This is a basic android application that will read from a local JSON file and present the data as individual restaurants. The app presents the restaurants logo, name, the order cutoff and deliver by time, as well as an order status if applicable.
The app is only meant to be a skeleton view of what could be.
Clone the repository with git or download from the GitHub page
Master: Contains the original version (made just using layout inflator, no card view)
ListViewVersion: Contains improved version using ListView to handle dynamic loading of restaurants into view, card views
Open the project in Android Studio, click the run button, and select a device to run the application on.
To run the tests, navigate to app/src/anndroidTest/java/com.example.jacob.foodsbychallenge and right click on MainActivityTest-> Run
The app was only tested in the following environment and device simulators. No others are supported.
Android Studio 3.0
Mac OS High Sierra
Pixel API 25
Pixel XL API 24
While the image placeholder is 300x200, it is resized to match design documents.