Time for the Planet is a website to help raise money and find entrepreneurs to create companies dedicated to fight climate change.
Purchasing shares is done using a Typeform, whose link is found on this page.
Projets content is controlled by editors via a CMS.
Check the website : https://www.time-planet.com
Mon CDI is developped using Ruby on Rails.
For JavaScript, it uses the framework Stimulus.
Editor can publish new projects using the CMS Prismic.
A continuous integration system is set up using Circle CI to launch tests from Github. The website is deployed through Heroku. Errors are catched with Sentry.
Sidekiq is used for background processing.
This website uses only the grid system of Bootstrap
git clone [email protected]:EmmanuelleN/time-planet.git
cd mon-time-planet
ruby -v
The ouput should start with something like ruby 2.6.5
If not, install the right ruby version using rbenv (it could take a while):
rbenv install 2.6.5
Using Bundler and Yarn:
bundle && yarn
The environment variables are set using the dotenv gem. To get the variables, contact the developper at [email protected] (sensitive data).
rails db:create db:migrate db:seed
Using the command line:
heroku git:remote -a time-planet
Start rails server :
rails s
Start sidekiq to enable background processing
Deploy to production :
git push heroku master
Be careful when deploying, always add new environment variables to Heroku before deploying, and migrate the database and restart > the server after deploying if needed.