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dan1st edited this page Aug 6, 2020 · 3 revisions

Nightdream Wiki

List of Commands


bio The first Discord-based UI in Java

dice Shows a random number from one to a given number

github Displays information about a repository, user or organization

mvn Allows you to view info about a maven artifact

dns Resolve an address

npm Allows you to view info about an NPM package

avatar Shows your (or someone else's) Avatar

pull Moves other users to your voice channel

license displays information about a License(using GitHub)

  • licence <spdx_id> shows information of a license given its id
  • license advice displays a disclaimer

calc or math Does some calculation for you


choose Chooses an option from a list

rate Rates a User (randomly between 1 and 100)

lyrics Seaches a song by its lyrics

quiz Asks a question everyone in the channel (but there are not many questions)

profile Shows & manages your profile:

  • profile help displays help to this command
  • profile color allows you to set your profile color
  • profile description or profile desc allows you to change your profile description
  • profile name allows you to change your profile name
  • profile link adds a link to your profile
  • profile link reset removes all links from your profile

trivia Asks a question everyone in the channel (and there are more questions than in quiz)

snow generates or shows information about Discord Snowflakes

  • snow generates a snowflake
  • snow <ID> shows information about a given Snowflake


activity Changes the bot's activity

prefix Sets the prefix for the current Server

reload reloads stuff

  • reload login or reload reconnect disconnects and reconnects
  • reload guild reloads settings for the current guild
  • reload or reload props reloads the configuration and all settings.
  • reload msgcache deletes the message cache

msglog Sets up a log channel for deleted messages


inviteme Displays the Support Server invite and an invite link for the Bot

ping Displays the Bot ping and latency

privacy Displays the privacy policy

seval Evaluates Code using beanshell, but silently

vote Displays a link to vote for the Bot on Discord Bot List

info Displays bot information

bugreport Files a bug report

help shows all commands with a short description

  • help <command> displays the description of one or more commands (or all commands starting with the parameters)

eval Evaluates Code using beanshell engine

fixed Reports a bug as fixed

shell executes a shell command


cute Shows you a cute picture

yn Answer a yes/no question (randomly)

neko Sends a neko image

photo Gets a photo from Pixabay

hug Hugs someone or yourself

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