' Theorem before, it is a formula for the conditional probability based on the reverse conditional probability and the marginal probabilities for each variable.

This was probably still pretty vague. You can check out this presentation for a nice derivation of the math of occupancy grid mapping and binary bayes filter, which I won't go into here. Basically, mathematically our problem can be phrased as finding:

  • represents the probability that the ith cell of the map is occupied.
  • represents all the sensor data collected from time 1 (the beginning) to time t (the current time)
  • represents the all the robot's poses from time 1 (the beginning) to time t (the current time)

This can be understood as saying "what is the probability that cell i of the occupancy grid is occupied using the sensor data and location of the pose of my robot from the beginning of time till now".

After using Bayes' Theorem and the Markov Theorem and some other tricks, we end up with the following:

where we have on the left , which is what we're trying to find, divided by 1 - the previous term, equal to a product of three terms:

  • The first term is the probability that a given cell is occupied divided by the probability it isn't occupied using data from the beginning till time t.
  • The second term is the probability that a given cell is occupied divided by the probability it isn't occupied using data from the beginning till time t - 1 (This is the recursive part, so the output one timestep ago)
  • The third term is the probability that a given cell is occupied divided by the probability it isn't occupied without using any sensor or pose data. So this represents prior knowledge we know about the occupancy.

We can simplify this even further by defining something called the log odds notation, which is defined as

This simplifies the above expression, turning multiplications (which are more expensive) into sums (which are cheap):

or in short:

Let's go through an example to demonstrate how this works:

Assume that we're trying to map some unknown environment, and we have perfect knowledge of where we are, and we also periodically receive sensor data from a lidar scan to tell us where obstacles are and aren't.

We don't know anything about the map yet, so we have no prior, and so the probability for every grid cell on the map is 0.5: it's as likely to be occupied as it is to be empty. Because we want to be computationally efficient, we choose to represent probabilities using log odds notation, so instead of storing a 0.5 for each grid cell, we store the value:

Now, let's say that we know that we are at (0, 0), it's currently time t=1 (we just started), and our lidar scan tells us that there's there's an obstacle at (1, 1). With the new information, what's probability that grid cell (1, 1) is occupied?

Let's use the formula from earlier to calculate the new probability for the grid cell (1, 1). We don't know anything about the map, and so our prior,

Since this is the first time we received sensor data, the current lidar scan is , and there is no . Thus, .

And finally, there's the , or term.

This term represents the probability that the map cell is occupied if we only had access to the currernt pose and sensor information. In this case, this depends on how accurate our sensor is: "What's the probability that my sensor is correct if it's telling me that there's obstacle at some location?".

Let's assume that there's a 0.95 probability that there really is an obstacle when the lidar says there's an obstacle. In this case, taking the log odds of 0.95, the final probability that map cell (1, 1) is occupied is:

which, when converting back to normal probability, is just 0.95 - we only have one reading from our sensor which has a 0.95 probability of being correct.

Now, moving on to the next timestep at t=2. We get another lidar scan telling us that cell (1, 1) is occupied. Our prior is still the same - we don't know anything intrinsically about whether or not the environment is occupied or not. However, the term is now different. We do have an estimate of the probability of cell (1, 1) being occupied at time t=1, which is:

Now for the term. Our lidar is still detecting an obstacle at (1, 1), and the probability that our lidar is correct is still 0.95, so this is exactly the same value as time t=1:

Summing together the terms for time t=2:

which when converting back to normal probability is:

Notice something interesting here: while our first lidar scan changed the probability from 0.5 to 0.95 (an increase of 0.4), the second lidar scan only changed the probability from 0.95 to 0.99 (an increase of 0.04). This is because the first lidar scan gave us more information than the second lidar scan.

One way of understanding how this works is by taking this to the extreme, and instead of comparing the first and second laser scan, to compare the first and the 1000th laser scan: If you have already had 999 laser scans that told you that cell (1, 1) was already occupied, then the 1000th laser scan basically tells you nothing new. You already knew that cell (1, 1) was occupied, and hearing it for the 1000th time adds nothing. On the other hand, if you don't know anything about whether cell (1, 1) was occupied or not, and then suddenly you learn from a somewhat reliable source that cell (1, 1) is occupied, then you've got from having a belief that the probability is 0.5 to however much you trust that source of information.

This is why naiively counting doesn't work: it doesn't take into account the fact that the amount of information gained changes depending on what you already know. With the old mapping method, the first scan is equally as valuable as the 1000th scan, even though clearly that isn't the case.

Now that you understand occupancy grid mapping a little bit more, let's change the current algorithm to use this. You will need to make your own map that uses double (to make things easier), which you can do by creating a global std::vector<double> variable to act as a map.

Hint Hint Hint

Note: To display your map, you will need to convert from log odds back to normal probabilities. Scale the probability from 0-1 to 0-100, and you should be good to go!


And that's it for this week!

We learnt about:

  • The LiDAR
    • Takes distance measurements around the robot
    • Allows the robot to "see" obstacles
  • Grid Maps
    • A grid map discretizes the world into cells
    • Easy to implement and use, but may have discretization errors
  • Coordinate Frames and Transforms
    • The coordinate of objects in different coordinate frames is different
    • We can use transforms to transform the coordinates of an object from one frame to another
  • Transforming Pointclouds in ROS
    • Use the pcl_ros::transformPointCloud function to transform pointclouds to a different coordinate frame
  • Implementing a simple mapper
    • Getting practice with working with pointclouds and performing coordinate transforms

Next week, we'll be building off of the mapper we wrote today and do some path planning.