Welcome to the Redemption competition! This competition is designed to challenge your skills in machine learning through practical tasks. This event is hosted by ML Wing of Axios and GDSC.
Please read the rules and guidelines carefully before participating.
Dataset Drive Link : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1S43n6TSyz2LjuaRDvv9COmLGnBFExxl0
The second and last round of Redemption have the following rules:
- There are 3 hard issues to solve.
- There is no need to get any issue assigned
- All issues are 'always-open'(Issues labeled with "Always Open" are available for submission throughout the competition. The main criteria for evaluating PRs on these issues will be the maximum accuracy achieved.)
- Separate PRs for Each Issue.
- Three people will be chosen as winners.
Note: Unqualified participants can also solve any issue they want for the sake of learning. ✏️
- Participants are strictly prohibited from copying code from other PRs. Plagiarism will result in disqualification from the competition.
Fork this repository to your GitHub account.
Clone the forked repository to your local machine.
git clone https://github.com/your-username/redemption-competition.git
Create a new branch for each issue you are working on.
git checkout -b your-branch-name
Work on the issue, commit your changes, and push to your forked repository.
git add . git commit -m "Descriptive commit message" git push origin your-branch-name
Create a Pull Request to the main repository for review and evaluation.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact any member of wing. We are here to help you all.
Happy coding and good luck with the competition!