A port to make CP2K input files for fc calculation of alamode software and some useful postprocessing tools
cat2fc.m : creat fractinal coordinate data from cartesian coordinate of xyz files
alm2cp.m : using MATLAB to create CP2K input files and coordinate files from xyz files and configuration files
fc2alm.m : using MATLAB to create alamode input DFSETs from force files exported from CP2K and configuration files
drawspec.m : using MATLAB to draw spectral heat conductivity in form of .kl.spec
drawmodes.m : using MATLAB to draw phonon eigenmodes of system
enlarge the unit cell and fully optimize it using CP2K.
grep the cartesian coordinates of the last optimization step from xyz files and cell parameters from cell files, then create another xyz file as input of cat2fc.
get fractional coordinates and then copy it to alamode input files, then suggest the displacement using alm, finally get the configuration files as input
run alm2cp.m then get CP2K inputs
run CP2K codes using circulation of bash scripts
run fc2alm.m then get DFSETs
run anphon then get force constants for other jobs