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iwanjiru edited this page Oct 17, 2022 · 9 revisions

Login Screen


  • Here, the admin logs in with their username and password then proceeds to the application.

Dashboard Screen


  • Here, the admin is able to view the number of users and groups created in the system and access the users and groups pages on clicking the tiles.

Users List

user list

  • Here, the admin is able to view the users currently registered in the system, add a user, edit and delete an existing user.

Create New User Screen

create new user

  • Here, the admin can create a new user by filling in the required credentials.

Groups List Screen

groups list

  • Here, the admin is able to view the list of all groups created and delete the groups as required.

Create New Group Screen

new group

  • Here the admin can create a new group using the group ID and a group name.

Assign User to Group Screen


  • Here, the admin can assign a user to a group and assign them a role.

My Account Information Screen

my acc

  • Here, the user can view their information - username, userID and the groups they belong to.

Password Reset Screen - Email

password link

  • Here, when the admin forgets their password, they input their email so as to request the password reset link.

Password Reset Screen


  • Here, the admin resets their password through the link provided to them on email.
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