You can already clone this repository from your favorite package manager to neovim.
I personaly prefer Packer but i think it'll work on yours if you translate this command :
use {'rktjmp/lush.nvim'}
use {'JLighter/aura.nvim'}
After installing the plugin, you can load aura like so:
" Vim Script
colorscheme aura
-- Lua
vim.cmd[[colorscheme aura]]
- Neovim 0.5 or greater required to use Lush as a development tool
- Minimal theme
- Support Gitsigns
- Support Nvimtree
- Support Fugitive
- Support common languages
- golang
- java
- xml
- viml
- c
- python
- clojure
- html
- css
- javascript
- typescript
- jsx
- purescript
- coffeescript
- ruby
- objective-c
- moonscript
- elixir
- scale
- markdown
- haskell
- json
- c#
- rust
- ocaml
- lua
- Support Lualine
- Support Treesitter
- Support common languages
- Support Neovim LSP
- Make it portable
JLighter |
Kavin Valli |