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Download the files into a directory of your chosing. After that add the following code to your configuration file:
(require 'package)
(setq package-archives '(("gnu" . "")
			     ("org" . "")
			     ("melpa" . "")))


(use-package IDEmacs
  :load-path "~/Documents/IDEmacs/IDEmacs-0.0.1/"
  (idemacs/personal-set-path idemacs-personal-default-path)
  (idemacs/school-set-path idemacs-school-default-path)
  (idemacs/home-set-path idemacs-home-default-path)
  (idemacs/refile-set-path idemacs-refile-default-path)
  (idemacs/sidebar-set-path idemacs-sidebar-file-default))

This is the bare minimum needed to get the package set up. DONT FORGET TO SET THE CORRECT LOAD-PATH! The load path should be the path to the directory that contains the IDEmacs files. The idemacs/personal-set-path, idemacs/school-set-path, idemacs/home-set-path, idemacs/refile-set-path, and idemacs/sidebar-set-path functions are used to set and create the org files. The default paths can be replaced with a path of your choosing.

To access idemacs-mode type M-x RET idemacs-mode. Or use the hotkey <F2>.


This is the main package and is in charge of setting up the IDEmacs-mode. This mode is a minor mode that wraps the other packages. While this package is not required to use the features found in the other packages. it helps link there functions together into a more cohesive configuration. idemacs-mode defines a keymap that can be used to set up sudo global keybinds as idemacs-mode is a global mode and work in all buffers once it is activated.



This is the theme that is applied when idemas-mode is run.
(setq IDEmacs-theme 'wombat)


The name of the font used when you enter idemacs-mode. I would recomend that you use a nerd font so that all the icons show up properly.
(setq idemacs-font-name "Victor Mono")


This is the font size that is applied when idemas-mode is run.
(setq IDEmacs-font-size 120)


If t then line numbers are added to programing modes inside of IDEmacs.
(setq Idemacs-line-numbers t)


This is a variable to take over for the built in menu bar. You can set this to disable or enable the menu bar just in idemacs-mode. Set the value to 1 to turn on the menu bar -1 to turn it off.
(setq IDEmacs-menu-bar -1)


This is a variable to take over for the built in tool bar. You can set this to disable or enable the tool bar just in idemacs-mode. Set the value to 1 to turn on the tool bar -1 to turn it off.
(setq IDEmacs-tool-bar -1)


This is a variable to take over for the built in scroll bar. You can set this to disable or enable the scroll bar just in idemacs-mode. Set the value to 1 to turn on the scroll bar -1 to turn it off.
(setq IDEmacs-scroll-bar -1)


This is a variable to take over for the built in tab bar. You can set this to disable or enable the tab bar just in idemacs-mode. Set the value to 1 to turn on the tab bar -1 to turn it off.
(setq IDEmacs-tab-bar -1)


This is a variable that will allow the battery status to be displayed on the mode line. if your system is hard wired and does not have a battery turn this off.
(setq IDEmacs-display-battery -1)


This variable will display the time on the mode line if its value is set to 1.
(setq IDEmacs-display-time 1)


If t then the sidebar is loaded when idemacs-mode is run.
(setq IDEmacs-sidebar-on-startup t)


If t then the agenda is loaded when idemacs-mode is run.
(setq IDEmacs-agenda-on-startup t)

IDEmacs User



This holds the users info such as name, age, email, and job you can set just your name or all the values as you wish. It is best to set this with the function called idemacs/user-set



This function will set the values for the idemacs-user-info. This function requirews the name of the user the other arguments are optional.

IDEmacs Orgfiles

IDEmacs-orgfiles.el is a package that holds some custom variables to help with the creation of org files. The main function is the setting and the reformating of these org files. The org files defined by default are used in the IDEmacs-mode org-capture-template setup. This file contains several groups one for each of the default org files. This is to make it eaiser to customize the groups through the customize-group interface.



This is the file and path to an org file that is used to store captured personal tasks. While you can use setq on this vaule it is recommended to set it using the idemacs/personal-set-path function.


This is the initial sting that is written to the personal org file when it is created or reformated.

	    (setq idemacs-personal-template
		  "#+CATEGORY: Personal\n\n* Projects\n* Family\n* Reminders\n* Goals\n")


This is the file and path to an org file that is used to store captured home tasks. While you can use setq on this vaule it is recommended to set it using the idemacs/home-set-path function.


This is the initial sting that is written to the home org file when it is created or reformated.

(setq idemacs-home-template "#+CATEGORY: Home\n\n* Projects\n* Errands\n* Chores\n")


This is the file and path to an org file that is used to store captured school tasks. While you can use setq on this vaule it is recommended to set it using the idemacs/school-set-path function.


This is the initial sting that is written to the school org file when it is created or reformated.

	    (setq idemacs-school-template
		  "#+CATEGORY: School\n\n* Classes\n* Assignments\n* Projects\n* Exams\n* Labs\n")


This is the file and path to an org file that is used to store refiled tasks. While you can use setq on this vaule it is recommended to set it using the idemacs/personal-set-path function.


This is the initial sting that is written to the refile org file when it is created or reformated.

	    (setq idemacs-refile-template
		  "#+CATEGORY: Completed\n\n* School\n* Home\n* Personal\n* Work\n* Other\n")




The idemacs/personal-set-path function is used to set the path to the personal org file. Use this over the standard setq. This function will create the file if it does not exisit and write the template to the file.

(idemacs/personal-set-path "~/.emacs.d/IDEmacs/OrgFiles/")


The idemacs/personal-reformat-file function is used to reformat the personal org file. This function will write the template to the file.


The idemacs/personal-set-path function is used to set the path to the personal org file. Use this over the standard setq. This function will create the file if it does not exisit and write the template to the file.

(idemacs/home-set-path "~/.emacs.d/IDEmacs/OrgFiles/")


The idemacs/home-reformat-file function is used to reformat the home org file. This function will write the template to the file


The idemacs/school-set-path function is used to set the path to the school org file. Use this over the standard setq. This function will create the file if it does not exisit and write the template to the file.

(idemacs/school-set-path "~/.emacs.d/IDEmacs/OrgFiles/")


The idemacs/school-reformat-path function is used to reformat the school org file. This function will write the template to the file.


The idemacs/refile-set-path function is used to set the path to the refile org file. Use this over the standard setq. This function will create the file if it does not exisit and write the template to the file.

(idemacs/refile-set-path "~/.emacs.d/IDEmacs/OrgFiles/")


The idemacs/refile-reformat-file function is used to reformat the refile org file. This function will write the template to the file.

IDEmacs Agenda

IDEmacs-agenda.el is a package that customizes the org-agenda to have different views built to work with the org files created by IDEmacs-orgfiles.el. The main function is the creation of the different views that are used in the IDEmacs-mode, and the capturing of information to the org files.



This is a list of tags that are added to the list of tags that are used in the agenda views. It can be set in the following way:

	    (setq idemacs--agenda-tag-list '(("name" . ?n)
					     ("work" . ?w)))



This function will pull up an agenda view in which the users daily tasks are displayed.


This function will pull up an agenda view in which the users school tasks are displayed.


This function will pull up an agenda view in which general task are displayed.


This function will capture a school class and add it to the school org file.


This function will capture a sidebar entry and add it to the sidebar org file.


This function is used to complete a class entry in the org agenda. The class entries differ from regualr todo items as they have multiple timestamps for each day of the week there is a class. This function will only update timestamps that are <= the current date by one week all other timestamps will be left alone.

IDEmacs Sidebar

The emacs side bar is a window that holds links to different files and agenda views. it acts as a mini planner that can be used to navigate to different parts of the users workflow. At the current state the user is responsiable for populating the org file with links tho I have provided a few links to get the user started.



This is the file and path to an org file that is used to store sidebar links. While you can use setq on this vaule it is recommended to set it using the idemacs/sidebar-set-path function.


This is the sting that will be written to the sidebar file when it is created or reformated.

 (setq idemacs-sidebar-template
	    "* Schedules:\n [[sidebar:daily-agenda][Daily Quest]]\n [[sidebar:school-agenda][School Agenda]]\n\n* Config\n [[IDEmacs_file:~/.emacs.d/init.el][Init File]]\n")


This can be set to change the name of the link type. That would be in ‘[[link-type:query|files|format] [name]]’

(setq idemacs-sidebar-link-name "sidebar")


Determines how wide the sidebar will be.

(setq idemacs-sidebar-width 30)


Determines the lighter for the sidebar. A lighter is the symbol that shows up on the mode line to determine which minor modes are active.

(setq idemacs-sidebar-lighter " Sidebar")



The idemacs/sidebar-set-path function is used to set the path to the sidebar org file. Use this over the standard setq. This function will create the file if it does not exisit and write the template to the file.

(idemacs/sidebar-set-path "~/.emacs.d/IDEmacs/OrgFiles/")


This function will wipe the sidebar file so be careful when using it. After the file has been wipped it will have the idemacs-sidebar-template written to it.


This opens the sidebar and enables idemacs-sidebar-mode.


Turns the sidebar on and off.


Inserts a new link below the pont.


A Custom Package for Emacs tailored to my needs







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