original link https://marketplace.atlassian.com/archive/1214988
The addon was adapted for Jira 9.x.x version. The source files have been decompiled and adapted to take into account new updates.
Solved: The options settings tab has been fixed. The ability to select preloaded icons has been fixed.
Not fixed: Ability to upload your own images
You must have it installed:
- Java SDK 17
- Atlassian SDK 8.7.2^ https://developer.atlassian.com/server/framework/atlassian-sdk/
- clone https://github.com/Jahimees/icon-select-addon-jira9-codebarrel.git
- Open cmd console and go to
- Use command 'atlas-clean package' - it will create .jar and .obr files
- Go to your Jira instance in browser. (How to set up the jira server instance https://developer.atlassian.com/server/framework/atlassian-sdk/create-a-helloworld-plugin-project/)
- Go to the admin panel (Manage apps)
- Click 'upload app' and choose your .jar or .obr file (obr file can work incorrect. Jar file is prefer)
- Go to the Admin - Issues - Custom Fields - Add custom field. In Advanced section you can see 2 new field types 'Icon multi select' and 'Icon single select'
All rights belong to the original developer