A Standalone Scenario editor for Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2
Powered by the Hack.io Libraries
- Added Dark Mode
- Added a nice Game Check, thanks to Lord-Giganticus
- Started adding SMG1 support
- Added Discord Rich Presence
- Editing Scenario files
- Adding/Removing Scenarios
- Renaming Scenarios
- Setting what stars are able to be found on that Scenario
- Setting what Layers each Zone will use
- Adding/Editing/Removing Zone Names
- Setting the Star Type
- Setting up Comets
- Easy access to PowerStarAppear objects
- Reordering the ZoneList
- Nice "At a Glance" review visuals
SMG1 is very broken, DO NOT EDIT SMG1 YET!!!
Razius - Created the SMG HD Graphics package, which the HD SMG Icons are from