I've seen many apps that have cells that can be swiped sideways to do certain actions. Our designer had an idea that included this, but after some googling I didn't find any proper code that helped me out with this. So I decided to implement this myself and opensource it.
Instead of using UITableViewCell I decided to use UICollectionViewCell. This because I've stopped using UITableView and am always using UICollectionView nowadays.
Copy JCRSlideCollectionViewCell.h and JCRSlideCollectionViewCell.m to your project, import it and return an instance of this cell in the selector
- (UICollectionViewCell *)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
Check out JCRViewController.m in this view controller to get more information on how it's used.
Hit me back with any ideas!