Speed Improvements
[performance ] Add an index document field for aggregations #181
General Enhancements
[enhancement ] Provide search examples #196
[enhancement ] Introduce separate waiting-for-data state for paged requests #193
[enhancement ] Load geneInfo in batch instead of one-by-one #192
[enhancement ] Add a mechanism for GePiFamplexIdAssigner to let GNP decide whether a gene should be mapped to Famplex/HGNC groups or not #191
[enhancement ] Switch FamPlex and HGNC IDs in the index from conceptIds to prefixed original IDs #190
[enhancement ] Extend preferredName normalization to punctuation and white spaces #188
[enhancement ] Add taxIds to index documents and filter on those #185
[enhancement ] Show message when concrete gene IDs and tax IDs are given with contradictions #184
[enhancement ] Make direct links possible #182
[enhancement ] Create index documents for unary events #180
[enhancement ] Filter out duplicates based on abbreviation introduction #179
[enhancement ] Integrate factuality (level of likelihood that an interaction actually takes place) #173
[enhancement ] Add hover effects and tooltips for sankey diagrams #172
[enhancement ] Add 6th Bootstrap grid tier #171
[enhancement ] Distribute widgets relative to breakpoints and available space #170
[enhancement ] Display messages in widges when there is no data #169
[enhancement ] Try to resolve genes by synonym if there is no match by preferredName/symbol #168
[enhancement ] Add bar plot widget #166
[enhancement ] Always show 'others' slice in pie charts when there are too many genes to show #165
[enhancement ] Make sankey diagrams so that their contents are not cropped #155
[enhancement ] Integrate Gene Name -> NCBI Gene ID mapping #118
Bug Fixes
[bug ] Deactivate B list file upload as long as A is empty #147
[bug ] Make the event type filter work for 'phosphorylation' #144
[bug ] Fix issue where b-list cannot be read from file repeatedly #134
Evaluation and Reproducibility
[evaluation ] Add a UIMA BioNLP ST gene merger component #178
[evaluation ] Add code to evaluate BioSem given GNormPlus genes #177
[evaluation ] Add code to reproduce GNormPlus evalution results in the GePI paper #176
Miscellaneous Changes
[closed ] Common partners Sankey: hide non-common edges #167
[closed ] Check if reflexive relations are returned #131
[closed ] Integrate Ensemble ID -> NCBI Gene ID mapping #119
[closed ] Remove the organism restriction of GeNo #112
[closed ] Make diagrams always use up the available space #101
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