This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 2.0
- Build package: class io.swagger.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen
PHP 5.4.0 and later
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"require": {
"yext/yext-php-v2": "*@dev"
Then run composer install
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
composer install
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure API key authorization: api_key
Yext\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('api_key', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// Yext\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('api_key', 'Bearer');
$api_instance = new Yext\Client\Api\AnalyticsApi();
$account_id = "account_id_example"; // string |
$v = "20161012"; // string | A date in `YYYYMMDD` format.
$body = new \Yext\Client\Model\ActivityLogRequest(); // \Yext\Client\Model\ActivityLogRequest |
try {
$result = $api_instance->activityLog($account_id, $v, $body);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling AnalyticsApi->activityLog: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AnalyticsApi | activityLog | POST /accounts/{accountId}/analytics/activity | Activity Log |
AnalyticsApi | createReports | POST /accounts/{accountId}/analytics/reports | Create Reports |
AnalyticsApi | getMaxDates | GET /accounts/{accountId}/analytics/maxdates | Max Dates |
AnalyticsApi | reportStatus | GET /accounts/{accountId}/analytics/standardreports/{reportId} | Report Status |
HealthCheckApi | healthCheck | GET /healthy | Health Check |
KnowledgeManagerApi | createBio | POST /accounts/{accountId}/bios | Bios: Create |
KnowledgeManagerApi | createCustomField | POST /accounts/{accountId}/customfields | Custom Fields: Create |
KnowledgeManagerApi | createEvent | POST /accounts/{accountId}/events | Events: Create |
KnowledgeManagerApi | createLocation | POST /accounts/{accountId}/locations | Locations: Create |
KnowledgeManagerApi | createMenu | POST /accounts/{accountId}/menus | Menus: Create |
KnowledgeManagerApi | createProduct | POST /accounts/{accountId}/products | Products: Create |
KnowledgeManagerApi | deleteBioList | DELETE /accounts/{accountId}/bios/{listId} | Bios: Delete |
KnowledgeManagerApi | deleteCustomField | DELETE /accounts/{accountId}/customFields/{customFieldId} | Custom Fields: Delete |
KnowledgeManagerApi | deleteEventList | DELETE /accounts/{accountId}/events/{listId} | Events: Delete |
KnowledgeManagerApi | deleteLanguageProfile | DELETE /accounts/{accountId}/locations/{locationId}/profiles/{language_code} | Language Profiles: Delete |
KnowledgeManagerApi | deleteMenuList | DELETE /accounts/{accountId}/menus/{listId} | Menus: Delete |
KnowledgeManagerApi | deleteProductList | DELETE /accounts/{accountId}/products/{listId} | Products: Delete |
KnowledgeManagerApi | getBio | GET /accounts/{accountId}/bios/{listId} | Bios: Get |
KnowledgeManagerApi | getBios | GET /accounts/{accountId}/bios | Bios: List |
KnowledgeManagerApi | getBusinessCategories | GET /categories | Categories: List |
KnowledgeManagerApi | getCustomField | GET /accounts/{accountId}/customFields/{customFieldId} | Custom Fields: Get |
KnowledgeManagerApi | getCustomFields | GET /accounts/{accountId}/customfields | Custom Fields: List |
KnowledgeManagerApi | getEvent | GET /accounts/{accountId}/events/{listId} | Events: Get |
KnowledgeManagerApi | getEvents | GET /accounts/{accountId}/events | Events: List |
KnowledgeManagerApi | getGoogleKeywords | GET /googlefields | Google Fields: List |
KnowledgeManagerApi | getLanguageProfile | GET /accounts/{accountId}/locations/{locationId}/profiles/{language_code} | Language Profiles: Get |
KnowledgeManagerApi | getLanguageProfiles | GET /accounts/{accountId}/locations/{locationId}/profiles | Language Profiles: List |
KnowledgeManagerApi | getLocation | GET /accounts/{accountId}/locations/{locationId} | Locations: Get |
KnowledgeManagerApi | getLocationFolders | GET /accounts/{accountId}/folders | Folders: List |
KnowledgeManagerApi | getLocations | GET /accounts/{accountId}/locations | Locations: List |
KnowledgeManagerApi | getMenu | GET /accounts/{accountId}/menus/{listId} | Menus: Get |
KnowledgeManagerApi | getMenus | GET /accounts/{accountId}/menus | Menus: List |
KnowledgeManagerApi | getProduct | GET /accounts/{accountId}/products/{listId} | Products: Get |
KnowledgeManagerApi | getProducts | GET /accounts/{accountId}/products | Products: List |
KnowledgeManagerApi | searchLocations | GET /accounts/{accountId}/locationsearch | Locations: Search |
KnowledgeManagerApi | updateBio | PUT /accounts/{accountId}/bios/{listId} | Bios: Update |
KnowledgeManagerApi | updateCustomField | PUT /accounts/{accountId}/customFields/{customFieldId} | Custom Fields: Update |
KnowledgeManagerApi | updateEvent | PUT /accounts/{accountId}/events/{listId} | Events: Update |
KnowledgeManagerApi | updateLocation | PUT /accounts/{accountId}/locations/{locationId} | Locations: Update |
KnowledgeManagerApi | updateMenu | PUT /accounts/{accountId}/menus/{listId} | Menus: Update |
KnowledgeManagerApi | updateProduct | PUT /accounts/{accountId}/products/{listId} | Products: Update |
KnowledgeManagerApi | upsertLanguageProfile | PUT /accounts/{accountId}/locations/{locationId}/profiles/{language_code} | Language Profiles: Upsert |
OptimizationTasksApi | getLinkOptimizationTask | GET /accounts/{accountId}/optimizationlink | Optimization Tasks: Get Link |
OptimizationTasksApi | getOptimizationTasks | GET /accounts/{accountId}/optimizationtasks | Optimization Tasks: List |
PowerListingsApi | createDuplicate | POST /accounts/{accountId}/powerlistings/duplicates | Duplicates: Create |
PowerListingsApi | deleteDuplicate | DELETE /accounts/{accountId}/powerlistings/duplicates/{duplicateId} | Duplicates: Delete |
PowerListingsApi | getPublisherSuggestion | GET /accounts/{accountId}/powerlistings/publishersuggestions/{suggestionId} | Publisher Suggestions: Get |
PowerListingsApi | listDuplicates | GET /accounts/{accountId}/powerlistings/duplicates | Duplicates: List |
PowerListingsApi | listListings | GET /accounts/{accountId}/powerlistings/listings | Listings: List |
PowerListingsApi | listPublisherSuggestions | GET /accounts/{accountId}/powerlistings/publishersuggestions | Publisher Suggestions: List |
PowerListingsApi | listPublishers | GET /accounts/{accountId}/powerlistings/publishers | Publishers: List |
PowerListingsApi | optInListings | PUT /accounts/{accountId}/powerlistings/listings/optin | Listings: Opt In |
PowerListingsApi | optOutListings | PUT /accounts/{accountId}/powerlistings/listings/optout | Listings: Opt Out |
PowerListingsApi | suppressDuplicate | PUT /accounts/{accountId}/powerlistings/duplicates/{duplicateId} | Duplicates: Suppress |
PowerListingsApi | updatePublisherSuggestion | PUT /accounts/{accountId}/powerlistings/publishersuggestions/{suggestionId} | Publisher Suggestions: Update |
ReviewsApi | createComment | POST /accounts/{accountId}/reviews/{reviewId}/comments | Comment: Create |
ReviewsApi | createReview | POST /accounts/{accountId}/reviews | Reviews: Create |
ReviewsApi | createReviewInvites | POST /accounts/{accountId}/reviewinvites | Review Invitations: Create |
ReviewsApi | getReview | GET /accounts/{accountId}/reviews/{reviewId} | Review: Get |
ReviewsApi | getReviewGenerationSettings | GET /accounts/{accountId}/reviews/settings/generation | Review Generation Settings: Get |
ReviewsApi | listReviews | GET /accounts/{accountId}/reviews | Reviews: List |
ReviewsApi | updateReview | PUT /accounts/{accountId}/reviews/{reviewId} | Review: Update |
ReviewsApi | updateReviewGenerationSettings | POST /accounts/{accountId}/reviews/settings/generation | Review Generation Settings: Update |
SocialSpringSummerApi | createComment | POST /accounts/{accountId}/posts/{postId}/comments | Comments: Create |
SocialSpringSummerApi | createPosts | POST /accounts/{accountId}/posts | Posts: Create |
SocialSpringSummerApi | deleteComment | DELETE /accounts/{accountId}/posts/{postId}/comments/{commentId} | Comments: delete |
SocialSpringSummerApi | deletePost | DELETE /accounts/{accountId}/posts/{postId} | Posts: Delete |
SocialSpringSummerApi | getComments | GET /accounts/{accountId}/posts/{postId}/comments | Comments: List |
SocialSpringSummerApi | getLinkedAccount | GET /accounts/{accountId}/linkedaccounts/{linkedAccountId} | Linked Accounts: Get |
SocialSpringSummerApi | getLinkedAccounts | GET /accounts/{accountId}/linkedaccounts | Linked Accounts: List |
SocialSpringSummerApi | getPosts | GET /accounts/{accountId}/posts | Posts: List |
SocialSpringSummerApi | updateComment | PUT /accounts/{accountId}/posts/{postId}/comments/{commentId} | Comments: Update |
SocialSpringSummerApi | updateLinkedAccount | PUT /accounts/{accountId}/linkedaccounts/{linkedAccountId} | Linked Accounts: Update |
UserApi | createUser | POST /accounts/{accountId}/users | Users: Create |
UserApi | deleteUser | DELETE /accounts/{accountId}/users/{userId} | Users: Delete |
UserApi | getRoles | GET /accounts/{accountId}/roles | Roles: Get |
UserApi | getUser | GET /accounts/{accountId}/users/{userId} | Users: Get |
UserApi | getUsers | GET /accounts/{accountId}/users | Users: List |
UserApi | updateUser | PUT /accounts/{accountId}/users/{userId} | Users: Update |
UserApi | updateUserPassword | PUT /accounts/{accountId}/users/{userId}/password | Users: Update Password |
- ActivitiesResponse
- ActivitiesResponseResponse
- Activity
- ActivityFilter
- ActivityLogRequest
- AnalyticsFilter
- Asset
- AssetForLocations
- AssetTextContent
- Author
- BaseEcl
- BaseEclItem
- BaseEclSection
- Bio
- BioItem
- BioListResponse
- BioListsResponse
- BioListsResponseResponse
- BioSection
- BusinessCategoriesResponse
- BusinessCategoriesResponseResponse
- Calories
- Category
- ContentListCost
- ContentListCostOption
- ContentListPhoto
- CreateReportRequestBody
- CreateReportsResponse
- CreateReportsResponseResponse
- CreateReviewInvitationResponse
- CreateReviewInvitationsResponse
- CreateUserRequest
- CustomField
- CustomFieldResponse
- CustomFieldUpdate
- CustomFieldsResponse
- CustomFieldsResponseResponse
- CustomOption
- CustomValidation
- Duplicate
- DuplicateUnavailableReason
- DuplicatesResponse
- DuplicatesResponseResponse
- ErrorResponse
- Event
- EventItem
- EventListResponse
- EventListsResponse
- EventListsResponseResponse
- EventSection
- Folder
- FoldersResponse
- FoldersResponseResponse
- GoogleCategory
- GoogleField
- GoogleFieldsResponse
- GoogleFieldsResponseResponse
- GoogleOption
- IdResponse
- IdResponseResponse
- LanguageProfilesResponse
- LanguageProfilesResponseResponse
- LinkedAccount
- LinkedAccountResponse
- LinkedAccountResponseResponse
- LinkedAccountsResponse
- LinkedAccountsResponseResponse
- Listing
- ListingAlternateBrands
- ListingStatusDetail
- ListingsResponse
- ListingsResponseResponse
- Location
- LocationClosed
- LocationCompetitors
- LocationEducationList
- LocationGoogleAttributes
- LocationHolidayHours
- LocationPhoto
- LocationPhotoDerivatives
- LocationResponse
- LocationServiceArea
- LocationType
- LocationsResponse
- LocationsResponseResponse
- MaximumDatesResponse
- MaximumDatesResponseResponse
- Menu
- MenuItem
- MenuListResponse
- MenuListsResponse
- MenuListsResponseResponse
- MenuSection
- OptimizationTask
- OptimizationTaskLinksResponse
- OptimizationTaskLinksResponseResponse
- OptimizationTasksResponse
- OptimizationTasksResponseResponse
- Photos
- PostEntry
- Product
- ProductItem
- ProductListResponse
- ProductListsResponse
- ProductListsResponseResponse
- ProductSection
- Publisher
- PublisherAlternateBrands
- PublisherSuggestion
- PublisherSuggestionResponse
- PublisherSuggestionsResponse
- PublisherSuggestionsResponseResponse
- PublishersResponse
- PublishersResponseResponse
- ReportStatusResponse
- ReportStatusResponseResponse
- ResponseError
- ResponseMeta
- Review
- ReviewComment
- ReviewGenerationSettings
- ReviewGenerationSettingsResponse
- ReviewInvitation
- ReviewResponse
- ReviewsResponse
- ReviewsResponseResponse
- Role
- RolesResponse
- RolesResponseResponse
- SocialCommentsResponse
- SocialCommentsResponseResponse
- SocialPostsResponse
- SocialPostsResponseResponse
- UpdatePasswordRequest
- Url
- User
- UserAcl
- UserResponse
- UsersResponse
- UsersResponseResponse
- Video
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: api_key
- Location: URL query string