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Stomach content and diet analysis
Joint model for stomach content, predator biomass catch rate, and predator-expanded-stomach-contents (PESCs)
We developed an approach that fits a spatio-temporal model with VAST
to both prey-biomass-per-predator-mass data (i.e., the ratio of prey biomass in stomachs to predator weight) and predator biomass catch rate data (predator biomass per unit area), to predict “predator-expanded-stomach-contents” (PESC; the product of prey-biomass-per-predator-biomass, predator biomass per unit area, and surface area). The PESC estimates can be used to visualize either the annual landscape of PESC (spatio-temporal variation), or can be aggregated across space to calculate annual variation in diet proportions (variation among prey items and among years).
Here, we demonstrate our approach in a data-limited situation involving West Florida Shelf red grouper (Epinephelus morio, Epinephelidae) for 2011-2015. Four prey items are considered: crabs, fish, shrimps, and “other prey”. We demonstrate how diet proportions are calculated from the PESCs estimated by our model.
One key step for the estimation of PESCs is the definition of the Expansion_cz
object. In our case:
Expansion_cz = matrix( c( 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 ), nrow = nlevels( sampling_data[,"spp"] ), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE )
which entails that the estimated biomass (the product of biomass per unit area and surface area) for the first “category”, namely the predator (red grouper), will be multiplied by the estimated prey-biomass-per-predator-biomass for the other categories, namely the prey items (crabs, fish, other prey, and shrimps), to obtain PESC estimates (for crabs, fish, other prey, and shrimps).
For more information about the approach and its outcomes, please read: Grüss A, Thorson JT, Carroll G, Ng EL, Holsman KK, Aydin K, Kotwicki S, Morzaria-Luna HM, Ainsworth CH, Thompson KA (2020). Spatio-temporal analyses of marine predator diets from data-rich and data-limited systems. Fish and Fisheries, 21: 718-739.
# Load packages
# NOTE: currently requires development branch for FishStatsUtils
library( VAST )
# We load two datasets:
# (1) A predator biomass catch rate dataset, where biomass catch rate is in kg per square-km
# (2) A stomach content dataset, providing prey biomass data (in g) and predator mass data (in g)
example = load_example( data_set = "PESC_example_red_grouper" )
# Modify the predator biomass catch rate dataset. Specifically:
# (1) Assign a new "Category" field to the dataset (with the unique level "Red_grouper")
example$Predator_biomass_cath_rate_data$Category = as.factor( "Red_grouper" )
# (2) Rename the "CPUE_kg_km2" field into "Response_variable" - to allow for
# the merging of the predator biomass catch rate and stomach content datasets
names( example$Predator_biomass_cath_rate_data )[4] <- "Response_variable"
# Note that a_i = 1 because `Response_variable` is already KG per KM^2; Future
# applications could instead treate `Response_variable` as KG and use `a_i` as
# area swept
# Modify the stomach content dataset. Specifically:
# (1) Create a new "predator-biomass-per-predator-mass" variable (in g per g of predator), by dividing
# prey biomass (in g) by predator mass (in g)
example$Stomach_content_data$Prey_biomass_per_predator_mass <- example$Stomach_content_data$Prey_biomass_in_stomach_g /
# (2) Rename the "Prey_item" field into "Category" (levels: "Crabs", "Fish", "Shrimps", and "Other") - to allow for
# the merging of the predator biomass catch rate and stomach content datasets
example$Stomach_content_data$Category <- as.factor( example$Stomach_content_data$Prey_item )
# (3) Reorder the columns of the dataset - to allow for
# the merging of the predator biomass catch rate and stomach content datasets
example$Stomach_content_data <- example$Stomach_content_data[,c( 1 : 3, 8, 7, 9 )]
# (4) Rename the "predator-biomass-per-predator-mass" field into "Response_variable" - to allow for
# the merging of the predator biomass catch rate and stomach content datasets
names( example$Stomach_content_data )[4] <- "Response_variable"
# (5) Change a_i = 1, because `Response_variable` is already prey-G per predator-G, such that
# product of c=0 and c = {1,2,3,4} has units KG
example$Stomach_content_data$Area_swept_km2 = 1
# Note that future applications could instead treat
# `Response_variable` as prey-biomass and `a_i` as predator-body-size
# Merge the predator biomass catch rate and stomach content datasets
sampling_data <- rbind( example$Predator_biomass_cath_rate_data, example$Stomach_content_data )
# Make settings
settings = make_settings( n_x = 300,
Region = example$Region,
purpose = "index",
strata.limits = example$strata.limits )
# Change some settings from defaults:
# these were decided based on study-specific exploration and will vary for other uses
settings$ObsModel = c( 2, 1 )
settings$Options[2:4] = FALSE
settings$use_anisotropy = FALSE
settings$fine_scale = FALSE
# Set up the "Expansion_cz" input
# We want the estimated biomass (the product of biomass per unit area and surface area)
# for the first “category”, namely the predator (red grouper) to be multiplied by
# the estimated prey-biomass-per-predator-biomass for the other categories, namely the prey items
# (crabs, fish, other prey, and shrimps), to obtain PESC estimates (for crabs, fish, other prey, and shrimps).
Expansion_cz = matrix( byrow = TRUE,
nrow = nlevels( sampling_data[,"Category"] ),
ncol = 2,
data = c( 0, 0,
1, 0,
1, 0,
1, 0,
1, 0 ) )
# Run the model
fit = fit_model( settings = settings,
Lat_i = sampling_data[,'Lat'],
Lon_i = sampling_data[,'Lon'],
t_i = as.numeric( sampling_data[,'Year'] ),
c_i = as.numeric( sampling_data[,'Category'] ) - 1,
b_i = sampling_data[,'Response_variable'],
a_i = sampling_data[,'Area_swept_km2'],
Expansion_cz = Expansion_cz,
input_grid = example$input_grid,
knot_method = 'grid',
Npool = 20,
newtonsteps = 1,
getsd = TRUE,
test_fit = FALSE )
# Calculate and plot diet proportions
Index = plot_biomass_index( DirName = paste0( getwd(), "/" ),
TmbData = fit$data_list,
Sdreport = fit$parameter_estimates$SD,
Year_Set = fit$year_labels,
Years2Include = fit$years_to_plot,
use_biascorr = TRUE,
category_names = levels( as.factor( sampling_data[,'Category'] ) ) )
proportions = calculate_proportion( fit$data_list,
Index = Index,
Expansion_cz = Expansion_cz,
Year_Set = fit$year_labels,
strata_names = NULL,
category_names = levels( as.factor( sampling_data[,'Category'] ) ),
PlotName2 = NA )
Example applications:
- Index standardization
- Empirical Orthogonal Functions
- Ordination using joint species distribution model
- End-of-century projections
- Expand length and age-composition samples
- Combine condition and biomass data
- Expand stomach content samples
- Combine presence/absence, counts, and biomass data
- Seasonal and annual variation
- Combine acoustic and bottom trawl data
- Surplus production models
- Multispecies model of biological interactions
- Stream network models
Usage demos:
- Adding covariates
- Visualize covariate response
- Percent deviance explained
- Create a new extrapolation grid
- Custom maps using ggplot
- Modify axes for distribution metrics
- K-fold crossvalidation
- Simulating new data
- Modify defaults for advanced users
Project structure and utilities: