NodeJS server that fetch The Movie DB API information and post reviews in postgres database.
Tools used to implement the Backend:
- Express: expose the BackEnd server APIs with a routing framework built-in the library.
- TypeORM: implement the relational database schema in the application layer supported on the ORM features.
- PostgreSQL: relational database system.
- Axios: external REST request tool.
- Bcrypt: cyphering library.
- JWT: used to handle authentication and authorization of the BackEnd APIs
- Joi: helps to run REST request body and query-params validations.
- Jest: integrates with ts-jest for the implementation of the unit tests.
Instructions to run the backend server
Enter into the backend directory:
cd backend
Deploy on local machine.
1.1 Connect your local machine to a postgres db-server.
1.2 Create a new connection in localhost that follows the./ormconfig.ts
1.3 Create a new database with namedb
and another with the namedb_test
for the integration test.
1.4 Install the dependencies and devDependencies and to start the server wheter for production or development, run:npm install npm run start[:dev]
Deploy with docker.
just rundocker-compose up -d
in terminal in the root directory -
Theres the option of exploring the services using the Postman collection available in the root directory. Import the file 'Movie reviewer.postman_collection.json' to postman and create a new env variable called
with the value of 'http://localhost:8080'. -
All the code is documented in
The API REST docs is available in github-pages in this link:
Test: Run the test suite running:
npm run test
Tools used to implement the Frontend:
- React: Create multiple components, and reactive behaviour of them using hooks.
- Redux: Handles the global states in the navigation within the app.
- Yup: Helps to validate forms schemas.
Instructions to run the frontend client
Enter into the backend directory:
cd backend
Deploy on local machine.
1.1 Connect your local machine to a postgres db-server.
1.2 Create a new connection in localhost that follows the./ormconfig.ts
1.3 Create a new database with namedb
and another with the namedb_test
for the integration test.
1.4 Install the dependencies and devDependencies and to start the server wheter for production or development, run:npm install npm run start[:dev]
Enter into the frontend directory:
cd frontend
Deploy on local machine.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and to start the client in development environment, run:
npm install npm run start