- Project Overview
- User stories
- Wireframes
- Database design
- Features
- Technologies used
- Testing
- Deployment
- Credits
- Contents
- Media
- Acknowledgements
Wunderlust is an online fine art gallery which exhibits and sells art from around the World. Our gallery showcases art from well-established and traditional artists as well as emerging artists breaking through the norms of the art world.
Users may be looking for an artwork to remind them of a place they once visited,they may want to buy a piece from an artist they admire or could simply be looking for an item that will bring them joy.
As a user I want to be able to browse art by artist, category, country and price, in order to select items to purchase. I want to be able to see details about each artwork I am interested in and be able to add items to my shopping cart, customise my purchases and check out.
I want to be able to sign up for an account, manage my account and sign up for events.
Artists will exhibit their art exclusively at Wunderlust for a number of months. As an artists I want to be able to 'consign work in' by uploading the image to the site, and 'consign work out' by removing the item after the exhibition/display term.
As an artist I want to be able to edit items I have on the site and manage my own artist biography on the site.
As a site owner I want to attract potential buyers to the website and allow them to easily browse through all the work available. I want to be able to sell artwork through the website and therefore receive a commission on any sales. I also want to encourage site users to sign up for an account so that I can easily market our artworks to them.
I want to allow artists to sign up for accounts so that they can manage their artwork and information, but I want to be able to approve the changes they make.
Shopping cart terminology
When choosing between the words 'bag', 'basket' and 'cart' I thought about the mental model the shoppers would build when shopping for art. It is likely you would imagine putting large artworks into a cart rather than a basket or a bag. I looked up use cases for the terminology and also found that the word 'cart' is easier to localize as it translates well into other languages. One good resource is the article: Shopping cart, bag or basket. Therefore I have gone with 'cart'. I have used an 'Open Cart' icon as I think the flair fits in well with this website's products. Once the user begins adding items to their cart a total will appear which will make the purpose of the icon obvious.
Use this section to provide insight into your UX process, focusing on who this website is for, what it is that they want to achieve and how your project is the best way to help them achieve these things.
In particular, as part of this section we recommend that you provide a list of User Stories, with the following general structure:
- As a user type, I want to perform an action, so that I can achieve a goal.
This section is also where you would share links to any wireframes, mockups, diagrams etc. that you created as part of the design process. These files should themselves either be included as a pdf file in the project itself (in an separate directory), or just hosted elsewhere online and can be in any format that is viewable inside the browser.
I took time to plan out my database in Excel. I created all database tables in csv files and then converted those to json to allow me to add my fixtures.
- Create an account: users can create an account, signing up with their email address.
- Add artwork to cart - users can add artworks they wish to purchase to their cart.
- View cart - users can view their shopping cart and all the items in it before proceeding to checkout.
- Edit cart items - users can edit their cart before checking out to remove items or increase or decrease the quantity of items.
- Checkout - users can pay for their items and the site will process their order and take payment via Stripe.
- View profile - users can view their profile and update their shipping details or see their order history.
- Filter artwork - users can filter artwork by Artist, Country, Category or Price.
- Search - users can search the site for art that contains their search query in the name or description of the artwork.
- Featured collection - users can view the artwork currently featured in the store.
- Admin - admin users can log into the admin portal to manage artwork, artists, categories, countries, orders and users.
- Framing options
- Add to wishlist functionality
- Django
- This website is built on the Django framework, and is currently running version 3.1.7.
- HTML - the front-end structure of this app is written in HTML
- CSS - this app is styled with CSS
- JavaScript - used for DOM manipulation
- JQuery - used to simplify DOM manipulation
- Python - the app functionality and data manipulation is written in Python.
- The project uses JQuery to simplify DOM manipulation.
- Pip3 - used to install Python packages
- Allauth - used to provide all account functionality including the ability to register for an account, verify, log in and out and reset a forgotten password.
- Bootstrap - used to speed up responsive design
- Stripe - is used as the payment system for the store
- Balsamiq - wireframes for this app were created with the Balsamiq wireframing tool.
- Amazon S3 - this project uses Amazon S3 to store images uploaded by users
- Heroku - is the cloud platform used to host the deployed app.
- W3C Markup Validation Service - used to validate HTML code
- W3C CSS Validation Service - used to test CSS code validation
- JSHint - used to test for JavaScript code validity
- Lighthouse - used for testing front-end best practice
- Pep8 checker - used for testing Python code against Pep8 guidelines
- Chrome Developer Tools - used to test across device types
- Identified a duplicate ID of 'user-options' - I have changed the id of the nav element in the mobile-nav to a unique id to fix this error.
- Identified a duplicate ID of 'search-input' - I have changed the id of the nav element in the mobile-nav to a unique id to fix this error.
- Identified an error with a couple of aria-labelledby attributes not pointing to elements with the same IDs in the document. This highlighted that I had typos in the 'countries-link' and 'categories-link' ids and I have now fixed those so that they match the corresponding aria-labelledby attributes.
- The validator noted an issue with 'li' elements not being allowed as children of nav elements, however, as this is nav structure is from Bootstrap I have chosen to leave it as it is at this time and will change it in future releases.
- On the 'all artworks' page the validator picked up an error: 'Bad value button for attribute type on element a: Subtype missing' for the buttons to view more information on each artwork. I have now removed that attribute and tested the page again, the buttons are all working.
- The validator noted a warning that the Javascript resource does not need a type attribute but as this is not causing any usability issues I have not removed that at this time.
Only two errors were found on the CSS validation checks:
- A missing unit after the number '20' for the .shopping-cart-image class's margin attribute. I have noiw fixed that by adding the unit.
- Overflow-x: clip was showing as not valid and I have therefore removed that.
- Fixed - in the Artworks view Pep8 picked up an error on the Lower() function from Django, with the error mesage: 'undefined name 'Lower''. Looking this up in the Django documentation I could see I needed to import Lower.
- Bug - in the Artworks view Pep8 picks up an error on all the models, giving an error message that 'Class Country/Category/Artist has no objects member'. Research on Stack Overflow and Reddit confirms that this is not really an error as Django adds that property dynamically to all Models but the IDE is not able to see this.
User story | Expected outcome | Actual outcome |
As a user I want to: | ||
Browse all artwork | I expect to easily be able to navigate to a page that will show all the artwork | I find the 'All artwork' link on the navigation bar which is clear and clicking that reveals a drop-down. From there I can select 'All art' to view all. |
Filter artwork by certain criteria | I expect to easily filter artwork by artist, category or country | I find the filters along the top navigation which allow me to easily choose the filter I want. When I click on one of the choices I am taken to a page that shows only the art relevant to the category I chose. |
Add items to my cart | I expect to be able to add items that I wish to purchase to my cart. | I find a button on the 'artwork detail' page that allows me to add an item to my cart. |
View cart | I expect to be able to view my cart and see all items and a total for my purchase before I checkout. | Navigating to the cart via the cart icon on the nav bar I can see all the items in the cart before I checkout and I can make changes to the items if needed. |
Check out | I want to be able to pay for my items and have my order processed. | When I click 'Secure checkout' the order is processed and I receive a confirmation message that my order has been processed. |
Register | I want to register as a user on the site. | I click 'Register' and complete the form. If I leave a field blank or if I enter information that is not in the correct format into one of the fields I am alerted to correct it and the form does not submit until I have entered all required information correctly. When I have entered all the information correctly and click 'Sign up' I am informed that an email has been sent to the address I signed up with, which includes a validation link. I receive the email, paste the link into my browser and am taken to a page which asks me to confirm I want to validate my email. Once I have I am notified that validation was successful and I can sign in. |
Login | As a user with an account I want to be able to log into the website so that I can easily checkout, manage my shipping details and view my previous orders. | I navigate to the login page, enter my credentials and click 'Sign in'. If I have entered details which do not match any in the site's database I am not logged in and receive an alert informing me that my login attempt was unsuccessful. If I enter the correct details I am logged in, see an alert informing me that I have successfully logged in, and I can now access the user-restricted pages. |
Logout | As a user who is logged in to the site I want to be able to log out of the site in case I am using a shared device or just for added security. | I navigate to the logout page and click 'Sign out' and I am alerted that I have been successfully signed out, I can no longer see my personal account. |
Order history | I want to be able to previous order history quickly and easily. | I click on 'Account' and then 'My Profile' and I can see my previous orders displayed on the page, each with a link I can click to view the full order details. |
Functionality | Expected outcome(s) | Actual outcome(s) |
As a superuser I want to: | ||
Add an artwork | Only admins should be able to access the /artworks/add page and be able to add artworks. | I have tested as a user who does not have superadmin rights and tried to edit the url to /artworks/add. I am sent back to the home page and an error message appears informing me that only admins can access that functionality. |
Add an artwork | As a superadmin I should be able to add an artwork with all the required details and see it added to the list of all artwork with the correct details. Once an artwork is added I should also be able to see it in the admin. | After logging in with my superuser login, I access the 'Add artwork' form via the 'Artworks Management' link under 'Account' in the top navigation. The form prompts me to enter the details of the artwork I want to add. I enter all the details and add an image and click 'Add artwork'. Once the request has been processed a toast message appears, informing me that the artwork has been successfully added. I click through to the artworks page and find the artwork I have added, with all the correct details. In the admin, my new artwork is now showing. |
Edit an artwork | As a superuser I should be able to edit the details of an artwork that already exists on the site. | When logged in as a superuser I navigate to the artwork I want to edit and find a link at the bottom of the description with the description 'Edit'. When I click on it I am taken to a form that allows me to change the details of the item. I click save and navigate back to the artwork where I can see that the details have been updated with my changes. |
Edit an artwork | Only admins should be able to see the 'edit' link and be able to access the /artworks/edit/(artwork id) page. | I have tested as a user who does not have superadmin rights and could not see the 'edit' link, I tried to edit the url to /artworks/edit/(artwork id) to access the edit artwork page. I am sent back to the home page and an error message appears informing me that only admins can access that functionality. |
Delete an artwork | As a superuser I should be able to delete an artwork that already exists on the site. | When logged in as a superuser I navigate to the artwork I want to delete and find a link at the bottom of the description with the description 'Delete'. When I click it I see a message informing me that the artwork has been successfully deleted and when I search for the artwork I can see it no longer exists on the site. |
Delete an artwork | Only admins should be able to see the 'delete' link and be able to access the /artworks/delete/(artwork id) page. | I have tested as a user who does not have superadmin rights and could not see the 'delete' link, I tried to edit the url to /artworks/delete/(artwork id) to access the delete artwork functionality and I am sent back to the home page and an error message appears informing me that only admins can access that functionality. |
Form | Field(s) tested | Expected outcome | Actual outcome |
Checkout | All required text fields | I should not be able to submit the form with any required fields left blank. | I tried to delete each field in turn and then submit the form. The form was not submitted and a message prompted me to complete the missing fields. |
Edit shipping details | All fields | I should be able to delete or edit any of the information in the form. On this form a user is allowed to leave fields blank if they wish as they will have to complete these whenever trying to checkout when purchasing any items. This allows users to not store default shipping details and ensure they enter the correct details for each purchase. | I tried to delete each field in turn and was able to save the form. A message popped up notifying me that my details had been updated. |
Edit/Add an artwork | Image field | I should only be able to upload files that are in image format. | I tried to upload a file that is not an image format and the form was not submitted. A toast message informed me the form submission was not successful and to check the form error messages, checking the form, the image field is highlighted and a message under it prompts me to upload a valid image because '... The file you uploaded was either not an image or a corrupted image.' |
Edit/Add an artwork | All required text fields | I should not be able to submit the form with any required fields left blank. | I tried to delete each field in turn and then submit the form. The form was not submitted and a message prompted me to complete the missing fields. |
I tested the site across devices using Chrome developer tools. The site has the following breakpoints:
Mobile Devices: <= 600px Tablet Devices: > 600px Desktop Devices: > 992px Large Desktop Devices: > 1200px
After testing with Chrome developer tools, I incorporated additional css for mobile devices and tablets, making sure the content displays correctly across those devices.
I tested the user journeys on an iPhone and desktop computer and with Chrome developer tools to make sure I could follow the same user journeys on each device.
Browsers: I have tested the site on Firefox and Chrome.
Differences between development site and deployed site:
There are no differences between the development site and deployed site. The development site is deployed on the Master branch and I have tested the deployed site to ensure it looks the same and functions in the same way as the development site.
If you would like to run my code locally you can clone the site by following these steps:
Visit the main page of my repository on GitHub here.
Click 'Clone or download'
Click the icon to the right of the URL. This will allow you to clone the repository using HTTPS.
If you would like to clone it using SSH, click 'Use SSH'
On your computer open Git Bash
Change the directory to the folder where you would like to run the cloned directory
Type 'Git clone' and then paste the URL you copied from my repository in GitHub
Press enter and your local clone of my site will be created.
Install each of the requirements from the requirements.txt file or run the following code:
pip -r requirements.txt
Run the initial migrations with:
python3 manage.py migrate
Load the data from the JSON files in this order and with this code:
python3 manage.py loaddata categories python3 manage.py loaddata countries python3 manage.py loaddata artists python3 manage.py loaddata artworks
To create a superuser you can use in development type the command:
python3 manage.py createsuperuser
Follow the prompts to set up your superuser.
To view the live preview of the site in development, use the command: python3 manage.py runserver
Set up your Amazon AWS account following the steps above.
You will then need to create your own app on Heroku, steps for Heroku below.
Setting up your Amazon S3 account to host uploads
I used Amazon S3 to host images and fixtures. These are the steps I took and the steps you can take when cloning my site:
- Create an Amazon AWS account
- Create a bucket within your account
- Attach a CORS policy
- Attach a bucket policy
- In IAM create a new user group
- Attach an S3 bucket policy to your user group and set the permissions to only allow access to your project bucket
- Create a new user and add to the group you created before
- Download the access key file and keep it safe, you will not be able to download it again.
- Add the settings to your IDE
In Heroku
- In Heroku create a new app and add your config vars (in the 'settings' tab > click 'Reveal config vars')
Key | Value |
SECRET_KEY | <your secret key> |
DATABASE_URL | <your postgres database URL found in Heroku> |
STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY | <your Stripe public key> |
STRIPE_SECRET_KEY | <your Stripe public key, do not reveal in repo> |
STRIPE_WH_SECRET | <your Stripe Webhook secret> |
USE_AWS | True |
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | <your Amazon Key ID downloaded from Amazon IAM> |
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | <your Amazon Secret Key downloaded from Amazon IAM> |
EMAIL_HOST_PASS | <your email account's host password> |
EMAIL_HOST_USER | <your email address that will be used to send email> |
- Connect your app to your Github repository and then enable automatic deploys.
- 404 page: I followed the Django documentation for guidance on setting up the 404 page. The site now has a '404 - Page not found' error page which is displayed when a user tries to navigate to a page that does not exist on the website.
- 500 error page: I followed the Django documentation for help on setting up the 500 error handling. The site now displays a 500 error page if there is a server error.
- On the payment card details form, the default requested a ZIP code which only allowed numbers. I have removed that so that people from outside the US can checkout as well.
- The featured artworks page sorting was not working as expected, when a user would try to sort by category, artist or price the artworks would not be sorted. This has now been fixed by removing the view for featured artworks and instead adding a check into the 'all_artworks' view to check whether 'featured_artworks' is in the requested url path and if it is, display only featured artworks. This means that the featured artworks page now has all the same functionality as the all artworks page without repeated code.
- Overflow-x: to fix the issue with overflow-x on desktop I added the following to the html element: width: 100%; overflow-x: hidden; display: flex; flex-direction: column; To fix the issue on mobile I added the following to the body element: width: 100%; I have tested this using Chrome developer tools to view the site in different mobile devices and the x-overflow is fixed on Desktop, however, on mobile it is still an issue. Trying to fix it by adding 'overflow-x: hidden' hides part of the content that should be showing and trying to add the above attributes that I have on the HTML to the body, which has worked in other deployments, breaks the up arrow that appears on the artworks pages. Therefore, the horizontal scroll is an open bug for this release.
I included code from the Code Institute Boutique Ado project as a guide for many of the pages and where I have utilised full blocks of code from the project I have attributed it inline.
- The Boutique Ado project provided me with a lot of inspiration for this project. I used many of the lessons from that project to help me when planning out and building my own project and then added to it to make this site unique and fit for it's purpose.
Text for descriptions of artworks:
- Andy Warhol: The Tate Modern's website and Princeton University Art Museum
- Gustav Klimt: Google Arts
- Leonardo da Vinci: Wikipedia - The Vitruvian Man and Wikipedia - The Last Supper
- Paul Cezanne Wikipedia - Paul Cezanne
- Wassily Kandinsky Wassily Kandinsky
- All artwork images are from the Kaggle collection here
Artist self-portraits:
- Andy Warhol's self-portrait is from the Kaggle collection here
- Caravaggio's self portrait is from the Kaggle collection here
- Paul Cezanne's portrait is from Wikimedia commons
- Vincent van Gogh's portrait is from Wikimedia commons
- Wassily Kandinsky's portrait is from Wikimedia commons
- Gustav Klimt's portrait is from Wassily Kandinsky's portrait is from Wikimedia commons
- Leonardo da Vinci's self-portrait is from Wikimedia commons
-The image placeholder is from Wikimedia commons
- Thank to you my mentor for guiding me.