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The solid backbone of TeamPicks - End of a First Chapter

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@JDGiacomantonio-98 JDGiacomantonio-98 released this 20 Jul 23:07
· 4 commits to master since this release

This is the FIRST RELEASE of TeamPicks.

( 6h+ timelapse video: )

Within it you will find a ton of avoidable code, but a kilo-ton of passionate work and curios research made by me trying to create something of value, starting from a fuzzy idea (great things hardly born from straight "we-have-all-set-up-dont-worry stuff) : having a place where searching for local pubs in your city which stream live a sport match is easy.

A lot has changes since we ( or I ) started, almost 10 months from Sept 2019, now TeamPicks has a real shape, a solid customer value proposition and a very good fit between the activites you can do on it. I am currently rewriting this description due to a thermal pc shutdown, so i will not go again far into the detail but, in brief i can say that : now you have several reason to log into TeamPicks. As an user you can discover that in your city "never-heard-of" communities are alive. As an owner, TeamPicks offers you a reliable and easy-to-use new channel of promotion, fullfilled with a lot of useful tools for capturing and handling new revenues (TeamPicks reservation management system).

Developing TeamPicks taught me a lot (this is well documented in the commits tree), stole me a lot of sleep trought debugging and gave me some of the best satisfactions. Moreover, I had the chance to rebuild old moldy friendships : a big thanks goes to Marco Ricci (@marcoricci) whose helped me dealing with the front-end nightmare.

Even if TeamPicks will be presented tomorrow (21 July) to the examiners as a final build, i really hope this work do not die here, rather i would love to see it capturing others curiosity as it did with mine, ... and maybe work together on it.

(email me at: [email protected])

See ya soon with new, exciting, lets-hope-all-goes-well-tomorrow updates !