- 🧬 UniverSeg - Universal Medical Image Segmentation Models
- 🌿 ShrinkBench - Neural Network Pruning Framework
- 🔥 Hyperlight - Hypernetworks in Pytorch made easy
- ⚡ Thunderpack - Blazingly fast multi-modal data format
- 🚀 Pylot - Experiment management for deep learning science
- ⚙️ Dotfiles - Personal Configs
- 🖥️ macOS-setup - macOS install automation with Ansible
- ⌨️ Missing Semester - The Missing Semester of Your CS Education
- 🎄 Advent of Code - Advent of Code Programming Challenges
- 💡 LED Cube - I designed, built and coded a 3D LED cube
- Neovim - My editor of choice
- Syncthing - File Synchronization that works
- PyTorch - Deep Learning for humans
- Redis & LMDB - Blazingly fast DBs
- Pydantic & Typer - Python validation through type-hints
- Wireguard - Best VPN UX on the market
- Ansible & Docker Compose - For my IT automation needs
- BorgBackup - Deduplicated, compressed and encrypted backups
- LZ4 - Extremely Fast Compression
- Anki - Battle tested spaced repetition
- Fira Sans & Fira Mono - Good typography