The SSD1306Ascii is a very good library, well structured and uses a small amount of memory. I learnt a lot about characters rendering from it, so big thanks to the author. This fork is to fit the library with the Sunfy328 project (, but the changes could be useful to other people that need to show multiple screens of properties.
- The reverse mask, for double size characters, has been replaced with a normal mask char with a line at the bottom. Used for screen titles.
- [ char produces a 1 pixel separator
- ] char produces a 4 pixels separator
- ^ char feeds the line with empty separators
- some replaced chars, for the battery icon, don't want a separator
- double size chars don't have automatically a double size separator
- the SH1106 (1.3 inches) screen seems to like 9V pump
Note: Version 1.2.x has several new examples and many changes/new features.
SSD1306Ascii is an unbuffered character only library for small OLED displays like the Adafruit 1.3" and 0.96" Monochrome displays.
Many low cost OLED displays with SSD1306 controllers are available on ebay.
SSD1306Ascii runs on Arduino AVR boards, Arduino Due and many other Arduino style boards that have the SPI or Wire library.
Please read the html documentation in the SSD1306Ascii/doc folder.
Click on SSD1306Ascii.html in the doc folder.
Several options can be set by editing SSD1306Ascii/src/SSD1306Ascii.h.
The SSD1306Ascii library only requires a few bytes of RAM.
Here is Uno memory use for the SPI "Hello world!" example with scrolling disabled:
Sketch uses 2928 bytes (9%) of program storage space. Maximum is 32256 bytes.
Global variables use 54 bytes (2%) of dynamic memory, leaving 1994 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 2048 bytes.