WebPack plugin to upload built script files to PlayCanvas.
npm install --save playcanvas-webpack-plugin
Build your WebPack output one time.
Go to your account settings and scroll down to API Tokens and generate a new one.
Go to the project overview page and copy the project id from the URL.
Go to the PlayCanvas editor for your project on the web.
Go to version control and note the branch id of the current/wanted branch.
Drop the build file into the assets window.
Select the build file you dropped in the assets window of the PlayCanvas editor and note its Asset Id in the properties panel. Use this in your WebPack configuration along with the API token, branch id and the project id.
In your webpack config add the plugin and configure its options:
var PlayCanvasWebpackPlugin = require('playcanvas-webpack-plugin')
module.exports = {
entry: {
"your_build": './path/to/entry/point.js'
output: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'build'),
filename: '[name].output.js', //Example only, use what you like
publicPath: '/'
plugins: [
new PlayCanvasWebpackPlugin({
bearer: 'YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN', // From the step above
project: YOUR_PROJECT_ID, // From the step above
branchid: YOUR_BRANCH_ID, // From the step above
files: {
"your_build.output.js": { //Name of your build output
path: "your_build.output.js", //Name in PlayCanvas, normally the same
assetId: ASSET_ID //Asset ID from the step above
You can use an additional option of skipUpload
if you want to have conditional build
logic to not upload your output files.