SiVote is a internet voting that supports secret ballots and is intended for private organizations. System is comprised of at least two modules - you'll also need the SiVote Engine.
SiVote Sender contains functionality connected to managing lists of voters and sending emails (including ballot invitations).
You can use the hosted version at that's free for smaller organizations.
You can use the included Docker compose image or deploy directly (see image for requirements).
cp .env.example .env
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec evote_app bash
composer install
php artisan migrate
yarn install
yarn dev
You'll need to setup Amazon SES (for email sending) and Amazon SNS (to track email delivery).
To enable email sending to work properly during local development we suggest you use ngrok
ngrok http sender.evote.local:80
then update the subscription:
We've published a number of articles explaning all the aspects of the model and system on the website
If you have any feedback or need support, please reach out to us at [email protected]