Fast resource locking system based on redis.
Inherited from Every methods work with collections, and the redis commands are pipelined to reduce network exchanges, to gain performances. More cluster friendly because expire events are watched from redis instead of local memory.
npm install fast-locky
var Locky = require('fast-locky');
// Create a new locky client.
var locky = new Locky();
// Lock the resource 'article:12' with the locker 20.
locky.lock([{ resource: 'article:12', locker: 20 }]).then(...);
// Extends the lock TTL of the resource 'article:12'.
// Unlock the resource 'article:12.
// Get the locker of the resource 'article:12'.
Create a new locky client with some options.
Type: Object
or Function
If you specify an object, the properties will be used to call redis.createClient
new Locky({
redis: {
port: 6379,
host: '',
connect_timeout: 200
If you specify a function, it will be called to create redis clients. You could use a then-redis connector (cf.
var redis = require('then-redis');
new Locky({ redis: createClient })
function createClient() {
var client = redis.createClient();; // Choose a custom database.
return client;
Type: Number
Define the expiration time of the lock in ms. Defaults to null
(no expiration).
new Locky({ ttl: 2000 })
Lock a resource for a locker.
If the resource was already locked,
you can't lock it but by passing force: true
resource: 'article:23',
locker: 20
}], true)
.then((locked) => console.log(locked)); // true the lock has been taken
Type: String
| Number
Which resource would you like to lock.
Type: String
| Number
Which locker should lock the resource, can by any string.
Type: Boolean
Should we take a lock if it's already locked?
Refresh the lock ttl of a resource, if the resource is not locked, do nothing.
// Refresh the resource "article:23".
Unlock a resource, if the resource is not locked, do nothing.
// Unlock the resource "article:23".
Return the locker of a resource, if the resource is not locked, return null
// Return the locker of the resource "article:23".
Emitted when a resource is locked.
locky.on('lock', (resource, locker) => { ... });
Emitted when a resource is unlocked.
locky.on('unlock', (resource) => { ... });
Emitted when the lock on a resource has expired.
locky.on('expire', (resource) => { ... });
Emitted when locky catches an error.
locky.on('error', (error) => { ... });