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Installation instructions (Mac OS X)

Sam Stenvall edited this page Apr 20, 2015 · 3 revisions
  1. Download the XAMPP installer for Mac OS X from and run it. Follow the instructions until the setup is complete. Once completed it will automatically run Apache and open the web server test page.

  2. Open /Applications/XAMPP/etc/php.ini and remove the leading semi-colon from the line reading ;extension=php_openssl.dll, then save the file.

  3. Run /Applications/XAMPP/, go to the Manage Servers tab, select Apache and click Restart.

  4. Download and install Git from You may have to Ctrl-right-click (hold the Ctrl key while right-clicking) the file and select Open in order to be able to install it.

  5. Open a terminal and run the following commands one by one:

cd /Applications/XAMPP/htdocs
git clone git://
cd xbmc-video-server
curl -sS | php -d detect_unicode=Off
php -d detect_unicode=Off composer.phar install
php ./src/protected/yiic.php createinitialdatabase
php ./src/protected/yiic.php setpermissions

Updating on Mac OS X

Open a terminal and run the following commands:

cd /Applications/XAMPP/htdocs/xbmc-video-server
git pull
php -d detect_unicode=Off composer.phar install
php ./src/protected/yiic.php migrate --interactive=0