- Normal game mode: play as normal Moba game.
- Player per matches: 10
- Game phase :
- Pick hero phase
- Prepare Phase
- Play Phase
- End game Phase....
Unity: 2022.x
Rider: 2022.3
Source version controller: git / PlasticSCM
+ [UniTask](https://github.com/Cysharp/UniTask) : OK
+ DoTween
+ [VContainer](https://github.com/hadashiA/VContainer) (Considering)
+ PlayFab (Hope we can go until here)
+ [NaughtyAttribute](https://github.com/dbrizov/NaughtyAttributes) : OK
+ [ParallelSync](https://github.com/VeriorPies/ParrelSync) : OK
+ Odin??? (Maybe)
+ Rider Flow
+ Poly Perfect
+ Download Model From Dota official page
Unity Packages:
+ NGO: Networking Game Object : No
+ Photon Fussion (Have to check document to understanding what is under the hood)
+ New Input System : OK
+ Cinemachine
+ Addressable (Don't know if it support NGO)
System architecture:
Take responsibility on the "underlayer" (common system that have scope)
+ GameInstance.
+ NetworkingSystem (NetworkingManager, Request class,..)
+ GameSceneManager
+ AssetManager : Download Asset (Built-in, OnDemand), Load asset, check asset version, asset build pipeline,...
+ SoundManager (Sound Engineer)
+ UE like GamePlay framework
GamePlay Engineer:
+ PlayerController
+ SkillSystem (implement hero skill)
+ Item System (implement how to use item, how item react from player to player, Shop stuff,....)
+ Timing spawn creeps, Tower attack,...
UI Engineer:
+ UI relate task
Execute order rule: + LifeTimeScope exe order should be setup in this range: -10 -> -20
Note: + Explain about GC of Unity (deep dive into GC of Unity)