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iwanjiru edited this page Sep 15, 2022 · 9 revisions

Login Screen


  • Here, the admin logs in with their username and password then proceeds to the application.

Dashboard Screen


  • Here, the admin is able to view the number of users and groups created in the system and access the users and groups pages on clicking the tiles.

Users List


  • Here, the admin is able to view the users currently registered in the system, add a user, edit and delete an existing user.

Create New User Screen


  • Here, the admin can create a new user by filling in the required credentials.

Groups List Screen


  • Here, the admin is able to view the list of all groups created, edit and delete the groups as required.

Create New Group Screen


  • Here the admin can create a new group and assign roles to it.

Assign User to Group Screen


  • Here, the admin can assign a user to one or more groups and assign them a role.

My Account Information Screen


  • Here, the user can view their information - username, userID and the groups they belong to. They can also edit this information.

Password Reset Screen - Email


  • Here, when the admin forgets their password, they input their email so as to request the password reset link.

Password Reset Screen


  • Here, the admin resets their password through the link provided to them on email.
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