A simple example client made in angular, to consume from a RESTful API from an externartal location.
The main cause of building this is to provide a reference for me and the team when...
- building Angular Aplications,
- interacting with web services and RESTful APIs
- using dependency/package management with NPM and Bower
- using automation with Grunt (probably will make a GULP build later on)
First we want to make sure our environment is all setup, for this we will need to install the next stuff...
NodeJS | Install node from this link right here, just follow the steps, wither in windows or unix based OSs, check if you installed it correctly by running thenext comamand on your cli
node --version
npm --version
npm is going to be our package manager for all backend related stuff
Bower | After installing NodeJS, you should have an instance of NPM installed as well, try this by running the next command:
npm install -g bower
this will install Bower globally, wich is going to be our package manager for all frontend related stuff.
Ok, now we are ( almost ) ready to start ...
This projects serves but two purposes: test $http requests against a backend RESTful API... and be able to add, delete and update users record
The following config files were created
- package.json (for backend dependencies management and project configuration)
- bower.json(for front end dependencies management)
- .bowerrc(used to configure bower)
Also, these other files were created
- server.js Where we are going to instantiate our node server
- README.md: this readme file
The dependencies I declared in our package.json file are as follow:
"description":"A backend API with a frontend purposely for adding, updating and deleting users records",
express: A multi tiered backend devcandy, used to set up our RESTful API
mongoose: ORM for mongo db, we are going to use it for our CRUD operations on the data layer
body-parser: this express extension will let us catch the request's body
morgan: our express logger, to find out where we things mainly for debugging
The dependencies declared for our frontend look as follows:
"description":"A backend API with a frontend purposely for adding, updating and deleting users records,
The directory specified below tells bower where we want our dependencies delivered:
This overrides the default directory (./bower_components) and tells bower to install stuff on "./public/vendor"
Now lets run some commandline... commands
npm install -g bower
And then
npm install
and finally
bower install
This should leave our directory tree looking somewhat like this:
| |--{backendDependencies}
| |--vendor
| |--{fronendDependencies}
If we want to run this project locally, an instance of mongodb must be set up as well.
Download MongoDB.
MongoDB is self contained, and by default will be installed in a folder such as C:\Program Files\MongoDB 2.6 Standard. Feel free to take the contents of the file and move them to something like C:\mongo so you can work more easily with it.
There is a default folder in which MongoDB tries to store your databases: \data\db or C:\data\db, you need to create this folder structure, or you can specify a path when running mongo like this:
C:\mongodb\bin\mongod.exe --dbpath d:\test\mongodb\data
Assuming that files were moved into folder C:\mongodb, with --dbpath
the path in which mongo should try to store the databases information is being overwritten to d:\test\mongodb\data
Notice that to run the "mongo" process, we need to call mongod.exe. This is pretty much the mongo server.
Once mongod is running, we can test our app's connections to the database
Note MongoDB also comes with a client that can communicate with the server and allows us to work with our data, it is a command line interface and you can start using it like this:
See more information about installing MongoDB here (windows).
The following are the list of what we are trying to achieve :
- See all our contacts in an orderly fashion
- Add some new contacts
- Delete a contact we no longer want to honor with it's row on our list
- Update some info on a contact
So our api should be something like this
GET /api/contacts : Get a json with all our contacs from our database
POST /api/contacts : Insert a new contact in the database
GET /api/contacts/:contact_id : Get a specific contact by id
DELETE /api/contacts/:contact_id : Delete a contact from the database by id
PUT /api/contacts/:contact_id : Update a specific contact by id