Emulated HMcode2020 non-linear power spectra for fast weak lensing analysis.
To install it, just clone the repository, go to the folder and do
pip install . [--user]
Required python packages:
- numpy
- scipy
- cosmopower
For tutorials:
- matplotlib
import HMcode2020Emu as hmcodeemu
params = {
'omega_cdm' : [0.315],
'As' : [np.exp(3.07)*1.e-10],
'omega_baryon' : [0.05],
'ns' : [0.96],
'hubble' : [0.67],
'neutrino_mass' : [0.0],
'w0' : [-1.0],
'wa' : [0.0],
'log10TAGN' : [7.8],
'z' : [0.]
emulator = hmcodeemu.Matter_powerspectrum()
k_lin, pk_lin_total = emulator.get_linear_pk(nonu=False, **params)
k_lin, pk_lin_nonu = emulator.get_linear_pk(nonu=True, **params)
k_nonlin, pk_nonlin_total = emulator.get_nonlinear_pk(baryonic_boost=True, **params)
Note that for neutrino calculations we assume 2 massless neutrinos and 1 massive neutrino with the mass equal to 'neutrino_mass'. You can also see an example in the tutorials-folder.
parameter | limits |
omega_cdm | [0.15, 0.6] |
omega_baryon | [0.03, 0.07] |
hubble | [0.5, 0.9] |
As | [0.547e-9, 5.459e-9] |
ns | [0.6, 1.2] |
neutrino_mass | [0., 0.5] |
w0 | [-1.5, -0.3] |
wa | [-2., 2.] |
log10TAGN | [7.6, 8.3] |
z | [0.0, 3.] |
k_lin | [1e-4, 50] |
k_nonlin | [0.01, 50] |